camp you want someone to bring you peace // birthing

Aug 14, 2023

do you wanna know how it feels

the time flew. counting down the days, savoring the sweet light of the purples above her each day. waddling had turned to even more awkward struggles to move. she would give content purrs to each and every kick, till they became just as uncomfortable.

though, her appetite would never really be there. forced the slowly munch through fish and mice, she found no taste in her usual favorites. and for some reason, did the girl find the need to talk to him again. and she found the answer she would be hopeful of, was not what she got.

dust cast her aside, with a simple good luck, and she found the pang in her heart a bit more severe hearing those words. his ears held no will to listen, and she would find herself raising these kits without the true father. she wouldn't tell silverbreath that she tried to go back to him. she wouldn't tell a soul. that was her own trouble she put herself into- and silverbreath was helping her more than she thought he would.

and she sure felt like hell for it.

it was a pang of pain, something she didn't quite feel was considered 'normal.' her teeth gritted, and her eyes squeezed shut. "H-hey, I think-" she breathed out a bit quiet. Oh.. she needed to get to- to moonpaw? To.. who? Ravensongs been .. gone.

She had to get to moonpaw. That was the best hope she had. Moonpaw was the only hope she had.

Oh, to bare the responsibilities of learning on such a young soul, she bit her bottom lip in anxiety, gritting her teetre nflooded through her, claws gritting into her nest. Quickly, she found help to get moonpaw to her, rather than moving to them.

"get.. moonpaw... Silverbreath."


It felt like hours. Perhaps it was, she couldn't keep track. The twilight sky fell into darkness, lights dotting the sky of their ancestors watching down. Twinkling lights.

Four bodies lay before the lilac tortie, licking their heads as they suckled gently at her bellies. Her eyes were sunkened in, her own body seeming weak. Exhausted.

Names... Oh, she almost forgot their beautiful names...

"Gentlekit..." she exhales to a cream and white kitten, the only male that seems to be before her.

"Twilightkit..." She follows, lapping the fur down over her a lilac and cream torbie, spirals of colour reminding her of her favorite time of day. Reminding her of when they were born.

"Violetkit," she says softly, lapping over one so closely identical to dust that it scares her. For a moment, dustkit lingers on her tongue, but it is changed as quickly as the thought came.

And for the final kitten, a smaller one that seemed to struggle to latch on, that seemed to pull at her heart strings as it struggled to breathe at first... "Cottonkit." For the clouds that made her friends with Silverbreath, for the first time she opened up. For what gave her strength, she will return back to the kitten.

They had survived. They had made it. And she couldn't be more rejoiced.

do you wanna know, know that it doesn't hurt me
she/her ⋆ 30 moons old ⋆ lilac tortie with blue eyes ⋆ information

♡ Violetkit. What a wondrous name. Although the little dusty kitten couldn't quite comprehend what her name was, even what she was, to be exact, all she truly knew, was the angelic face of her mother. Soft mewls came from the little kitten as she squirmed around within her mother's embrace, feeling the raspy lap of her tongue, and then witnessing the kind face of her father. She was comforted by the fact her entire family had been there to welcome her into the world, but her focus was undoubtedly her mother. Violetkit found her to be the prettiest being in the entire world, but little did she know, there was much more of it to explore one day!

  • ooc…

  • Violetkit ☄︎ she/her, kitten of RiverClan.
    ➳ Meek, SH lilac torbie, displaying ticked tabby pattern.
    ➳ Apprentice to N/A.
    ➳ Peaceful and healing powerplay permitted. Please underline when attacking.
    ➳ Penned by Lav! @mimakirig0e on Discord, feel free to DM me to plot. 🤍
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Reactions: Deidre
*+:。.。 "Lilacbird" Silverbreath speaks her name in a frightened pant, arriving late to the scene. He'd just returned from patrol when he'd overheard his friend had gone into labor. Instantly, the top had dropped everything, rushing past his clanmates as terror gripped his heart. Lilacbird was so small, so fragile, and with heart already so full of stress and misery he...he just couldn't stand the idea of losing her. Upon arrival, however, he hesitates. The mouth fo the nursery feels too wide, too hungry. It felt like forever since he'd pushed his way through, excited to witness the birth of his only daughter, Carp-paw. Now, he was here to support a woman who wouldn't get that from the tom who'd sired her litter.
Not for the first time, his chest squeezes. Why did she have to pick a rogue, of all cats? To risk her life for the kits of a tom who'd sooner attack her than help raise these new bundles of life?
Shaking his head, Silverbreath sucks in a sharp, heavy gust of air. No, no, he can't...Lilacbird deserves better. She deserves more. For as long as she needs him, he'll at least offer his support.

Pushing through the den entrance and past his doubts, he perks his ears in time to hear the naming of each kit.
The scent of new life, milk, and soft downy fur melts something in his heart. All his worries fade in an instant, especially when he sees the peace upon his friend's, albeit sallow, face. Ears drooping, the taller tabby makes his way closer, paws hesitant only out of preparedness to leave should he be told to do so. "You did amazing, Lilacbird" he purrs, coming to her side to lick her ears.
Gentlekit, Cottonkit, Twilightkit, and Violetkit. What lovely names.

Gentlekit, like his mother's heart. Twilightkit, to honor the time they graced this world with their presence. Violetkit, a name as beautiful as her mother's. And Cottonkit, soft like cloud puffs.
"They're beautiful"

    DMAB— He/Him — Bisexual
    35 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Father to Carp-paw, Mentoring Goldenpaw
    Riverclan — Warrior

    Physically hard | mentally hard
    Attack in bold #7d7d7d
    injuries: None currently
  • Love
Reactions: Deidre

Another kitting has begun, and Hazecloud has begun to recognize the signs leading up to it. She's sure her kits have as well, having seen so many now. They're quiet, respectful, and do their best to either stay asleep or talk softly amongst each other during a queens most vulnerable moments.

With gentle prayers murmured, Hazecloud has asked StarClan to keep Lilacbird safe. They had all seen Lilybloom's fate end with the start of her kits lives. While StarClanhad decided it had been her time, the many cats in her life had been hurt so severely... She didn't know how many times her kin could bare to see it happen again.

Thankfully Lilacbird's kitting is a success, and she has four tiny bodies tucked at her side. Hazecloud still held her breath, waiting, but it's decided all four are healthy. All four have survived.

"They look wonderful, Lilacbird." Violetkit and Twilightkit, pretty names of the bunch. Perhaps she had a little bias towards them, if only because she and Lichentail had debated over those names themselves. "You're feeling alright? Silverbreath, why don't you get her some water." Assuming the tom was this litters sire, she instructed him without hesitation.

The last time a queen had birthed kits it had ended in unbalanced lives, two new into the world while one was lost and kits that were never going to know a mother. Since then much had happened in the lives of those within RiverClan as well as the knowledge that Moonpaw possessed. Though she didn't have access to the herb she'd been told about, that name echoed in her mind as the days moved on and as Lilacbird's time to birth her own kits into the clan would come.

She had been gotten quickly, and with herbs gathered near the entrance to her den she quickly grabbed all she could and entered the nursery for what she knew wouldn't be the last time and moved towards the kitting queen, ears pricked and eyes attentive as she got to work. She was glad for the queens in the nursery already, moving kits to the side and making sure that they didn't get in the way, and a quiet sigh of relief left the apprentice when it was done, thankful that there had been nothing that had gone wrong.

"Congratulations." A quiet word would be spoken to the likely now exhausted mother, smile placed on maw as soon as she had said it. Head nod in thanks to Hazecloud as she tasked Silverbreath with fetching water, wanting a few more moments within the nursery to make sure all was well before she'd leave, ready to give the queens their privacy once more.

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  • 76563872_jZr368yA5Er3eOs.png
    ꕥꕥꕥ ILLNESS
    ꕥꕥ KITTING
    ꕥꕥꕥꕥ POISONS
  • 76807578_J7HAFb99CicY51c.png
    SH white masking cinnamon torbie w/orange eyes & small ears
    speaks softly & often found humming
    12 moons old; ages the 17th every month
    homosexual homoromantic ; interested in beepaw & redacted
    currently being mentored by ravensong
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    easy in combat unless in water, focuses on defensive tactics
    peaceful powerplay allowed