camp you spin me around — tour [ pafp ]

May 30, 2023
don't try to rush your enemies .
Unlike last time, Oakfang found himself at the paws of another kit. A newer addition, it seemed. The tom briefly wondered where all these kits were coming from and just who their parents were, but he didn’t bother complaining much, knowing they were safe within ThunderClan’s grasp until they became apprentices, and that was when they held fate in their paws.

A terrible terrible fate if they weren’t careful, but like he said all those moons ago, although not that long ago when boars raided their territory, but it was thinning the herd, earning a dry laugh from Spiderlily when he mentioned it offhandedly.

His helm turned, staring at the small kit with a twitch of his whiskers. “Say now—” He began, crouching down to point at Highrock, tail flickering to curl loosely around the kit, optics twinkling. “Would you like to take a guess? Three chances, mhm?” He curled a tail loosely around the kit, optics flickering.

He shifted, amber gaze staring out across camp, frosted muzzle crinkling as he moved. “If you can guess correctly, perhaps I’ll let you ride on my shoulders.” He urged. Of course, he wouldn’t stop the kit from clambering up his shoulders.

The brown smoked tom was preparing for an overly dramatic tale that carved the High Rock. He was never one for silly, boring tales. Where was the joy? He quite enjoyed exaggerating things, adding to his charm he prided himself in.

/ please wait for @shardkit
thought speech
Shardkit's amber eyes widened at the words Oakfang spoke. Great StarClan, what were boars? Were they in danger of losing their clan? Shardkit had never heard of such an animal--- if it were an animal or something else, he wasn't sure. Shardkit blinked up at Oakfang. "---but Oakfang, how am I to know? I want to ride on your shoulders now!" He burst out meowing with a soft sort of ferocity to his voice. "I want to see the world! All of the forest! Apprenticeship is so far away. Please, Oakfang," he repeated. "What's a boar?"

making her way across camp, sandpaw was halted by the sound of a kitten's cry. not necessarily solemn in nature, she turned a curious glance to where shardkit sat, begging oakfang for a ride on his back. she smiled something soft, trotting over to investigate further.

by the time she had reached the pair, shardkit had moved on. musing about how he wished to be an apprentice, for his time in the nursery to be over. sandpaw was half tempted to offer the child her spot, that tenacity would surely be useful. she chuckled quietly to herself, tufted ears flopping slightly as the apprentice cocked her head. "you gotta grow some more first, all of the forest is a difficult journey for little legs." sandpaw hummed, crouching down to be more level with the kit. he asked another question, about the boars, and while the apprentice had been on bed-rest for the length of their journey, she still heard of their treacheries. "big 'n scary, got hooves bigger than you." while the truth of that statement was quite debatable, sandpaw uttered it as if it was a terrifying fact, overexaggerating how big they were in a swift motion of white paws.
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