pafp YOU TURN OUT FINE;; apprentices only


go reckless, unharmed
Jun 25, 2024
The past few days had been eventful to say the least. A cat that so many of the clan had simply known as leader and never any other rank had died and been buried, Smogmaw had gathered the council together to speak to them in front of everyone in the clan and it had surprised Loomingpaw into practically being silent the whole time. How could she not be, when the words that were being spoken to the council, words that were once meant to be private and not be shared with anyone, were suddenly being shared publicly and such... harsh ones too? It wasn't like they weren't things that no one else had thought of, but the thoughts being turned to words that could be heard throughout the camp was not something that she had expected to ever hear, and it seemed as though Onyxpaw hadn't been expecting it either.

Through the day of training Loomingpaw had thought of the council meeting, of Smogmaw's words and how he had said them, how Onyxpaw had reacted to them, and now that everyone was getting ready to either tuck in for the night or guard the camp she couldn't help but sit within her nest, ears pricked as eyes bore into the younger apprentice. She wanted to ask questions, wanted to know the other's thoughts, but for a moment - a small moment but a moment nonetheless - she debated against doing so. What if there were others outside of the apprentices that would listen in, that would come into the den to tell some of the younger cats of the clan to shut their mouths and go to sleep? It was a risk she was willing to take.

"Psst, Onyxpaw." She'd loudly whisper out, making sure the other was awake by seeing her head turn towards Loomingpaw before offering the other a small toothy smile. The majority of the apprentices were getting back now, and hopefully those that fell asleep quickly were not light sleepers. "Hey so... how do you feel about this... stuff? What Smogmaw said this morning and just... change?" It was worded clunky, clearly not thought out, buts he was genuinely curious to hear the other's words and that was clear as day.

  • -- thought it'd be nice to have a little thread for apprentices to speak their mind about recent events without worrying about mentors or adults coming by and correcting them

    please wait for @ONYXPAW before posting!
  • 83642887_ub0HTh8shyYQa8I.jpg
  • : ̗̀➛ sh lilac/blue smoke chimera w/low white & sectoral heterochromia
    : ̗̀➛ 10 moons old, ages realistically every 25th
    : ̗̀➛ bisexual biromantic; many puppy crushes; interested in none
    : ̗̀➛ stubborn and loyal to shadowclan
    : ̗̀➛ will start fights, will finish fights outside of clan
    : ̗̀➛ "speech", thoughts, attacking
    : ̗̀➛ peaceful powerplay and healing allowed
  • Like
Reactions: willie
To say that the rather public council meeting was lingering on her mind would be a severe understatement. It had been practically stuck in there like a bur in her pelt for hours, and she had to admit that she was frustrated by it. Mainly because it continued to taunt her even as she was in her nest, curled up and wishing that she had actually been able to say anything then. To speak up and actually voice her support, even if she was far from one of Smogmaw's council. Instead she had frightened herself into silence, an event not wholly unexpected for the often anxious molly.

Her jaw was set even as apprentices milled about around her, settling into their own respective nests for a night of restful sleep that it seemed she would not be having. Loomingpaw's hissing whisper just barely managed to yank her from her stewing, head turning in the dark and face pinched in confusion. "Loomingpaw...? What is it?" The smile offered her way was at least enough to soothe her already frazzled nerves, though the other's follow-up nearly prompted a groan from her. It seemed Onyxpaw wouldn't be free of her mind parasite for long, as the council meeting was brought right back to the forefront.

At least talking things out might give her body a chance to settle?

Her tail twitched back and forth in thought behind her as she contemplated how to respond, attention briefly drifting to outside of the apprentices' den. Considering they were all alone... it felt like she could be honest, even if only for a short while. "I think... I think Smogmaw was right." Just letting those words hit the air caused her to cringe, as if one of the council would come and swiftly scold her out of nowhere. "I liked Chilledstar. They were a good leader, and they lasted a long time... but it did seem like they hesitated about a lot of things. And made mistakes, even when they were trying to do what was best for us. I don't think Smogmaw was wrong for what he said, but I also don't think he was trying to disrespect their memory." It was the most she had talked to anyone besides Yellowpaw or Scorchfrost in quite a while, and she found that her stomach was in knots. "Everybody makes mistakes, so... why can't we acknowledge them and try to do better?"

  • 75034637_eiCvVhxv9vQNT6l.png
    an apprentice of shadowclan, onyxpaw is inching towards warriorhood at ten moons. she is being mentored by scorchfrost, and is on track to graduate fairly soon. shy towards most other cats, she is nonetheless loyal to her home and a skilled combatant, although she struggles in the hunting department. 
*+:。.。 "Doing the exact same thing isn't what I'd call better" Singepaw replies, loud and brash, a wildfire taking light in the soft confines of his bedding. If the moss strewn about him wasn't clear enough, Singepaw, too, struggled with sleeping tonight. Much like Onyxpaw, Singepaw found it difficult to reconcile with keeping silent during the meeting, although his stance was her opposite. The volume behind his bark could be contributed by his need to release some of the energy he's pent up - after all, his teeth can handle only so much grinding. Rolling onto his stomach, the boy glowers at the two girls, perfect stand-ins for his frustration with their shared new leader. "Letting Granitepelt live was stupid, yeah, I'll give you that, but you know something? The cat who took Orchidbloom's eye is today's Granitepelt - what's his plan for that cat? What's his plan for Sunstar after he let his stupid hare-brains eat our prey?" Singepaw felt a bit crazy that the problem continued to go unacknowledged.
Singepaw kneads at the ground beneath him, "Look, I ain't sayin' he's gonna be a bad leader, but he didn't impress me much by throwin' Chilledstar under the monster when he's plannin' on doing the same as them" Watch and wait Smogmaw had said, the phrase making Singepaw's blood boil.
In an attempt to cool himself off before he wakes the whole den, Singepaw takes a quick, sharp breath of air, before flopping back down onto his nest. He picks at his teeth with an unsheathed claw, "But I don't exactly wanna go to war either, so..." he trails off with a shrug, biting hard at the keratin tip of his nail, "He's just not startin' his hunt off with much of a run, in my opinion"

    Cismale — He/him — Questioning sexuality
    8 moons — Ages 1 moon every month on the 2nd
    NPC x Duckshimmer (brother to Swallowpaw, Sneezepaw)
    Shadowclan — Kit
    Apprenticed to Smogmaw

    Physically easy | mentally easy
    Attack inbold #b8312f
    Can be power played just ask
    injuries: none


Within the comfort of the apprentice's den, the cinnamon tabby could not sleep. One empty nest kept for her sister should she regret her choice had to be religiously guarded against any that sought to erase the memory. Others spoke and Bloodpaw's orange eyes slowly shifted toward where the gossip had originated from, listening to their words with an ear and a half. The changing of leaders was new to the she-cat, but the burst of pride that surged in her chest at being apprenticed to the most important cat in the clan came at the cost of knowing the former one would never see her thrive. It was a difficult thing to process, doubly so that those around her could not find a resolute opinion. Loomingpaw did not commit to a stance, Onyxpaw agreed with Smogstar, whereas Singepaw, her brother-in-arms, grew angry at the insinuation that Chilledstar was weak. It was an ethical debate beyond her understanding, something that transcended right and wrong and required philosophy that made her head hurt the longer she considered it. More than that, to take a neutral stance would be to go against the mentor who had never done her wrong - mostly.

A forepaw tapped with agitation and eventually she let out a groan, the noise rattled with exhaustion. "Ugh, all this horsedung is gonna send me to the medicine cat's den." Vigorously, she scratched behind her ear with a hindpaw, only satisfied when a black speck flew off into the night. "Smogs was involved in letting Gran go too, maybe if they'd all grown a pair that moon then our den would be a lot fuller. Probably why he brought it up." Her tone ignited passionately, speaking without thinking, without truly knowing if what she said was feasible. At that moment, it didn't matter, just talking of better days was enough to make her heart soar. "What's that regret gonna do? It won't bring my ear back, or my friends. All we gotta hope is that things'll get better. I trust that they will, and if the boss can't do it, then we will." There was no rebellion behind her words, only the sincere belief that hard work would fix the mistakes of their predecessors.