- May 29, 2023
- 305
- 48
- 28
Repetitive motion is all the tortoiseshell molly is capable of in the hours that had passed since Algaepaw's body was brought back to camp. She grooms her child throughly, meticulously. Each stroke of her tongue through silken pelt brings about a new memory. From Algaepaw's first tempestuous breath as a newborn to his last visit to the medicine den, tail frost bitten yet spirit still alight with hopeful youth. And now… here and now is where the memories will cease. Robinheart's gaze floods with bitter tears; her tongue bitten to hold back anguished curses. Algaepaw. Her Algaepaw. Prepared for presentation to the clan not as a warrior as the medicine cat apprentice had hoped and dreamed for her child, but as a Starclanner.
You weren't supposed to leave yet.
Once Algaepaw's pelt is pristine – fluffed and free of debris and tangles – Robinheart moves to weave sprigs of mint into the speckled apprentice's downy coat. She nearly gags at the scent. The collective recollection of repeating these same steps less than a year ago for her own mate, for her best friend… her stomach twists and heaves at the pain of grief remembered. The literal gut punch of not being able to save her loved ones. The agony of having to live life without them.
You were too young.
Tears slide down her cheeks, heavy and heavy and heavy. Droplet after droplet dapple the work she has done, soaking into kitten soft fur and darkening the smattering of grey and gold freckles that had earned Algaepaw his name. Her vision blurs as she proceeds to add more herbal adornments to the apprentice's pelt. If she is to face the truth… if she is to accept that her daughter walks alongside Brookstorm now… then Robinheart will mechanically urge herself to send Algaepaw into the next life as loved and as lovely as possible.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry….
I love you.
She is finished. A quiet voice of a clanmate informs Robinheart that the grave has been dug. Citrine eyes, vacant… yet filled with remorse, blink in understanding. Silently the tortoiseshell unfurls from around her child's stilled body. Her maw parts to speak though words escape her for many moments. She glances at the somber faces of her fellow RiverClanners and tries to summon the courage and strength once more to speak. "We call upon Starclan to welcome this apprentice… my child… with open arms. To allow him rest alongside silvered w-waters. To grant her b-bountiful hunts with the RiverClanners who came before her. To… To give him peace and c-comfort among her mother and grandparents who resided in Silverpelt," she recites through tears, trembling like a willow tree amid stormy weather. Her gaze drifts back to her child. Glowing beautifully beneath the fading hues of dusk, ready to be caressed in the blessing of starlight. "Until we meet again, Algaepaw."
Robinheart presses her nose to Algaepaw's cheek, breathing in the familiar scent of her child for the last time, and lets her emotions come undone once more as clanmates join her in remembering a life ended much too soon.
You weren't supposed to leave yet.
Once Algaepaw's pelt is pristine – fluffed and free of debris and tangles – Robinheart moves to weave sprigs of mint into the speckled apprentice's downy coat. She nearly gags at the scent. The collective recollection of repeating these same steps less than a year ago for her own mate, for her best friend… her stomach twists and heaves at the pain of grief remembered. The literal gut punch of not being able to save her loved ones. The agony of having to live life without them.
You were too young.
Tears slide down her cheeks, heavy and heavy and heavy. Droplet after droplet dapple the work she has done, soaking into kitten soft fur and darkening the smattering of grey and gold freckles that had earned Algaepaw his name. Her vision blurs as she proceeds to add more herbal adornments to the apprentice's pelt. If she is to face the truth… if she is to accept that her daughter walks alongside Brookstorm now… then Robinheart will mechanically urge herself to send Algaepaw into the next life as loved and as lovely as possible.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry….
I love you.
She is finished. A quiet voice of a clanmate informs Robinheart that the grave has been dug. Citrine eyes, vacant… yet filled with remorse, blink in understanding. Silently the tortoiseshell unfurls from around her child's stilled body. Her maw parts to speak though words escape her for many moments. She glances at the somber faces of her fellow RiverClanners and tries to summon the courage and strength once more to speak. "We call upon Starclan to welcome this apprentice… my child… with open arms. To allow him rest alongside silvered w-waters. To grant her b-bountiful hunts with the RiverClanners who came before her. To… To give him peace and c-comfort among her mother and grandparents who resided in Silverpelt," she recites through tears, trembling like a willow tree amid stormy weather. Her gaze drifts back to her child. Glowing beautifully beneath the fading hues of dusk, ready to be caressed in the blessing of starlight. "Until we meet again, Algaepaw."
Robinheart presses her nose to Algaepaw's cheek, breathing in the familiar scent of her child for the last time, and lets her emotions come undone once more as clanmates join her in remembering a life ended much too soon.
[ penned by kerms ]