YOU PAY MY RENT | nesting materials

Moving back into the warrior's den had been more than a day's process, with the amount of things that the cinnamon tabby had kept in the nursery, she'd made multiple trips in between patrol duties to ensure that not one trinket was out of place. As before, the contents of her nest spilled out into the bedding around it, leaving the lines dubious on what belonged to the hoarder and what belonged to others. Navigating ShadowClan's territory, only one thing was a guaranteed Fern possession: a white and brown feather, pinned to the top of her tail, given to her by her son in sunhighs past. She'd congregated with a small group of ShadowClanners near the marshlands, the melting snow giving way to withered plants that starved beneath. Already, Ferndance had gathered up a respectful clump of reeds, pushing it together as if digging through soil, testing it with a freefall into the crispy things now and again. She'd adjusted her nest so many times as a Queen, the process of making another, even temporarily as the clan worked together to bring their finds back, had become mindless. So mindless, that boredom struck the she-cat soon into the task.

"Nests are a part of who you are... like worms, and intrusive thoughts," she spoke up in a sing-songy voice, gaze falling onto the clanmates who were minding their own business. Tension of moons past had seemed to dissipate, with nothing but a primordial pouch to remind them of what had once been several moons ago, it was like being a warrior had gotten Ferndance her respect back. She tried not to let it bother her as she smiled, mischief seeping into her twitching whiskers and glinting gaze. "I used to let a Twoleg trinket share my space, it was a yellow stick with one grey tooth. It was really sharp.... one day, I rolled over onto it and it was like being hit by a thorn." Despite her amusement, Ferndance never followed her story with a 'just kidding', instead, continuing with fascination in her tone for the mysterious object. "But... it had a fleshy pink part on the other end...mama said they cleaned their teeth with it. Maybe the point is for when fur is stuck between them and they just gotta... stab it out." A risky maneuver, even the cinnamon tabby would be hesitant to put something sharp near her gums.

"Could you break the tooth off on a rock or something?" Mottlefox wonders, half to themself. Their voice muffled through a mouthful of moss they intend to add to their own nest. Nests are a part of who you are ... it's an interesting sentiment. Until joining ShadowClan, they'd never really had a nest to make a part of them.

But now ... Their personal space is cluttered with twoleg junk, the strange objects clustered close enough to dent their fur when they sleep. It's nice having Ferndance back among the warriors, they think, having missed the eccentric queen's singsong in their day-to-day life. Mottlefox's tail twitches, and they nudge the cluster of moss into place with a cheerful hum of, "D'you reckon you'll take your moss with you when you die, Ferndance?"
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Batchaser was settled in front of his own nest, claws raking through the bunched up bedding. Pulling out a Twoleg item he had added, when he first moved into the warriors den. His curly bicolored form was hunched over, to focus on his task on pulling out old trinkets he had in his nest. Like a crow to shiny things, he had... a lot to throw out. He flicks his tail lazily behind him, as he pulled out a strange round object. What was it again, he'd heard it before back before he joined Shadowclan. Hmm. No matter, maybe kits in the nursery would like it. He leaves it to the side. Dark ear flicking he listened on the conversation he's two clanmates where having.

"Hm, Interesting Ferndance." Voice muffled from the clump of reeds he had, he carefully weaves the reeds into the structure of his nest with ivory paws. Pausing, he added clumps of moss into his bedding for more cushioning. He listens to the conversation take a odd turn, stabbing gums?? No-furs or uh Twolegs where a odd bunch. He starts to weave some stray feathers he found when roaming the marshlands, blue and black in color. He sticks them in between moss clumps and weaved up reeds.

As he finished touching up his nest with a flower, he was finally finished. Huffing, he sits up with a smile on his face. It isn't the best but it wasn't the worst. It's good enough for him, he sleeps comfortably with things he finds interesting.

  • no ref yet </3
  • ( Ehhh ?! ) BATCHASER : warrior of shadowclan
    ⛧ cismale ; HE / HIM, no problems with other pronouns ; currently 28 moons
    彡 bisexual / single / not actively looking / open to crushes
    ⛧ a tall, curly shorthaired oriental mix with half-lidded odd colored eyes.
    action , thoughts , "Speech , 7077A1"
    ⛧ smells of rain-soaked pavement & sweet leaf rot

    - tags / @ on discord for plots
    - penned by calzone

  • nothing here begone!

maggotfur 16 moons female she/her shadowclan warrior

" Who we are? then wonder what mine says about me, " Maggotfur jokes - light hearted, despite her monotone drawl - it's there though, that faint spark of amusement in bright blue eyes. Of course, Maggotfur has always been an odd one within shadowclans ranks - abrasive, morbid, prone to eating anything and everything unfortunate enough to cross her path. And really, her sleeping habits are hardly any different. She's never had trouble sleeping, not even in the strangest of places - stars, she could probably sleep neck-deep in a pool of mud, or balanced precariously upon a branch fox lengths away from the ground. Her nest only attests to that - bones and rocks and insect shells piled high until it's more of a mound than a nest, massive figure draped over it as though it's her very own throne (it might as well be). " Why would you want moss in your grave? Let the worms have their feast in peace, " she adds, head shaking at mottlefox's words, completely ignoring batchasers mumbled attempt at conversation. Honestly, its the most she's spoken in some time - but really, she's not immune to boredom either.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'