Doompaw was gone.

His scent had trailed to Twolegplace, and Twitchbolt had needed to know very little more. Maybe a daylight warrior would report they had seen him, slinking through alleyways- or, getting scooped up by a Twoleg, taken again to the Shelter. The worse-case would be hearing a report of a calico flattened by a monster, swarmed by rogues- he hoped what battle training, what sense he'd managed to shake into Doompaw while they had trained together would stick, would stay.

Deflated, Twichbolt returned with his own patrol. The look in his wide-set eyes was defeated, his face looked haggard and he felt utterly dishevelled. Hadn't got a good night's sleep thanks to unfounded worrying, a terrible feeling of doom, and hadn't that ended up being ironic?

"He's gone." Twitchbolt announced to crowding onlookers, without really thinking about it. He peered into unseen realities, where they'd found a trail of blood- where they'd found his apprentice streaked across the Thunderpath- where they'd found him dying on the border, and he had breathed his final word into the pines. What was worse, though? There was no sign of him, not even a tragic sign. There was the chance he was fine, of course. There was an equal chance he'd been taken to the same unseen place Daisyflight had been carried to, and had died a hidden death that no one would ever be able to properly mourn.

Twitchbolt tried to steady his breaths, and utterly failed. "Doompaw's scent lead into Twolegplace. He's not coming back." He spoke with a certainty he could never truly have- but was sure enough about it. Every part of him ached with regret for another lost apprentice. His lost apprentice.

\ returning with @Drizzlepelt @TIGERSCAR @FIGFEATHER and @DUSKPOOL but no need to wait!!
penned by pin ✧
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The patrol went just as Drizzlepelt expected, a scent leading to Twolegplace. It was territory he knew well, but even he knows that going there to look would be a fruitless endeavor. Too many scents of wild cats, and they weren’t even sure how long ago he had left to flee and search for his brother.

He might not have known Doompaw well, more knowing his reputation as a rude child, but that doesn’t mean he didn’t care. And seeing Twitchbolt hurt like this, Drizzlepelt is reminded of how bad it was after the WindClan attack. On edge, defeated, anxiety coursing through every fiber of your being.

His tail tucks between his legs, glancing at Twitchbolt before lowering his eyes downward. “I’m sorry,” Drizzlepelt whispers, voice gentle and sincere. There was nothing more that they could do now, except hope for him to stay safe.​


Quillstrike frowned, the words dragging up all to unpleasant memories of Bananasplash and Thistleback. "Fuck, I'm sorry Twitchbolt."

He wished he knew what to say to make them feel better, but even having lived through the experience himself the chimera still lacked the skillset to navigate emotions like that. Instead, he made his way over to his mate and gently pressed their foreheads together, noses brushing as he tried to give comfort the only way he knew how; through proximity.

"Just- try to breath with me, okay? In and out. " he instructed calmly, trying to steady his mates breathing before they began hyperventilating. "We'll figure out the rest. Doompaws a little shit, but he's smart. And twolegs like kits."

There was actually a decent chance the kid could keep himself alive if he just kept off the streets and was mindful of dogs that might be guarding the backyards. He hoped that could be a comfort in itself to Twitch- the knowledge that even if he didn't come back, he might still be alive.

skyclan - male - 16 months (Feb 17th) - bisexual - homoromantic - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.

anger makes you stupid . stupid gets you killed .
He sighed, nothin’ more than a pessimistic hope that did nothin’ to the lead warrior, hyperventilating and dazed. It reminded him a lot of himself when he lost somethin’ he had sworn to protect, only to have it wrenched out of his grasp, taunting him. A sick, twisted fate that made his stomach reel, mangled ear flickerin’ with a tired sigh, molten gaze watchin’ the onslaught of cats at the news that wasn’t much of a surprise.

Drizzlepelt offered a sincere apology, coming to stand beside his adoptive son, barely brushing his pelt against the other to hum in aloof agreement. Doompaw wasn’t an idiot, smarter than most gave him credit, but foolish and headstrong wouldn’t lead him down anythin’ good. “Don’t go blamin’ yerself, kid.” He rumbled, turnin’ to stare at Twitchbolt, knowin’ the other was feelin’ more than guilt at losin’ someone he promised to teach—to keep safe. “Doompaw made his own decision, and that has nothin’ to do with ya.” He grunted. “Ain’t yer fault for the kid's thoughts or his actions.” He finalized gruffly.

“Don’t go hurtin’ yerself, but my words ain’t worth much.” He breathed, watchin’ the mates with indifferent hues, tail flickerin’ with a subtle sigh as he pulled away from the gathering lot to head out into the forest.
thought speech

Truthfully, Tigerscar doesn't care that Doompaw is gone. He knows better than to vocalize such thoughts, however, so he had instead chosen to offer false sympathies, volunteering for the patrol as if he were genuinely concerned. Twitchbolt was clearly devastated, and Quillstrike and Duskpool do their best to aid the Lead Warrior with words of comfort, while Drizzlepelt offers apologies. Tigerscar had already given his kindness of the day, however, so he instead heads to a quiet spot near the edge of camp, where he could groom himself in peace. A few thorns had tangled themselves within his long coat of fur, and he works quietly to peel them out of a striped, tabby coat.

"Have yourself a squirrel or something. It'll help settle your stomach." Tigerscar suggests toward Twitchbolt.
‧₊˚ .☘︎ ݁‧₊˚.​
The somber energy doesn't seem to match the tale being told... Twitchbolt tells of Doompaw's willful escape, one that leads him into the vast, twisting roads of the Twolegplace and though everyone else seems mortified, Edenpaw doesn't understand why. There were plenty of daylight warriors that proved testament that it wasn't a completely nebulous place... it was arguably safer than the camp had been when ransacked by power-hungry rogues. It had been the whole point of their suggestion to shelter Otterpaw there in the first place- They growl to themself at the wasted time but are more worried about reassuring the shaken warrior than their own gripes with hindsight.

"It'll be alright Twitchbolt," they meow confidently, tiny tail waving like a flag of their certainty. "We both know how stubborn he is but I'm sure he's fine!! Just couldn't find him this time." Granted.. there were dogs... and those glittering Twoleg monsters... but surely their former den-mate wasn't so stupid as to get caught up in a tussle with either?

Everyone seems just as keen to be angry at Doompaw but Twitchbolt isn't like that... and Doompaw doesn't deserve that either. He was mad! Rightfully angry for the reaction to his litter-mate's absence. He had been in that nursery complaining about it not that long ago... why was anyone even surprised this had been his recourse? "Promise I'll keep a look out for him! He probably thinks he knows how to find Abysspaw..."

Drizzlepelt's words meant a lot to hear, though Twitchbolt couldn't choke out any sort of gratitude- it felt almost like a stone to the face, that Drizzlepelt felt there was something to be sorry for. Even though there was, unequivocally... returning like this, empty-pawed, felt like admitting defeat.

It was Quillstrike's warmth he readily fell into, as soon as his mate arrived- their noses met, and though panic coiled around his throat, Twitchbolt managed to follow the regular inhale, exhale. It took all he had not to completely collapse into a puddle, seep beneath Quillstrike's paws and trickle away from the centre of attention- instead, he breathed a brittle murmur. "We'll figure it out," he repeated, affirming his mate's words. He tried to offer Quillstrike a smile, but it was a shaky looking thing, and didn't last very long.

Duskpool and Tigerscar's condolences and recommendations. whirled around him slowly- he glanced to them, still huddled close to Quillstrike. Duskpool, of the two, spoke a lot more profoundly- he nodded along with the large tom's words, gaze swimming, though he still couldn't manage to say anything. Anything that had meaning, at least. Deep in himself he knew that Duskpool was right, but the reinforced thread of responsibility that linked him to Doompaw would never truly be settled. A squirrel, then... that notion didn't make him feel much better, either.

Edenpaw brought with them a different sort of energy, a certainty he was surprised they could keep, and one he wished they might share with him. The last thing he wanted was to stomp all over Edenpaw's hopes, and- there was a chance she was right. Even a daylight apprentice knew more of what lay in Twolegplace, the banes and the boons, than he. "I'm sure that's... that's exactly what he thinks." Find Abysspaw. And now they were both lost. "Even if you do see him... I... I don't think he's gonna be keen to come back."

He'd given up.
penned by pin ✧