camp YOU NEVER GAVE A WARNING SIGN // judgment and punishment

// @BASILWHISKER feel free to post before him!

The walk back home felt cold. A sense of hopelessness filled the tabby as she stared at the ground, ears limp against her skull. Is this how Emberstar had felt when she discovered Cinderfrost’s crime against the ShadowClan medicine cat? Hopeless, with the knowledge she’d been housing a cat capable of such things? She couldn’t even bear to look at Basilwhisker as she leads her clanmates back through the brambles that protect their camp. She only tells the young warrior to wait in the center of the clearing before summoning her council to her den, all but Sunfreckle who remains in the nursery.

It takes hours of deliberation before the leader, deputy, and lead warriors filter out of the small cave. By now, word has traveled around camp, whispers and wide eyes surrounding her. She looks defeated as she climbs to the top of the Highrock and stares down at the pointed tom. The clearing falls silent before she finally bellows, “Basilwhisker, you have been accused of and have admitted to pushing a clanmate onto the thunderpath in anger, causing him to be hit by a monster. You knew this, and you left him there. You lied about what happened to the entire clan. Sunnyday is alive thanks to ShadowClan - you were prepared to leave him there to die. This was not in self-defense, but an act of revenge. What do you have to say for yourself?”

Her narrowed green eyes pierce him where he stands down below, her pluming tail lifting high in anger. Her ears are no longer flat, but pressed forward with dominance. With tensed muscles, she awaits his answer.
  • Dead
Leopardtongue couldn't believe the rumors that she had heard through camp, the soft whispers of how Sunnyday had ran off to ShadowClan only to hours later hear that he did not, in fact, go to ShadowClan willingly, and that he had to be dragged there off the thunderpath by ShadowClanners themselves because he had been pushed onto it. There had been many rumors about who had done the pushing - had it been a rogue, a loner, or was it a ThunderClanner? One name circled around when it came to the ThunderClanner theory though - Basilwhisker - and when Howlingstar had gotten back to camp, a patrol following behind her only to gather the council to speak, Leopardtongue felt a lump in her throat slowly form. She tried to continue on with camp life, tried to eat and talk like normal, but things kept circling back around to the topic of Sunnyday and his death or near death, but the consensus was the same from every cat she talked to - everyone was waiting for Howlingstar to come out, for her to say what had happened.

When she saw the cats filter out of their meeting, Leopardtongue found herself watching Howlingstar and Howlingstar alone, ears pricked and eyes widening slightly as the older female climbed up onto Highrock, and her stomach dropped when she began to speak. So it was true, Basilwhisker had pushed Sunnyday into the Thunderpath, had almost killed him. She wanted to speak, wanted to yell at the younger warrior, ask him what he was thinking but she found herself stunned into silence as Howlingstar waited on an answer from the tom.

  • "speaking" // thinking // action
    Leopardtongue - 33 moons - she/her - ThunderClan - warrior
    MEDIUM physically // MEDIUM mentally


since freckleflame was old enough to know who sunnyday was, she’d not been a fan ; bleary memories of the golden warrior and.. someone else, her mind fuzzes further with each face she sees. she remembers a paw drawn slow over the belly and subsequent horror, she remembers moons of backtalk — the mere thought makes her flinch still, bulk of her mottled form curling in on itself despite her proud stance. their departure to shadowclan had been far from the beginning of swirling rumors, a constant, ever - steady murmur of nerve riddled voices merging into an unpleasant hum at the back of her skull. freckleflame didn’t like this, this feeling. the churning of her stomach and cold, burr - prickle feeling in her paws that intensifies the moment grass sways at the entrance to camp. she lifts to appease the burning in her paws, thick fur puffed and eyes wide as she watches howlingstar place basilwhisker in the middle of camp, and stalk away to call her father from the nursery. the woman slinks towards the nursery, head low and heavy coat swaying with each hopping, crouched step to intercept her baby siblings ever - present curiosity.

she settles with a huff outside the nursery, aims to sway her tail at the entrance the second one of her siblings aims to tumble from the mossy den. an obstacle, depending on how this meeting should go — stories and rumors of cinderfrost swirl in her head and ears lower, pale pink bottom lip bitten a cherry red. she is waiting, waiting in the sun when the council finally emerges from the dreadful maw of howlingstar’s den. seaglass eyes blink upwards, blink wide towards the nearest clanmate as if to say uh oh with blown pupils alone. when her leader speaks, her stomach tumbles into her paws, electrifies the length of her forearms and leaves her bitten cold with dread. he’d.. pushed him onto the thunderpath? he tried to kill him? his own clanmate?

she’s never considered it before, never felt the ringing in her ears echoing new anxiety into her skull. freckleflame swallows hard, uncharacteristically silent as she casts her gaze towards basilwhisker. say it wasn’t true? shadowclan were liars, weren’t they?

  • i.
  • FRECKLEFLAME ——————— of thunderclan ⠀ 𓍊𓋼 ⠀ . ׁ
    f. she / her, daughter of sunfreckle and rabbitnose. large, cream patched tortoiseshell she - cat with pale green eyes. fire - forged, smoldering ; shades of vibrant russet, dousing swathes of shadow and interwoven with ribbons pale cream come to drape like licks of flame over a well - toned form. in warriorhood she has grown to full, hulking height ; unspecified maine coon heritage born of sunfreckle's kittypet background shows itself in large, round paws and tufted, long - furred toes set upon thick, tabby - splotched limbs. freckleflame is broad shouldered and square - jawed, wild cheek fur like the blazing edges of a red sun — a hulking, thick - furred thunderclan warrior, forever blaze - kissed. a characteristic lack of personal space leads her to a slouching, touchy posture, often inclined to lean or bump against her peers, all while beating a lazy, heavy - eyed grin.

  • IMG_1436.png


He had prayed that the rumours buzzing through the camp weren't true, but when Howlingstar addressed the crowd after the longest of waits he was made to accept that things were truly dire. Sure, he understood that Sunnyday was... a difficult guy to get along with, one who had committed a major wrong when it had come to Sandpaw and Lichenpaw, but for a clanmate to go out of their way to chase the tom away? And then to abandon a warrior to die alone on a thunderpath? Shiningsun couldn't hide the look of utter disgust. There was no room for smiles here, no attempt to find the light within the darkness. At least Sunnyday had lived by some form of blessing. Maybe now the tom would be far more humbler upon his return... if he was capable of returning that is. Just what sort of condition was the tom even in? The fact that ShadowClan had been swayed enough to take him in was enough to rouse his worst suspicions.

The tom's normally kind gaze was soon locked upon Basilwhisker as he waited for the warrior to respond, and all he had to offer was a smouldering fury. Though he still found himself asking why Basilwhisker had done such a thing in the first place, then lied to all their faces. Tricked into believing that they were dealing with a traitor when in reality they had been contending with an attempted murder.

Murder was unforgiveable. That much was a truth in Batwing's mind- no matter the reason, was there good cause ever to take a cat's life? TO justify their death, and their utter loss of life in the gaze of the sun and the stars? Obviously, some things were good reason, but they were mostly unspeakable. Innocent cats got murdered for little reason, more often then not. To even attempt it, knowing the Thunderpath is dangerous? To even be thinking about that kind of thing near the Thunderpath....

Batwing had watched the patrol returned, and the murmurs circling camp had him on edge. His eyes narrowed down at his paws, settled next to Leopardtongue for most of the day. He didn't seem to move much, swimming in the past that seemed to continue to flood his mind. He just barely started when Howlingstar stepped out of her cave and up onto the Highrock. The entire clearing seemed to either be staring at the leader, or turning their gaze unto Basilwhisker. Batwing's ears flattened, gaze dropping down to his paws again. There is no good reason. There is NEVER a good reason. He thought to himself, his thoughts jumbled together like knotted yarn. ​

Flycatcher pads out of the leader's den with his held low, a similar look of defeat etched upon his features. The discussions between the leader, deputy, and lead warriors had been long and thorough, and although it needed to be discussed given the severity of the situation, Flycatcher would have been lying if he said he wasn't exhausted.

When Howlingstar calls a meeting, Flycatcher cannot say he is surprised to see cats already looking expectantly for news. He imagined word had likely gotten around from some of the warriors on that patrol about what had happened, and seeing all the cats slip into the leader's den to discuss things had likely only cause more gossip to float around. Howlingstar lists Basilwhisker's crimes for all the clan to hear, and Flycatcher sees shock on the faces of his clanmates. He too had been shocked once Howlingstar had returned and spoke of what happened. Sunnyday was a difficult cat to work with it was true, but to do what Basilwhisker had done was wrong. So, so, so wrong. Not only had he shoved his clanmate onto the thunderpath and then left him for dead, but he had also proceeded to lie to their faces and claim that Sunnyday had fled of his own free will. Flycatcher glances toward Howlingstar as she finishes speaking, and then turns his cool green eyes towards Basilwhisker, intrigued by what he had to say for himself on the matter.
Tansy is drawn from the nursery, where the she-cat had lay for days following Coalkits disappearance. Barely eating, barely grooming- she barely pays any mind to little Shardkit and Tigerkit tucked in to her nest, nearly stumbling over them as her body drones on. She's briefly aware of Freckleflame trying to keep Sunfreckles children at bay but she can barely find it in her to care. She meets her eyes, widened, large pupils. Tansy only slighty nods, then looks away. She feels ashamed to meet anyones eyes at this point. The cinnamon pelted queen follows a rhythmless dance towards where Howlingstar had begun a trial.

A trial for what...?

Oh. Oh. She blinks up to her friend, incredulous- Basilwhisker did all of that? Tansy had no big opinion on Sunnyday but the shock of hearing the atrocity commited against him is enough to draw her out of her cloud of grief, even if for a few minutes. Her hackles rise as her lips pull back in a snarl, ears flattening against her skull as she stares Basilwhisker down. A look of anger is out of place for her, nothing as intense had shown itself on her face for the past moons. Drive him out! Her mind keeps screaming and screaming, what if it had been him who led Coalkit out? She's not in her right mind as claws slip to dig in to the dirt below, kneading in a pace that destroys the grass below. And what if, left unchecked, would he do that to another clanmate? She thinks of Crystal. If it had been him, she was sure she would have lost it. Sunnyday is still a fellow member of the clan, even if most don't like him.

She feels sick. She cannot bring herself to look at what she had once considered a clanmate. She looks away, for the second time today.

  • 69486748_y5cR04vw5JVHy1O-removebg-preview.png
    -> tansy ,, tansyshine
    -> cis female ,, she/her ,, 34 months
    -> permaqueen of thunderclan ,, former marsh grouper
    -> fluffy cinnamon solid with low white and ice blue eyes
    -> “speech, a789cf” ,, thoughts
    -> bisexual ,, padding after lily pad ,, mother to many
    -> smells like wildflowers
    -> image by @wrendoings [ disc ]
⋆⍋ It felt eerily similar on the trail back home, how silent he had been on that morning patrol. Not that Basilwhisker had anything to say after all that, and even if he did, the back-and-forth of traveling nearly the entire day was exhausting. The pointed tom wasn't unaware patrols normally exhausted him, not the type to endure such long stretches of activity, but it felt like a snake had coiled itself around his lungs. Constricting every breath the longer he went on.

Though he should be fearful about what he should face upon returning, he can only feel relief for having the moment to rest. It's... an unusual response. He hadn't waited more than a moment after Howlingstar commanded him to wait before his chin met his paws. His breaths were hot, heavy puffs. Trying to catch up on all the air he had lost from his coughs. If Lichenpaw had joined him in his rest, he doesn't appear to be aware. He's hardly aware of any stares his Clanmates make, overwhelmed by the desire to simply... rest.

The hours dragged on as his fate was deliberated in the privacy of his leader's den. His focus placed on concentrating to breathe, fleeting thoughts on his fate came in and out. He thought of Lichenpaw's defense, how it had fallen so flatly and he cannot blame his brother. Part of him hoped that Howlingstar would keep the attention of his crime away from Lichenpaw entirely. That she wouldn't deem them both traitors, that Lichenpaw would still remain safe as their Medicine Cat apprentice.

Then, bodies move from the dark cavern. The black tabby exited to announce his wrongdoings, and at last Basilwhisker rose to a rocky sit. He faced her, still. Though his head was swimming and he felt heat gather underneath his skin, he did not pry his eyes away from hers. He would not face this as a coward.

'What do you have to say for yourself?' There's silence. As it began to stretch, one could easily consider Basilwhisker having nothing to say at all. He thought of what he had told Lichenpaw on their way to the Thunderpath. The truth, he had told him the truth and he hadn't immediately shown disgust or anger. He lied to the others and now he was finding the very reactions he sought to avoid. Ah, a lesson too late for his sake now. At the very least, if saying the truth did not provide anything for himself, it may be worth something to his Clanmates. If anything at all.

"It's no excuse, I did leave Sunnyday to die. I acted in revenge and... anger, without thinking at all. I suppose, the only thing I have to say is the truth." He paused to take a breath. This talking made him dizzy. He can't recall a time he's ever spoken so much, especially in front of so many.

"When we left, the four of us, I wasn't planning for it to happen. This wasn't something I plotted or schemed for moons. Perhaps I had envisioned Sunnyday getting done in by a pack of dogs or something but, never by my own paws. I didn't think I was capable." He still didn't. He merely pushed the golden tom, had they been in a real fight Sunnyday could have easily won in strength and experience. "When we split up it was the first time I had ever been alone with Sunnyday after what he had done. I don't have experience with anger or..." Pretty much any other than neutral enjoyment. He had always kept them so guarded for his own defense.

He doesn't finish the sentence, continuing on. Another moment to breathe, he felt his mouth growing dry. Maybe that was more for what he was about to say than whatever ailed his lungs, though. "I gave into petty urges to argue, and we did. It kept building up and I decided he hadn't been punished enough, he shouldn't be in ThunderClan anymore. I wanted to scare him off, anywhere but here anymore. We were so wrapped up in it neither of us heard the monster approaching and it hit him." His description overall isn't very emotive, but that's not unusual for him. He stated it all as though he were giving a patrol report.

"I didn't think he would survive it, but I didn't wait to see if he would either. I thought it would be better for everyone if they simply believed he ran away and didn't wait to cross. That if I told the truth and said it was an accident, and I didn't want him dead, I would still be in the same spot I am now."

With that, he returned to his silent state as before. The end marked by his gaze tearing from Howlingstar's to rest on the ground before him, his head hanging low while he focused on keeping himself upright.
Last edited:
WE HAVE YET TO CRASH ✧°.☀ —————————————————————————————
News spread like wildfire. Murmurs shared, glances given and stares fixed. Lightstrike was among them, green eyes watching as the council entered Howlingstar's den and waiting for them to return.

Return they did, and their leader's voice seemed to boom throughout the camp and echo in his ears. Basilwhisker had attempted to murder Sunnyday by pushing him beneath the paws of a monster. Murder.

All heads turned at once, his own snapping in the accused's direction. Basilwhisker began to prattle about revenge and unintended results, about petty squabbling and impulsive actions. He didn't give a shit, really, about the defense. He was disgusted. Sunnyday was shitty for what he had done in his eyes, but never would he have suggested to kill him.

At last the other warrior ended his speech, and silence fell. Before he knew it, Lightstrike was the first to break it, taking a step forward and ears pinned to his skull. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" he spat. "In what land would that make you any better than he is? You tried to kill someone, leave him for dead, and lie about it?"

Lightstrike was keenly aware of the eyes that now rested on him, but he couldn't care less. "You don't fucking kill cats! End of story! How could you possibly think you have any right to call yourself a ThunderClanner? Who's to say you wouldn't do it again the next time someone fucking looks at you funny?" The fur along his spine had risen, tail lashing once and lips curling back.

Surely Howlingstar wouldn't allow him to remain among their ranks. Sunnyday had stretched it; this was on a different level entirely. Basilwhisker was now a threat, and he wouldn't hesitate to chase him out. His claws sank angrily into the earth.

[penned by its_oliverr - ]
Batwing's fur ruffled as soon as Basilwhisker began to speak. His eyes narrowed, teeth gritting and lips drawing back in a snarl with every sentence the other spoke. The truth, though who's to know that he didn't just lie about his motives? Who's to say that he waited to a monster and did it then? Batwing's mind swirled and cascaded, the flood of thoughts turning into a tsunami. Batwing's eyes shut, a snarl loosing just as Lightstrike began to yowl in defiance- in pure anger- at the cat on trial.

Attempted murder, plain as it was. No rumors to drift the story around camp. Batwing opened his eyes- yeah, he didn't think it was appropriate that Lightstrike was screaming at Basilwhisker, but he wasn't going to stop him in the middle of his rant. No, it was like the younger warrior put the words forth that most- if not all- were thinking. Finally, the posed question in the air, Batwing pushed to his paws. He stepped away from where he was resting with Leopardtongue to stand beside Lightstrike.

Green optics were narrowed at Basilwhisker, but his head turned towards the fresh warrior. "Leave it." He spoke to Lightstrike, his words twisted with indecision, but an air of finality. "Howlingstar will make the decision- it's best if we keep quiet." Batwing's pointed look at the younger made it obvious the anger that bubbled and frothed inside, clamping down on his chest. But it was unbecoming, and unwise, to do what his instincts wished he do.

Notably, though, Batwing didn't tell Lightstrike that he was wrong. ​
Raccoonstripe’s muscles are tense with anger as he exits Howlingstar’s den. The air crackles with electricity. One by one, at heir leader’s call, ThunderClan appears with shock on their faces. He sits near Flycatcher, his flank twitching as Basilwhisker gives a rambling, stuttering explanation of his motives. The tabby’s eyes are cold, knowing he is not looking at a ThunderClan warrior anymore, not a Clanmate, but a cat who cannot be trusted to remain in their ranks. One sentence in particular catches his ire. “I decided he hadn’t been punished enough, he shouldn’t be in ThunderClan anymore.”

The lead warrior’s teeth flash as he speaks. “Is that your place to decide, Basilwhisker? Last I checked, Howlingstar makes the decisions in this Clan. It is not for you to question them, but to respect them and follow them.” His tail lashes. “Your thoughts on Sunnyday are shared by many of your Clanmates, but do you see them drawing their claws in defiance of their leader’s law?

He forces the fur at his neck to lie flat, giving Lightstrike a fierce nod of approval. Batwing silences him, but Raccoonstripe would not have. Though the verdict is Howlingstar’s, Basilwhisker has betrayed all of his Clanmates, and he should face all of them now before his sentencing, in his mind.

  • raccoon . raccoonstripe
    — he/him ; lead warrior of thunderclan
    — heteroflexible ; single
    — long-haired black tabby with white and dark brown eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Rai
His former apprentice stands accused of an unforgivable act. Dewfang watches with a hidden agony over the cat Basilwhisker had succumbed to. The senior warrior approached, remaining at the edges of the crowd. Lightstrike crows and yowls, Batwing shushes him, and Racconstripe snarls at Basilwhisker. All of these were reactions he expected of his Clanmates, and their betrayal was rightfully felt. The dark brown tom raised his eyes from Basilwhisker to where Howlingstar sat, ready to face judgement.

Oh Basilwhisker. He thinks, knowing that Howlingstar is not asking for a justification, for a beg of forgiveness. Dewfang cannot see any situation where Basilwhisker could remain a warrior. Once more, his apprentice had looked only for himself in this situation. And there was no Lichenpaw to stop him. The warrior's fur ruffled. He does not say anything or join in the chorus, but he seeks for Basilwhisker's gaze.

You know what you did was unforgivable. He hopes some of it goes through. Dewfang cannot defend Basilwhisker. He does not deserve it and it is not expected of Dewfang. Further, Dewfang simply could not defend such an act. But I am thankful you confessed. He remembers how Basilwhisker lied to get himself in trouble with Stormywing. Dewfang had caught him out on it. He hoped his former apprentice had kept this in mind.

The silence that hangs in the air is deafening. Every cat's gaze bores into Basilwhisker before he finally speaks, beginning to explain himself. The mention that he's imagined the warrior's death causes her stomach to twist with nausea. She never saw this part of the young warrior. He'd always been so reserved, so reliable. How could such coldness dwell in her clan for so long without anyone noticing? He continues to speak, and as he reaches the end of his story she only finds herself gripping the stone with her claws, anger burning in fern-green eyes.

"You decided he hadn't been punished enough?" She repeats, a growl in her tone. The tips of her fangs are revealed now, her snout wrinkling furiously. "You thought it would be better for us, or better for you, to hide from your crimes and drag his name even further through the mud? As if he needed it?" Sunnyday had become the clan's pariah in recent moons. After everything he had done, she cannot blame anyone for holding distaste for him. His mouthiness, his blatant disregard for respect or law, his violence towards his apprentices...ThunderClanners had many reasons to not like the tom. But what are they without their honor? To lie and say that a warrior, even one as dishonorable as Sunnyday, committed something as atrocious as abandoning his clan is unthinkable to her.

Her ears pin to her skull as Lightstrike belligerently scolds the tom, and she does nothing to stop it. The young warrior is absolutely right. Would Basilwhisker do it again? Would he decide another ThunderClanner is in fact not fit to be a ThunderClanner and take it upon himself to get rid of them, too? As Batwing silences the younger cat, her gaze shifts to Raccoonstripe as he backs up her word and authority. Pride for her son burns in her chest and she finally settles her sharp eyes back onto Basilwhisker.

"For your crimes against a clanmate, you are sentenced to exile."

She lets the thundrous words sink in, blocking out the murmurs that immediately erupt around her. But the tabby remains standing tall, neck arched and body stiffened. Whether her clan agrees with her council's decision or not, it is final. The safety of her clan rests on her shoulders, and her shoulders alone. She cannot let this cat remain here as a trusted member of their clan, because she simply has no trust left in him. "Batwing and Flycatcher will escort you to the border. You will no longer be permitted within our territory. If you are found here, my warriors have the orders to chase you off like the loner you now are." She pauses, smoldering eyes shifting to where Lichenpaw sits. "Your brother may go with you to say his goodbyes."

// @batwing @Flycatcher will be escorting to the border!
  • Wow
Reactions: mercibun and dejavu

a liar sat cozied in their ranks, patrolled alongside them, ate from the same pile. must have thought everyone a fool to believe he could have gotten away with it. the consensus that everyone had come to in howlingstar's den had taken long, by the time they all stepped into the light again her spine had grown stiff. her opinion remained unchanged throughout the discussion- there was no room for liars nor murderers in thunderclan.

nightbird was hardly a picture of perfect behavior, but never once had she debated the murder of a clanmate, envisioned as basilwhisker put it. despicable, to know that they harbored him for so long. unknowing, they were all in the dark. who knows if anything truthful had ever passed the young cats lips.

lightstrike was the first to erupt following a futile attempt at explanation. tail lashing, fur spiked, he was rightfully angry as he got into basilwhisker's face. she watched passively as the pale tom spat what many were undoubtedly thinking. batwing shifts amidst in the crowd, speaks to her former apprentice in some attempt to talk him down. a brave venture, she had riled him enough times to know that much. this was a battle she would not have picked herself, nothing the young warrior said should have anyone disagreeing with him. a dark ear twitched in his support. raccoonstripe speaks truth as well, as warriors it was not their job to decide who deserved to die.

injuring a clanmate, undermining their leader's decisions. basilwhisker hated sunnyday, so much so that he committed the same crimes as the golden tom. and now, howlingstar was ridding the clan of his treachery.

  • NIGHTBIRD she/her, lead warrior of thunderclan, twenty-four moons
    nightbird is a small black smoke molly with pale silver eyes. a loner turned thunderclanner, her loyalty and drive to provide for her clan is unwavering. however, she is not known for harboring a bleeding heart, instead equipped with sarcastically fueled wit, brutal honesty, and a sharply edged tongue.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

The fur on her shoulders bristled furiously as she stomps out of the den. She sits near Raccoonstripe and Flycatcher, her eyes never leaving the traitorous tom that they just spent a long time discussing. Her tail lashes viciously behind her, and every so often her claws poke out of her paws. She had spoke her opinion in their eye for an eye. Even if they exiled him, who was to say he wouldn't come back if his anger got the best of him again? But she would respect Howlingstar's decision...this was a clan after all, not a group of rogues.

The air grew deathly silent as Howlingstar gives Basilwhisker the chance to dig his hole even deeper. He begins to speak, only admitting to what they already knew...when a certain sentence sticks out more than the others. I decided he hadn't been punished enough, he shouldn't be in ThunderClan anymore. The lead warrior hissed loudly, before curling her lips above her front teeth into a snarl. She leaped to her paws, the only thing keeping her grounded being the very claws digging into the dirt below. "How dare you?" she spat. Her legs were trembling, but not from fear...from the sheer amount of anger that was practically radiating from her. If Howlingstar ordered it, she would shred him...make sure he never hurt laid paws on another clanmate again.

For your crimes against a clanmate, you are sentenced to exile.

He would be joining Cinderfrost in exile. The two murderers would be perfect for each other...who knows, maybe they would execute each other. Or they could work together against Thunderclan.... she forces the thought out of her mind. If they ever showed their face, it would be a humungous mistake...she would make sure of it.


Casting the judgement of death upon a cat as though they were the star's themselves. He would never have suspected this from any of his clanmates but his mind reminds him of the elderly tom with the kind face who gutted Howlingstar like she was prey to be eaten and he inches back further into the nursery behind where his daughter stands and attempts to help keep the kittens all contained. They hear meetings and get curious, wobbly limbed and wandering and if his barricade of a tail did not deter them then Freckleflame surely would. She looked so much like Rabbitnose now, his longer limbs and large paws, but she had quite a lot of his own thick fur cloaking her; his kits were grown up and he tries not to feel overwhelmed at the thought as he listens in to his leader's decree. The verdict had been mercilessly swift, fully unanimous that the punishment befit the crime. Sunfreckle curls around the kits, muffles their tiny ears and listens as the word 'EXILE' is proclaimed loudly for all to hear.
It seems like only some time before Cinderfrost had also been cast away for her crimes, she left indignant and spouting her broken ideaology until the last breath and he wonders if she was the same kind cat who helped him with his first kitting or if that had been some kind of disguise.
Green eyes dart to Basilwhisker, waits to see his response and mentally pleads to simply go. To go and accept your punishment, to not fight, to not spill more blood.
Sunnyday was not a cat he was particularly fond of anymore, once he thought so highly of him, but now he couldn't stomach the sight of him; but he had not deserved this. He did not deserve to be killed, he needed to amend himself, he needed to come back and reclaim his place in the clan through effort and diligence and then perhaps they might be the same cat he once was so long ago.
There were many things that Basilwhisker did wrong—Stormpaw surmised. He tried to enact judgment like a Clan leader, he attempted to murder. Murder was alright, but not when it was against Clanmates. The back of her fur stood up as she watched Howlingstar cast down this decision. She wondered if it had only been a matter of time. How long had ThunderClan lived with a snake within its walls? Basilwhisker claimed he had not plotted it, but the Thunderpath could be so deliberate. She shivered, remembering poor Ragwortpaw's body.

She feels the need to say something, to solidify her stance with her leader. Stormpaw is trembling and she is not sure what. Fear? Adrenaline? She is witnessing something she never thought she would witness before.

"Get out!" It comes to her in a snarl as she stares at the pointed tom. "You are no ThunderClan cat!"

Head swiveled as clanmates spoke, as they yelled and cried and whispered, and Leopardtongue found herself unsure what to do. She was upset, much like her clanmates, but she had never been one for outbursts, so silently she sat, eyes turning over to Basilwhisker as he soon spoke, and ears pinned quickly to her head. Whether or not he had wanted to see the other dead was null, he had pushed Sunnyday, left him to die, and then lied about it. Had the young warrior shown any sort of regret after? Had he even tried to see if Sunnyday was truly dead before running off, telling the tale of how the other had run away? She was sure if that was the case, there would be a less harsh punishment, but at the moment it seemed as though the punishment fit the crime.

Batwing and Flycatcher are called to escort Basilwhisker out, and Leopardtongue looks towards Batwing as it's said, trying to gauge his own reaction - one she knew quite well. A slight nod of reassurance was sent his way, and a silent prayer to StarClan was thought, to keep Batwing and Flycatcher safe. She didn't think Basilwhisker would do anything to the two that would be escorting him out, but she hadn't thought before that he would try to kill another ThunderClanner either.

  • "speaking" // thinking // action
    Leopardtongue - 33 moons - she/her - ThunderClan - warrior
    MEDIUM physically // MEDIUM mentally

Batwing showed little outward reaction to Howlingstar's decision. Exile was perhaps a lighter sentence then some of the clanners would have given, but to others, it was perfect or even too much. Batwing twitched his ears, and he pushed to his paws, inhaling quietly. Leopard was looking at him, and he tilted his head in response. His pelt prickled with the need to get away from this cat- Basilwhisker- but there was no option. He'd serve his clan to his dying breathe, of that much he was sure.

Before he moved, he dipped his head towards Lightstrike. "Now you can be outraged." No malice, no 'I-told-you-so', just a simple release. Batwing didn't have the words, but he was permitting Lightstrike to do it for him, even. Now, back to business. Batwing looked towards Basilwhisker with narrowed eyes and a grim look. The taller tom stepped into the center of camp, taking up a side beside the exiled cat. His eyes shifted for Flycatcher, waiting for the other to lead them out.

Lichenpaw may go with them. His gaze cast towards the apprentice as well, wherever he may be, then back forward. ​
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the finality of the word causes her ears to snap flat, wide, wild eyes flitting about each face in turn. they shout, murmur and gossip amongst themselves, all shocked stares and bewildered glances. basilwhisker digs himself a deeper pit with each word and she almost wants to speak up, to tell him to stop, her fur is standing on end, her stomach is sick and each sentence feels like fox claws against her ears. she wants to hold them down, cast a childish la - la - la until his words, which seemed only to earn further ire, quell to a silence.. but she is a warrior now. she can’t help but think she’d been braver then, in the throes of early apprenticeship, when the world was hers to conquer. when murder, violence, fear was only a mountain to be climbed ; these times will happen, she’d heard before, and she could have braved it with her chin high.

but war rages. starvation plagues. the world beyond their thistle walls were real, and though sunfreckle and rabbitnose had done their best to prepare her for the hardships of life, she still fumbles. the tortoiseshell feels her stomach roll, feels the burn of her fathers eyes leave the length of her back and she releases a breath — but the shouting remains. she feels bile rise in her throat while lightstrike screams, and screams and screams, and freckleflame wished it meant something beyond a projection of anger. and he, like basilwhisker, would be silent. she wants to waltz over and shut his mouth for him, to hold it closed until those vitriolic words died on his tongue. it was catastrophic, she thinks ; his foul mouth hits and rolls from their backs, but atop it comes a cacophony of yowls and angry snarling, given permission from the tom’s incessant insults. tansyshine, who’d taken her side upon howlingstar’s call, was one of them — the young warrior startles upon her rip of teeth, the sudden rise in her hackles and her discomfort only grows. she’d never seen the queen this angry, ever forlorn and distant - eyed as she was. fury thrums, and it leaves just as quick is it had appeared ; the molly deflates, and as if on instinct alone, the woman aims to brush her tail towards tansyshine’s lower back in comfort, never quite looking her way despite it.

she didn’t want to see this. she wanted to lie down, curl in her nest and try not to think of the fact that her family had slept only yards away from basilwhisker this whole time.

  • i.
  • FRECKLEFLAME ——————— of thunderclan ⠀ 𓍊𓋼 ⠀ . ׁ
    f. she / her, daughter of sunfreckle and rabbitnose. large, cream patched tortoiseshell she - cat with pale green eyes. fire - forged, smoldering ; shades of vibrant russet, dousing swathes of shadow and interwoven with ribbons pale cream come to drape like licks of flame over a well - toned form. in warriorhood she has grown to full, hulking height ; unspecified maine coon heritage born of sunfreckle's kittypet background shows itself in large, round paws and tufted, long - furred toes set upon thick, tabby - splotched limbs. freckleflame is broad shouldered and square - jawed, wild cheek fur like the blazing edges of a red sun — a hulking, thick - furred thunderclan warrior, forever blaze - kissed. a characteristic lack of personal space leads her to a slouching, touchy posture, often inclined to lean or bump against her peers, all while beating a lazy, heavy - eyed grin.

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