you were made for skies // honeypaw

These days, it's not all that often Luckypaw finds himself in camp, always out and about in the tunnels for training, though today he finds himself enclosed within familiar gorse. Tasked with some menial chore he'd already finished, now he's not sure what to do with himself, Cygnetstare being nowhere in sight, and at this point he's simply taken to observing his clanmates like he used to do sometimes as a kit. It's faintly nostalgic, and the fact that he's now the apprentice he might have once watched is not lost on him; sitting up a little straighter, he tries to look more...official, maybe, or even just like he's supposed to be here rather than internally floundering about. Somehow, he'd never really thought about what it felt like to be the one being watched, and as he's desperately casting his gaze about anywhere but the nursery entrance, not wanting to see any wandering eyes inspecting him, some sharp movement catches his eye. Some sort of spar, it looks like - Honeypaw, he thinks, and someone he doesn't know all that well, though it's hard to tell when the fight itself is such a blur. Whenever he's lucky enough to catch a glimpse of Honeypaw sparring, Luckypaw's always amazed at just how effortless the other apprentice makes it look, and he'd be lying if he said he wasn't a little bit jealous of that battle prowess. Of course, it's only natural, coming from a moor runner, he thinks - battle training is something they do all the time. For a moment, as he watches Honeypaw start to wrap up the fight with another killer move, he wonders if that's what Scorchpaw will look like in a few moons. It seems fitting in theory - both moor runners, both strong - and yet it still feels unsettling, in a way.

Finally, the spar ends, with Honeypaw clearly being declared the winner, and it gets him thinking - maybe the other apprentice's passion isn't learned, but surely some of those tactics are. Those decisive blows, the confidence; that's what he wants to look like one day, too, even if it's a little unrealistic for a tunneler. He'd probably never be that good, sure, but getting a little extra help from a moor runner might be useful, right? Learn some of their tricks alongside fighting like a tunneler? Maybe he'd even be able to use something against Scorchpaw if they sparred again, throw her off-guard for a moment. Badgermoon had done fine teaching him in their joint training session, but perhaps it was about time he learned even more. As Luckypaw's been contemplating all this, it looks like the combatants have been dismissed, the other apprentice limping off to join their mentor, as Honeypaw is left alone, and - this is his chance! It takes him a moment to get moving, nervously considering the scenario in which Honeypaw dismisses him, not wanting anything to do with a tunneler who's hardly learned to fight yet, but he's spurred into action as the other apprentice starts to wander away. Walking a little bit too fast to catch up, he falls into step beside Honeypaw, flicking his tail in greeting. "Hey! Uh, nice fight - you really showed 'em! You're, like, really good at that. Y'know. Fighting," he begins awkwardly, not wanting to blurt out his request immediately, though it's quickly evident that probably would have been a better approach. "Um...I wanted to ask - do you think you could, maybe, show me a thing or two? Only if you're not busy or anything! I just...I'm not very good at fighting, and you looked really cool just now..." he trails off, looking down at his paws as he holds his breath, hoping that he's not about to make a fool out of himself.

// @Honeybadger.

honeypaw & 08 moons & trans. male & he/him & windclan moor runner apprentice

Honeypaw loves fighting really - probably a lot more than he should. There's just something about it, the feel of adrenaline rushing through his veins, the way his blood pumps and heart pounds, even the way it feels when teeth and claws sink into flesh... well, sparring doesn't require a lot of that, because they're his clanmates and he shouldn't take things too far, but still. His most recent brawl leaves him panting yet grinning, his smile a wide sharp thing full of too much teeth - pupils so wide that his grey eyes have nearly been swallowed up. And then a voice calls out to him, snapping him from his daze, head turning to look at the tortoiseshell tom before him. He hadn't even realized he'd been moving, walking back to camp, until the other had knocked him from is reverie.

"Oh- hello luckypaw!" he greets cheerily, as he always does to his clanmates. It matters little to him whether he is close to them or not, a windclanner is a windclanner, and that makes them a family of sorts - brothers in blood or bond or something like that. Starclan has blessed them both to be born into the greatest of clans after all. "Ya' think so? Thanks, I was trying really hard to win without, you know, going too far," or perhaps the younger doesn't know - he's a tunneler after all, and a young one at that, so as such he doubts they've seen much battle just yet.

The question that comes next has him pausing, his stout figure coming to a stand still - him, teaching someone? Honeypaw has never taught anyone anything, except maybe beepaw, but she's his little sister and so it hardly counts. And yet... he likes the idea, can already feel his head nodding frantically as he eagerly agrees. "Of course! I might not be super great at it since I'm not a warrior just yet, but since I already passed my assessment I'm sure it'll be fine," besides, this was an unofficial sorta thing, right? just two kids messing about.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: —
    tw/cw: —
  • a strange looking feline with nearly every shade of red upon his coat, and a badger-like mask of white upon his face. honeypaw is usually quite friendly and outgoing, an upbeat sort of personality; but when faced with those outside of windclan his demeanor is brutal and scathing.

    physically medium && mentally medium
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay not allowed
    please attack using [b][color=#fed053]action here[/color][/b] and tag account


Off to a good start, he supposes, as Honeypaw happily greets him in return, settling his nerves somewhat. A polite smile, feeling more like a grimace to Luckypaw, melts into something a little more genuine and comfortable as he's drawn into the conversation now, no longer able to focus solely on how the interaction could go wrong. "Oh yeah! It's- er, you were really impressive, for sure," he affirms, head bobbing. And really, he wasn't just saying that - the intensity with which the other apprentice always seems to approach battle training certainly is impressive. Intimidating, too, in a way; it's as if he just moves naturally, as though he knows exactly what he needs to be doing next, even as his opponent is reacting. And, well, that's exactly what Luckypaw isn't - he feels slow-witted during spars, only able to react without really being able to consider the best course of action. Maybe that was something Honeypaw could teach him, how to rely on his instincts or something like that; anything, really, would be helpful, even if it didn't take hold right away. Despite his worries at his battle skills falling behind, there's still plenty more moons before him, more than enough time to allow things to sink in, even if it always felt like time was slipping away.

Honeypaw pauses after he's finally asked the question, and Luckypaw instinctively mirrors the other apprentice, hardly daring to draw in a breath. Was this the moment he'd be turned down? Surely Honeypaw has something better to do than entertain him and his request, especially after having just finished a spar. He should've asked at another time, should've waited until the other apprentice wasn't busy or tired out - or, better yet, he should've just not asked in the first place. There's so many other ways he could learn - just watching Honeypaw's spars, asking Cygnetstare for more training, even going to Scorchstreak or Badgermoon for help. This is just a waste of the moor runner's time, time that's probably limited as it is since he's probably going to be a warrior soon. Steeling himself for rejection, all he can do is blink in surprise when Honeypaw starts nodding, even agrees to it, just like that. "Really?" Luckypaw can't help but ask, hoping the incredulity isn't too noticeable in his tone. "I mean - thank you! That'd be cool of you." Luckily, he remembers his manners there, and he makes a note to thank Honeypaw again, later. "Well, if you've already passed your assessment - oh! Congratulations, by the way! Um, all that's left is your ceremony, right? You're, like, just about a warrior, then. Besides, it's not like you have to be my mentor, or anything like that - I just need a little help getting better, that's all."