you say that im kinda difficult - pitchstar

Aug 6, 2022
would you do anything for me?
"Pitch!" a tiny voice called across camp, cold and clipped, it gave none of the respect a leader's name warranted. Not even the title of star. If it came from anyone but his sister, it might have been interpreted as disrespect. Ravenpaw marched up to her brother, determination in her eyes. Before him she seemed even smaller, as though she were still a kit rather than the apprentice he'd made her. "I'm going with you on the patrols to avenge Bonejaw." She told him bluntly, leaving no room for debate.

Her brother had assembled the patrols without her, and that had been a mistake. Whether he knew it to be one or not. She would not sit by and let whoever had harmed her aunt get away with it. She was quick and she was clever, she could help. If Pitchstar wasn't smart enough to know that, she'd make the decision for him. She was still the daughter of Briarstar, even if her mother was gone now. Her authority in this clan was still great, only superseded by that of her mother or her aunt. Certainly not by her fool of a brother.