you used to call them weeds || seasonal changes

A flower grows.

Betonyfrost had noted the stems a quarter moon prior and had mistook them for a pale sort of grass, but now they bear a bright yellow bloom at their peak, just one, and it is enough to stop Betonyfrost in her tracks. It is two-toned, a darker circle-shaped petal surrounded by pointed, nearly white petals. She knows a fair amount of flowers by name and by sight, but this one's name escapes her until she leans close and sniffs it at its center.

Sharp to the point of being acrid, but Betonyfrost smiles regardless. A daffodil.

She sits back and stares at the bloom — nearly level with her own head — and exhales a long held breath. Newleaf is approaching, if it isn't already here. The plants will bring birds and rodents back, and the coming warmth, not yet felt, will wake the various toads and frogs from their Leafbare-long sleep. Quietly, and with the same fragility of these early flowers, Betonyfrost's own hope blooms.​
shadowclan warrior | blue mackerel tabby | 18 moons | tags

in greek mythology, the season of spring marks the return of persephone to her home. after long cold months away from earth, she finally leaves her so called husband and comes back and with her, she brings forth life and growth. her happiness is marked by the sun's rays and the greenest of grass that grew. flowers snd beautiful leaves sprung to life and thus the cycle of the seasons continued.

but cats didn't know of greek myths, did they? the seasons were simply a thing that made it either easier or harder to live. leafbare as the absolute worst of it all and somehow they survived. not all of them did... and chilledgaze would mourn those losses every single waking day, but for now they needed this small victory. as they walked nearby betonyfrost, they stand with a tilt of their head. they breathed out a sigh of relief.

"beautiful, isn't it? i've always loved to watch the flowers bloom. i think i have just always loved flowers."

The snow is melting, retreating. And ShadowClan survives. Barely - the end of the world nearly got them, didn't it?

And it gives up with hardly a victim, surrenders as the marshes prevail in the form of oak-scented prey - a victory rewarded in warmer weather, and new flowers, sprouted in triumph. New-leaf. The world is changing around the void-furred apprentice, and, as large eyes take in the sight of sun-hued petals, Eeriepaw thinks this will be a time of peace for them.

"Pretty," he muses, though the boy hasn't ever truly expressed an interest for this side of nature. No, Eeriepaw usually found beauty in discarded bones and bugs - but he can make an exception, just this once.

"I agree, it is very pretty..." The woman mutters gently in aggreance with Eeriepaw as she steps forth and angles her ears forward. Her pale eyes focus on the small bud that is promising something. The hope of warmth and the hope to be able to eat again. She hopes for a full belly herself given that her and her former mate had been struggling before she split from him to look for her kits. Still regardless of the circumstances she does hope that he is okay. Her thick tail curls against her paws as she eyes the daffodil and a small smile is placed on her maw. "I suppose soon the place will be teaming with prey and the sounds of kits." After all the new season is the time for them and she tries to keep the mirth from her eyes.

Hopefully all goes well with this place despite her own misgivings. She does hope to thrive here and she will not be chased from her child's side.
Looking at Chilledgaze now, Betonyfrost remembers a time when she believed that she could live on the sight of them alone. There are so many things that Betonyfrost wants to ask them or to tell them, all unrelated to the flower in front of her. In all of her faults she's forgotten the softer side of love, but she remembers it now. Stupidly, Betonyfrost wants to remind Chilledgaze that she is named for a flower too.

"Then this one is yours," Betonyfrost pulls the daffodil's head from its stem and tucks it into the fluff of Chilledgaze's fur. She wishes she could always feel like this, or that she'd never known this at all, and offers Chilledgaze a thin smile.

Even that creepy little kit — apprenticed now for a few moons — doesn't sour Betonyfrost's mood. The flower is beautiful. Betonyfrost's smile grows into something more genuine.​
shadowclan warrior | blue mackerel tabby | 18 moons | tags
❪ TAGS ❫ — Roosterstrut can vividly recall where he was the last time there was newleaf growth.

He was 12 moons younger, still growing out of his kitten face, burnt orange and sandy wisps of fur billowing against a breeze. Young Rooster had noticed a bloom of bright, beautiful flowers... perhaps the prettiest sight he had ever seen in his life, as much of it had been spent sheltering from the wintry winds and falling snow. "These flowers have always reminded me of your father's eyes. They are the exact color." His mother had told him, wistful, a longing and sorrowful voice accompanied by a bittersweet grin.

Like Betonyfrost, hope also blooms within his chest at the sight of newleaf flowers. As much as hardships and suffering may befall them, the sun always rose the next morning, the snow always melted, and the flowers always made an appearance at this time of year. The world would be alright, and so would they.

There is a comforting sight in watching his clanmates taking time out of their day to admire the daffodils, entranced by their vibrance and beauty. Even Betonyfrost appears to be in a mood that's not negative. Roosterstrut quietly lingers nearby, noticing the small grin forming upon the she-cat's features, and he smiles to himself as well. This moment is nice, even if it won't last forever.