camp YOU POINT I'LL STEER — migrating geese


don’t you like to think of pretty things?
Sep 24, 2023
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ It isn't the cacophonous honks that bid Fleabounce to look up, but rather a twirling feather that lands mere mouselengths away from Fleabounce's own paws. Against the blue sky is a crooked line of geese, silhouetted by height alone. It's a familiar sight, one that visits every Leaf-fall and once again in reverse come Newleaf. The geese leave and then they return in a predictable pattern, always turned in the same directions depending on their departure or arrival. Leaf-fall was encroaching, would bring with it longer nights and colder days, until one day Fleabounce would blink and find that it was suddenly Leafbare.

"Where are you going?" Fleabounce murmurs in monotone, and then turns her head in the direction that the geese fly.

Always that way in Leaf-fall, always the opposite come Newleaf. Perhaps there was some other distant group where they were going, with cats that marveled at how the geese arrived every Leaf-fall and left again in Newleaf? The geese will pass overhead with more frequency now, and the smaller birds will go into larger and larger flocks until they too are gone.​
˚⊹₊‧ 𖦹 Ashenpaw had not a clue why so many of his clanmates chose to spend their time asking a bunch of stupid questions all day long. Greenleaf was the only season that had a place in his memory, the chill of Leaf-fall was a new, scorn-worthy acquaintance to him. It wasn't as if the warmer days of his kithood were all sunshine and rainbows, the drudging reality of everyday life was one of the first lessons any Shadowclan kitten was taught.

Though, every day the sun rose to break a colder dawn was a day that marched farther away from the days that Halfshade was alive. He did not want to stare up at the sky and ponder the destination of stupid, stinking geese and what it was they were leaving behind in a past made up of warmer days. Ashenpaw wanted to sit right here in his own freezing, stinking puddle and dwell on his own misery for as long as he pleased, thank you very much.

He didn't want to be alone. And yet, he couldn't stand to be around anyone at all when everyone seemed to doing their best to do the tiniest things to piss him off. So he compromised with himself by finding a shadowy corner of camp to sulk by himself in, nibbling on a tiny lizard left over from the morning patrol's contribution to their meager freshkill pile. But of course, his plans to maintain his relative isolation within the public hollow of Shadowclan camp were thwarted when one warrior had the audacity to not only walk into his relative vicinity but to also speak useless, irritating words into the air.

Ashenpaw glanced upwards to watch the geese go by for a second, before returning his eyes to the perpetrator of his broken peace, unimpressed. "Woww... how coooolllll... It's such a shame that you don't have wings so you can go fly off and see for yourself." Ugh, she was even breathing annoyingly. Gross.

  • OOC: ic opinions ! sorry hes yaknow,,,,
  • designfluffyneck2_by_jrentropy_dg93zrs-pre.png
  • ashenkit . ashenpaw
    — trans male. he/him. 6mo apprentice of shadowclan
    — gay ; single
    — longhaired muted blue torbie with heterochromatic pale blue and amber eyes
    — smells like rainsoaked ferns and chilled stone
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — fullbody by tropics
    — penned by eezy
    — currently in an era of grief and anger, approach with caution. all ic opinions!

perhaps shadowclan would be better off being geese. flying away to the follow the warmth and food, not left behind in the freezing cold with barren lands that left it hard for them to eat and feed their clan? shadowclan truly did have the short ends of the sticks when it came to their luck for sure, but they can't complain too much about it, can they? what would that do? would it feed the kits? make their warriors strong? surely not. ashenpaw seems to be annoyed with the prospect of fleabounce questioning where the water fowl are going, and it only makes them raise a brow.

"suppose they're going far from here. would be nice someday but not today."

they mutter before just rolling their eyes. such bad attitude from such a young cat. were all apprentices doomed to be so damned feisty?
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Ashenpaw’s rudeness doesn’t go unnoticed by Fleabounce, but it isn’t something she can scold him from, or convince him to let go. He has lost so much and is living still in a turbulent and uncertain time. Instead she lets her smile crinkle her eyes to show that she is amused rather than offended.

You’re adorable, Her smile says, but you’ll need to try harder than that.

"It is a shame," Each of her words come spaced, they do not flow or bleed over one another as others’ words often do, "But no matter how high I jump, I always return down. Maybe a sign that we were meant to keep our feet on the ground."

Fleabounce almost doesn’t notice Chilledstar; turns her head just in time to know the start of their words. A desire to go elsewhere rebuffed only by the weights of responsibility: Fleabounce can afford a frown with Chilledstar, too subtle to be anything but concern, "You could see the world, yes," Her frown melts — quirks into a wry smile, "but those geese always come back here." Birds have a wisdom in that. They always know when it is time to point their eyes home.​

If Halfkit were older she would look up at the sky, she would see the geese and she would probably think something beautiful, something profound, but the first thought she has when she looks up and sees the creatures that cut across the sky is "I hope the geese poop on Ashenpaw!" the words are said with a snicker. Teasing your older siblings is what you were supposed to do right? Ashenpaw was a mystery to her. He was supposedly her older brother but he didn't really do older brother things. He didn't talk to her, didn't play with her and he seldom even looked in her direction. It makes her wonder if she had dome something to make him mad without even knowing it.

Chilledstar's voice makes her turn her head. Leave? "Why would anyone ever wanna leave?" she asks, eyebrows knitting together in confusion. ShadowClan was the only thing she had ever known and she is unsure where there even is to go. The geese apparently also knew it was the best place ever because they always came back. Fleabite said so and she was old so she must know.

  • ooc : — ​

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    ➵ she / her
    ➵ shadowclan kit
    ➵ single
    ➵ sexuality undecided
    ➵ a long legged she cat with long blue tabby, cream tabby, and white fur and mismatched blue eyes
    ➵ toyhouse


Boy, Ashenpaw was in a bad mood. Nettlepaw had a fair amount of patience for him, though- he knew the tom wasn't always so snippy with older cats. That wasn't to say he wasn't ever, though...

Clearly the tortoiseshell was not bothered with the comings and goings of geese in the same way Fleabounce and Chilledstar were- or even Halfkit, who loudly wished misfortune on her brother. The image made Nettlepaw's nose crinkle in a small breath of laughter, before he turned his gaze back to the sky. They always come back here, Fleabounce said... wherever they were going, there was something worth coming back to. Idly, Nettlepaw wondered if they would fly above the journeying cats, too.

"Maybe one day we should do another journey," he implied, tone easy. "To get the the bottom of this conspiracy." And there it was, the flair of dramatics- the tell-tale sign he wasn't serious. He didn't have an answer for Halfkit, in truth.
penned by pin ♡