sensitive topics you really got my soul | blazestar

CW/ Prey animal death and mutilation mention
@BLAZESTAR I decided on a simpler start and the more it progresses I'll flesh out his feelings!

Aggravation etched itself plainly across the feline's scraggly features, lone blue eye glaring down at the group of battered mice before him. The tumultuous thoughts swirled in his mind, self-directed and heavy with a sense of inadequacy. Pathetic. He seethed, facing the harsh reality of his hunting skills falling flat. No skyclanner would ever find this catch delectable much less acceptable so he was at a loss on what to do. Back in the streets, he'd been a skilled scavenger, rummaging through trash cans or employing a single sweet, pleading eye and chubby cheeks to coax older twolegs into offering him their scraps. Those days were gone now, replaced by the unforgiving wilderness and the merciless judgment of the hollow.

Maybe things aren't so different here than the alleys. It was a grim realization but something that had been there at the back of his head for awhile.

No longer was there anyone to cry to, no sweet façade of kittenhood to exploit for personal gain. It was just him and the unforgiving terrain, a raw testament to his shortcomings. This is driving me out of my mind! The exasperation clawed at him, a nagging born of his own eagerness. This was the third mouse he'd managed to snare, only to brutally mutilate it beyond recognition. Dog's enthusiasm had certainly betrayed him, his zeal outstripping his coordination.

The absence of a secondary eye compounded the challenge, making visual coordination all the more elusive. Instead, he relied strictly on his senses of hearing and smell, his greatest allies in this endeavor. The moment the sweet scent of prey hit his nose, it was like a switch flipped, propelling him into a frenzied desperation. He'd thrashed around the pebbled terrain, clambering and digging to unearth his elusive prey from their rocky crevices.

Now, all he had to show for his efforts were three pitifully mangled mice and a sour belly full of irritation. Not even a peep could be picked up amongst the stone's surrounding him and left the former loner bitter. Dog lolled his head back and gazed up at the sky while muttering aloud to himself. "I'm fully grown and still can't hunt right. What a joke." A low growl rumbled in his tufted chest, a manifestation of his simmering irritation. He looked back down to continue glaring at the pitiable remnants of his catch, orange and white fur bristling with a blend of exasperation and dejection.​
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He knows the rugged ginger-splashed feline as Dog, a simple name reflective of his time in Twolegplace. Blazestar had given his tentative approval for the former rogue to join their ranks, though the law he has put in place lies between them all like static electricity. Dog is not a hapless kittypet, but the Ragdoll observes the remnants of his catch with troubled blue eyes. “You caught them, at least,” he murmurs, his ear flicking. “But I suppose… you didn’t hunt the way we do in Twolegplace, did you?” He’d heard a little from Slate and other cats who’d passed through SkyClan—rogues were scavengers, primarily, like buzzards or coyotes. They did not have the skills Clan cats pass down.

He studies the shredded bits of fresh-kill. “Don’t berate yourself. I was one of the softest cats this forest has ever seen when Rain allowed me into his colony.” He offers Dog a smile. “Maybe I can show you the way Clan cats hunt. We catch mice in swift movements—we don’t claw them out of their holes generally.” His whiskers twitch—the Ragdoll hears scuttling nearby, and with a flip of his tail, signals Dog to follow him.

Blazestar crouches, the pine needles crunching softly underpaw. A mouse—small but chunky from greenleaf’s bounty—nibbles the pointy-end of a seed. It’s over before it starts—in a rare show of swiftness, Blazestar shoots from his perch and pins the mouse between his enormous flame-pointed paws. He dispatches a merciful bite to the back of its neck and lets it fall to the forest floor. He turns back to Dog, satisfaction like candleflame in his blue eyes. “Mice are tricky sometimes,” he explains. “But the first lesson is to make sure your movements are light. They can feel the vibrations in the ground when you move, so if you have heavy steps, they’ll flee, and they’re quicker than you or I.

He pads closer to Dog. “Why don’t you try it?

  • blaise . blazestar
    — he/him ; leader of skyclan
    — pansexual ; divorced ; single
    — longhaired flame point Ragdoll with blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Mercibun
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Reactions: DOGBITE
His muscles coiled and then relaxed as the semi-familiar voice interrupted his thoughts. An involuntary "Oh!" slipped out before he could catch it and was shortly followed by an exasperated grunt. Of course he would be the one to catch me in such a state. Dog's inner monologue urged him to avoid voicing his frustration aloud. Alas his flattened ears, revealed his steaming embarrassment.

Seeking a distraction, they started cleaning their left paw, methodically nibbling away at the blood and dirt, as Blazestar's words flowed on. Occasional hums of acknowledgment were his only responses, mind consumed by self-consciousness.

Halting their grooming, the ex-loners attention was immediately brought back by the soft off-white Skyclanner's mew. The revelation of the leader's lineage prompted a breathless giggle from the former alley dweller. Despite the burning curiosity, he restrained himself. Dog responded with a pleasant, albeit crooked, half-smile. Crunching up his pink nose and crinkling the skin around his half-scarred cheek. An unexpected twist, plus the opportunity not to be a buffoon.

Today's anger was softened the minute he realized Blazestar wasn't there to pass judgement. Collecting himself, Dog cleared his throat. "Ah, I see. I'll make sure not to do that anymore." He conceded. A warble filled his throat as he continued "Well, I'd greatly appreciate the help, and thank you for not... being upset with me." Unfamiliar emotions stirred within him, and they winced internally at the childlike quality of their ending remark. Now isn't the time for self-pity. You've embarrassed yourself plenty. Sighing at his own folly but still Dog managed to brush off the melancholic feelings.

Blazestar seemed to have a perfectly timed plan, and all of his scattered thoughts aligned to the leader's tail signal. Taking the cue, he followed obediently, curious gaze tracing the contours of the ragdoll cat's back as he settled into position. Freezing for a moment his ears perked up, finally tuning into the distant sounds of scuffling. Swearing under his breath, he realized that Blazestar had detected the critter several moments prior.

Quickly, the ginger-splotched feline mimicked the leader's hunting stance, peering around his flank. Dog barely caught the twitch of two little ears and his heart thrummed with desire. In a blink, the mouse lay motionless between Blazestar's paws. Admiration bloomed in his chest at Blazestar's effortless catch, fueling his eagerness for future hunts. Nodding dutifully, absorbing the wisdom shared, paws tingling with anticipation.

Just remember to be mindful of your paws. Got it. A surge of confidence colored his voice and Dog responded with an eager 'mrrp' "That was a perfect example! I definitely think I've got a shot now. Just a second." Tilting his head up and embracing the darkness beneath his eyelid, Dog relied once more on his senses.

Drawing in a deep breath, they focused solely on the sensations of the rocky clearing, mouth hanging open, and ears swiveling to detect any sound. There! His head snapped to the left at the sound of distant scratching. Instinctively leaning in its direction, he confirmed the location with a precise sniff. Dog opened his eye, revealing a scene compiled of large stones framing a small hole just big enough for an adult cat's paw.

Listening intently and relying on his intuition, Dog crept forward, steps measured and precise. He maintained a low crouch, navigating around debris, and slowly closing the distance. His eager face peered into the hole, searching for any movement. Only stillness met his gaze.

Disappointment threatened, yet his determination to impress Blazestar kept him focused. Easing back, they waited a few more heartbeats before nearly springing with elation. A streak of brown dashed from the rock pile and landed right into hungry waiting claws. Swiftly scooping up the rodent, he gave it a forceful jolt against the ground, rendering it stunned. Emulating Blazestar's earlier actions, Dog nipped its nape. Proudly, he presented the plump mouse to the leader, one icy eye shimmering with a mix of delight and relief.

With the prey held between his teeth, the bi-colored tabby trotted back to Blazestar's side, ears flared, and tail puffy.​
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Dog seems prepared for a scolding—Blazestar can see the wariness in his single blue eyes upon the Ragdoll’s approach. Tension seems to drain from him, and he thanks the leader for not judging him. He purrs in response. “I have no room to judge you or any cat,” he says lightly. “I was a terrible hunter! And you aren’t, so don’t worry.” He straightens, watching determination color the younger warrior’s face. They set off, skulking about the pine forest floor.

Blazestar hears the scuttling of tiny paws through dust and needle. He watches, stock-still and curious, as Dog lowers himself into his position. The feline is quick, and he seemingly remembers the advice Blazestar had given him just in time. Dog trots back, a freshly-caught mouse dangling from his jaws. Blazestar’s eyes glow with admiration. “That was great! You take instruction very well… and you were quick to correct your weight once you realized. Well done!

The Ragdoll’s eyes flash, and he catches another flurry of movement—this time a blackbird, having perched among the cedar debris on the forest floor to peck at grubs. He nods at Dog, murmuring, “Try to catch it before it can fly away.

  • blaise . blazestar
    — he/him ; leader of skyclan
    — pansexual ; divorced ; single
    — longhaired flame point Ragdoll with blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Mercibun
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Reactions: DOGBITE
The scarred feline basked in the praise like the warm glow of the sun on a cozy afternoon. It conjured a forgotten memory—gentle caresses, snow-white fur, and resonating purrs as a cold nose pressed against his once unharmed cheek. 'Such a brave boy.' Her voice, though softened by age, remained as affectionate as the day he lost her.

His eyelid briefly closed, savoring the foggy image playing back in his mind. Shortly after, his eye reopened with vigor. Absently, he stepped to where rock met earth and dug a small hole to deposit the mouse, ensuring haste to cover it and shield it from the day's heat.

In a wisp of off-white fur and speckled cinnamon, he turned around to face the leader once more. They allowed themselves to drop their barriers for a moment and chuckled. "I couldn't have done it without your unbiased guidance and encouragement. I really value you for that, Blazestar." His laughter faded as he spoke, and an unfamiliar warmth lingered on Dog's tongue when he mentioned the paler cat's name.

A renewed sense of admiration fueled a glamorous flame within the soon-to-be warrior. Blazestar really isn't such a bad cat to be around. It was refreshing to see the seemingly distant and authoritative feline in a new light.

During their initial encounters, Dog had been wary of the Ragdoll. He had seen him shortly after joining, then witnessed the aftermath of the tragic border scuffle, followed by a somber meeting. The new rule had also rubbed him the wrong way, but when the purpose behind it became clear, all the fellow ex-loner felt was sympathy.

They focused on that train of thought for a breath longer and nearly crossed the threshold of social safety to pry, but immediately swallowed their words as the leader mumbled to them. Putting aside the questions momentarily, they nodded in silent reply.

Surging with adrenaline once more, but still determined to impress, Dog wasted no time. Slowly crouching down, they inched through the forest's debris and became acutely aware of the blackbird. Their one blue eye transformed into a vast ocean with a fine black line splitting its waves down the middle. His senses heightened further as they shifted into hunting mode.

Suppressing the urge to exhale, he continued to maneuver closer and closer with each planned movement until... SNAP. With the thrashing of feathers and an unforeseen twig, Dog was left scrambling.

Either through the will of unknown forces or instinct alone, kicked him into action. Rushing forward and leaping off on the last gallop. They felt weightless in that moment and desperately reached for the bird with bated breath. Legs splayed wide, and claws extended to their full length while soaring.

Just as quickly as it began, it was over. A final choked cry and a sickly snap marked victory. Dog had managed to snag the bird by its back and drag it to the ground, using the full force of their weight to snap its spine upon landing.

Finally, they allowed themselves a well-deserved helping of oxygen and elation. After taking in sufficient air, they scooped up the bird into their jaws and repeated the earlier routine. Handling the burial duties efficiently, Dog eager to resume their day with Blazestar, sidled up next to the larger cat and offered a rare genuine grin.

Once his senses stabilized and nerves seemed to settle, the forest blossomed into full view. The tree's above them stretching high, and the crisp scent of nettle tickled his nose. Not even a moon ago, Dog had lain on a two-leg fence and gazed out into the deep, lush woods of SkyClan territory, daydreaming about what clan life might be like. It was hard to wake up from a dream when one was living in it's reality. Dog became acutely aware that his rose-tinted view was fading.

Skewed fantasies dotting his hopes slowly dissipated, yet the thick treeline remained as beautiful and resolute as ever. In a way, it eerily reminded them of Skyclan's own structure. Nature could try its best to bend them with the wind, rot their roots with flooded rivers, shake everyone's cores with booming thunder, and wither any growth in shadows, but it would always persevere despite it. Reaching for the skies above them, looming evermore.

Maybe this really is what I wanted all along.

Interrupting thoughts like that were unusual for him and akin to being doused by chilled water. Jolting a surprised reaction from his patched frame as shockwaves raced up and down Dog's coat.

Casually, he did his best to keep the leader from inquiring about their sudden shivering. The solution - interrupting the comfortable silence themselves. "Hey... Can I ask you some questions about SkyClan?" Dog felt it was safe enough territory to wade through. Hoping the eventful day was enough to soothe Blazestar into educating them further.

- - - -

TLDR; Dog thanks Blazestar for his help, catches the bird barely, falls into deep thought and decides to ask Blazestar questions regarding Skyclan to get the ball rolling.​
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Blazestar’s smile softens at Dog’s response. “I couldn’t have done it without your unbiased guidance and instruction.” His golden ears twitch at the praise given in return, and though he does not respond immediately, he dips his head, grateful. Not all Twolegplace rogues would be so keen to learn the ways of their forest counterparts, and Dog had no shred, no trace of the attitude even cats like Slate still carry. The Ragdoll watches intently as the golden cat puts their new skills to the test and manages to bring the blackbird down.

You’re becoming quite the hunter,” he says, shaking his head. “The kits and queens will eat well today.” He wraps his tail about his massive amber-dipped paws, dipping his head as Dog begins to broach a new topic. “Of course. What would you like to ask?” He tilts his head, blinking tired but guileless blue eyes at the former loner.

  • blaise . blazestar
    — he/him ; leader of skyclan
    — pansexual ; divorced ; single
    — longhaired flame point Ragdoll with blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Mercibun
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Reactions: DOGBITE
Growing up in the dank backstretch of housefolk prey dens left permanent marks on their very body and being. Cramped quarters and dim lighting cast a shadow on his early days, but they were also filled with boundless love from his mother. Even in the bleakest of moments, she managed to create a warm cocoon of affection around him. In a way, her happiness was like a sturdy piece of bark caught in a never-ending current. No matter how high the wave, it continued to float, keeping them safe and secure. Something the cinnamon tabby promised to treasure and never forget.

Nurture, thus, crafted him into what he believed to be a decent cat, instilling values of dedication and love. However, unfortunate hardships later in life layered Dog's skin and feelings with protective barriers against harm. These experiences gave him a natural inclination to stay low and avoid conflict. The memory of being loved as a kit only to lose that love as an adult afflicts him daily, leaving behind a gaping hole in the ex-loner's heart where his mother's silhouette should be. There were moments when this loss made him feel completely lost and alone.

Except now, as a Skyclanner, he found solace in the knowledge that he would never have to sit or hunt by himself. The camaraderie and support of the clan members filled that void and amended him of his past. Against the wishes of those turned off by loners, rogues, and kittypets Dog could feel it in his bones that nowhere would feel as close to home as this.

While the conversation with the leader continued, it seemed that the good mood stayed, and the aura eased his weary mind. Receiving the go-ahead from the leader unwound his shoulders and caused Dog to settle down. Several ideas zipped through his mind, but one stood out among the rest. Sniffing away a tickle in his nose, he decisively looked away from the leader, gazing idly into the pine forest around them.

He soaked in the serene atmosphere for a moment, appreciating the tranquility of the moment, before inquiring calmly, "I recently learned Skyclan was formed by loners and kittypets - is this true?" Sincerity bled through his tone, and a yellowed fang peeked from the edge of his lip.​
Blazestar has missed walking with Clanmates, new and old, through the leaf-carpeted forest they call home. Dog’s question brings him back to turbulent times, and after a few heartbeats he nods. “It was.” He meets Dog’s gaze. “Before I came to the forest, what is now called SkyClan was a less structured colony of cats who lived here in the pines. They were led by a cat named Rain.” He remembers the kind silver tabby who’d taken pity on him after he’d become lost and injured in the winding forest paths. “Rain was a compassionate cat. He turned no one away, as long as they were willing to live in harmony with the rest of his colony.

He pauses, his whiskers twitching. “But there was another colony who’d lived in this forest longer than Rain’s… it was led by Briar, where ShadowClan now resides.” The cold, taciturn black she-cat had been no friend to him, but remembering that she is in StarClan with Rain feels odd. “Her colony wanted our territory and resented that many of us were kittypets or friendly to kittypets. They tried to drive us out, and we retaliated. That was the Great Battle.” His tail tip twitches. “Rain died, and the five Clans were born. When I named SkyClan and took over this part of the forest, I wanted to keep his memory alive. I took every cat in, no matter their potential or their willingness to live by our laws, because that’s what he did, and truthfully…

This is a confession he has not made to anyone in a long time, and he wonders why it is he’s doing so now, to Dog, but he does not stop himself. “SkyClan did not love me. They thought one of Rain’s sons should have taken up the mantle. I thought if I did as he did, I could earn their trust.” He lets the words die away, a familiar bitterness sitting acrid on his tongue.

  • blaise . blazestar
    — he/him ; leader of skyclan
    — pansexual ; divorced ; single
    — longhaired flame point Ragdoll with blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Mercibun
Listening intently to every word, his torn ears perked as he absorbed the new information. The connection between their pasts and the shared experience of being outsiders in this forest resonated deeply within him. He couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort at the revelation.

Mention of the Great Battle and the struggles they faced in earning the clan's trust had Dog's eyes softening with empathy. He could never comprehend the weight of leadership and the sacrifices made to protect and care for others, much less the pressure of such a cruel mindset placed upon the pale tom.

With a gentle blink and a warm, expression in his eyes, he replied to Blazestar. "Thank you for sharing that with me. " A caring smile graced his face as their conversation continued. "It's clear that you've carried a heavy burden for the sake of your clan and your friends."

Dog's face nearly fell as he rolled onward. "I may not know your pain, but I can relate to feeling like an outsider. Honestly, I am grateful to have ever found a place here."

Their word's were filled with sincerity, and they hoped that being open, would further strengthen the bond between himself and their clanmates. Many could comprehend his struggles of not fitting in, whether they admitted it or not.

Chewing the inside of their cheek, he reconsidered his next thoughts—the problem that weighed most heavily on their mind. It was a gamble, but knowing the leader's own roots, tilted the odds in favor of confronting headfirst.

Mental strength granted him the willpower to speak. Softly, he 'mrrowed' at the leader. "Except..." His voice trailed off as nerves began to get the better of him. "...we're a clan of misfits looking to be whole. Why do we still make one another feel so different?" A smaller part of him knew this was a vastly complicated situation that couldn't be summed up with words. Still, even in ignorance, he couldn't find a way to evade truth.

Now their own feelings were laid bare.

Intentionally avoiding mention of his own past and focusing solely on the circumstances of Skyclan's political climate, he aimed to pat the leader's shoulder with his tail. An offer of comfort and solidarity.

Pondering away as the sky darkened above. Why can't the clans find strength in their ranks, no matter their creed? Maybe he would never truly grasp it, but a part of him wished it weren't such a difficult path.

  • ooc ;
  • 1000007505-png.1053

    ✧ 28 moons old
    ✧ skyclan warrior
    ✧ he/they ; single
    ✧ child of npc x npc
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
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