camp you showed me love .. gifts!

"That's too much moss, we use more reeds than that." Hazecloud kindly instructed the speckled apprentice, gently sliding her paws over the she-cats to guide her more directly. "We weave them, like this! In, out, back and forth. It gets easier the more you do it." The queen lifted her head in search of pale fur, and motioned for the tom to come closer once spotted. "Pebblepaw, stay with Splashpaw until all the nests are made? You know how I like them to look."

No time to wait for him to accept her request, Hazecloud was already pulled in another direction as Turtlepaw bounded towards her. "Already? No, no keep them distracted! Try giving... turtle-back rides. Yes, even for the bigger ones. You'll figure it out." She waved the younger molly off and hurriedly paced the perimeter of the nursery to reassure herself every scrap of bone and loose scale had been swept up and tossed away. She was almost satisfied with her cursory scan until she remembered one space in particular.

"Twinklekit..." The queen sighed tired as she overturned a low sedge branch to uncover a secret pile the kitten had left behind from her move into the willow den. Old, dried up scales hardly useful for anything but making her mother cringe in disgust now. "Mothpaw, throw these out please. Quickly." Hopefully her daughter wouldn't continue the habit in the apprentices den.

The sun had risen to it's highest now, Lichenstar would take her perch soon and she would return to making nursery deliveries instead of receiving them herself.

Hazecloud took a step back from it all, the weight growing heavier on her shoulders as she felt tears bubble at the corner of her eyes. "Okay, it's ready. Gather the queens! Collect every kit you can find, it's ready." Each nest had been perfectly curated with a comfortable mix of moss and reeds, safely set to float for flooding but comfortable enough to fit their families. Hazecloud had a special trinket assigned for each one to signify the matriarch it belonged to, chosen by none other than herself of course.

Iciclefang's nest had a beautiful set of sea glass, azure shades that matched the lead warriors striking eyes. Robinheart's nest was marked with a cracked agate that was remarkably similar to the colors of her calico pelt. Layers of black that melded into sunset oranges just as her fur appeared. Swiftfire's had been more difficult to pin down, but with Horizonkit's unknowing help she had been able to find an old snail shell, round with white-speckles ridges surrounded by black and yellow stripes, reminding her of the chimera's split coat.

Queens that had made her experience in the nursery as encouraging as she hopefully made theirs. Though she had spent the last few weeks of this moon in the willow den with Lichenstar, the scent of sedge would take much longer to leave the senses of her memory. Each day a welcomed one with her kittens, and others far more adventurous that she anticipated as others joined her. Spending so much time alongside them, now it almost felt wrong to leave them.

They're not far behind. Iciclefang would see herself back in the warriors den not long after, Swiftfire the same more if time served her right. Robinheart would be the only one left lingering behind, but the moons traveled fast- she knew that well enough.

"Is Robinheart able?" Her voice came out in a whisper, paw clutching her chest in hope she may.

  • tagging those who asked but no need to wait!! @splashpaw @Mothpaw @PEBBLEPAW @turtlepaw @Magpiepaω this is set abt a few hrs before the july meeting! hazecloud has employed the apprentices to make the nursery IMMACULATE and every nest made to her perfect standard <3 they are individually marked w an item she feels represents them best!

  • 73582445_EEfwz37mLUqnNP7.png
    —⊰⋅ Queen of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ She/Her
    —⊰⋅ LH blue smoke with green eyes.

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〕How do they get roped into things like this?

One minute it was bathing and trying to figure out means for the perfect swipe of a fish, when the next they are now in the nursery. Ze had been weaving reeds and such as instructed by Hazecloud, but their paws felt jumbled and like they hadn’t done this ever. Magpiepaw was growing rather frustrated with the whole weaving thing as well and the anger in their paws showed a little as they squished down the reeds with a paw. Stupid plants, stupid nursery duties.

Still, they worked as hard as they could as they tried to do at everything. Whether it was working or not they didnt know. Hazecloud was nearby giving out further instructions to Pebblepaw and Splashpaw. Something about nests and such, it wasnt paying much attention.

The black and white cat then looked up as Turtlepaw bounded over, and they wanted to suggest they help entertain the kits instead of this hell of weaving but alas- she was gone as fast as she came. Hazecloud insisting on keeping them distracted.

A sigh left a white muzzle and they looked down at their reeds, before finally managing to finish the one nest. Hopefully whomever got it didnt hate it. It was definitely not up to Hazecloud standards or well that’s what they felt in any case. It looked presentable though at least that’s what mattered. Right? Another sigh, before backing off from the nest to do the next task handed to them but then Hazecloud was announcing it was ready. Already? They looked around- had it taken them that long? They cursed inwardly to themselves and lowered their ears, before huffing slightly and padding away from the nests and such.

They were all beautiful though, they’d give it that much. Sea glass, agate and the like laid meticulously placed by the queen and it was a rather impressive job. Hopefully the other queens liked it just as much as Hazecloud seemed proud of it.

  • ooc.” “
  • Magpiepaw —— Apprentice of Riverclan , mentored by Hawkcloud . NPC x NPC . littermate to Gladefrost and Frecklepaw ✦ penned by wolfie
    AFAB Agender Masculine / they/it/ze / 10 months & ages every 23ʳᵈ
    single / Demisexual Homoromantic(femme leaning) & polyamorous / open to romance
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / underline & tag account when attacking
    —— combat details here / battle notes

    speech, 'thoughts', all opinions are in character
    biography — msg on discord for plots — toyhouse
  • 57858877_QpMTdTTa199ZmQ5.png

    a longhaired black and white cat with blue eyes. write a short description detailing appearance including necessary information.

Nearly a full moon spent away from the nursery, tucked in the cramped and herb perfumed medicine den, nursing a broken leg and shattered heart. Robinheart misses being among her children and friends. She longs for the day she gets to return to them - though she knows that day won’t come. At least in how she longs for. Hazecloud and Iciclefang’s nests will long grow stale, perhaps even dismantled and tossed out to make room for incoming queens. Swiftfire not far behind them. The tortoiseshell will be all that remains of the leafbare and newleaf queens once Moonbeam gives her the all clear.

It seems her somber countenance will be abated for a couple hours. The pale medicine cat requests Robinheart leave the medicine den for a short time. Stretch her legs and move as to not delay her healing, promoting blood flow and exercising weakened muscles. The tortoiseshell obliges with a skip in her heart - a gentle smile on her face.

“It looks so different in here,” the queen murmurs as she carefully limps into the nursery. Her healing leg is held slightly aloft while plumy tail sways in aid to keep her balance. “A good different. You orchestrated this, Hazecloud?” Her citrine gaze rests on the smoke queen with fondness before it shifts to her newly renovated nest. She won’t use it quite yet, but it motivates her all the more to keep healing so she can return to where she belongs. And maybe by then it’ll be lined with more gifts and trinkets collected by her young. Bits and bobbins to remind her of life’s goodness and whimsy - to remind her that everything she has gone through would be for the betterment of the lives she created.
[ penned by kerms ]