pafp YOU WERE MY LANTERN // a gift


Oct 23, 2022

She had been sitting on this for quite some time, waiting, wondering if there would ever be a right time. She didn't know if things like this were supposed to be profound, if they needed something like this. She was young, this would be her first experience with such a thing. A deep blue butterfly, orange dots trailing the underside of its wings like the lights of a leaffall moon, sat preserved between her paws as she sat in the apprentices den.. It was the only thing she had brought with her from her old nest, one of the last ones of the warm season, carefully dried and taken care of per her grandfather's instructions. Where Dawnglare loathed green with all the ferocity and perserverance of the moon and sun chasing eachother day after day.....she had come to love the color blue in much the same way, if not with a much softer emotion, something fragile and unknown.

Blue was a color you found on bright days surrounding the sun, bleeding through the green of the pinetrees as birds took flight. It was the strength of the river cutting through the forest to give it life, it was the rain thrumming on the roofs of their dens like Mother's lullaby, it was the calm of the night as it held the stars close. Blue was warmth, it was stability, it was-

"Hey Fi? Can....Do you have a moment?" The butterfly had been meticulously wrapped in moss, not a single scale peering forth but the folds obvious in their creation, it sat teetering on Mushroompaw's shoulderblades as she peered into the medicine den. She hoped this was a good time, she didn't know if she'd be able to muster up enough confidence again.

  • Please wait for @Fireflypaw to respond first!
  • [Please ping @/Chérie if this character is needed, instead of this account]

    5 moons, closeted afab nb [uses she/her]
    A comically small flame mink molly with some white spotting and green-tinged aqua eyes
    Mushroompaw is generally a bleeding heart of an apprentice, and combined with her suspetibility to stress, causes her to be a little more on the numb side of things now that she's an apprentice. Though she tries to be kind and bubbly to everyone she meets, the comfortable hyperactive chaos that was once given to Skyclan's members has dwindled severely in recent weeks, culminating with her apprentice ceremony not long ago. Currently she's struggling to figure out if her friendships and familial figures are worth staying in the clans for, or if she's better off refusing a life of war for one of peace.
    Speaks in yellow

    pixels by emptyproxy and memel0rd on DA​

The color blue wasn't one that he'd think suited him- his eyes were signs of weakness, the blindness in them increasing by the day. His paws are shifting herbs around, lifting some up to sniff them before shoving them away into the right pile. Dawnglare didn't have a specific way he organized his herbs, he merely shifted through them until he found what was right, after all. He was good like that, great even- his powers stronger than ever as new-leaf begins to show its pretty face.

Hi, Fi? Can... Do you have a moment? His best friend calls from the mouth of his and Dawnglare's den, and his ears perk up instantly in excitement. Mushie was here to see him? Did she feel better now? He turns then, stumbling over his own nest before righting himself and marching right over to her. Sheepishly, he gives the flame lynx a grin. "Yeah, Mushie? What's up?" He chimes, sing-song and humming all the while. He can't help but to get so happy when she's around! I mean, can you imagine being able to hang out with your friend whenever you want to? When she's in camp and not out training with Huckleberry, she was here in camp- and Firefly could see her whenever he'd like to! Sometimes, that is.

His eyes shut, Fireflypaw tilts his head curiously at his friend before he speaks. "Why're you so nervous, Mushie? Did you get hurt?"
Deeper inside his den, Dawnglare would perk at the call. Cherry tufted ears swivel to the sound. His neck cranes toward the entrance, brows pitched high on his head, though his lips would remain pressed into a thin line. Just barely, he can make out the sun-stained fur of that little thing... Star-touched, as close as she would ever get, anyhow. More visible to him is the way Fireflypaw prods with his things again. Though he stood above the rest, he still held the hints of a grub, it seemed. Not every apprentice could be saved, no. Irritation seems into his gaze. Twitch of a brow, he grimaces.

For later, though, later. For they looked much too excited for any fresh-welling blood that may appear at their door. Of course, there were some faces Dawnglare would smile seeing, wounded or no. It's a working theory– that much of SkyClan bounded ahead in tolerability when their flesh was torn and their words only gurgled. He suspected that Fireflypaw would not feel similarly, though.

Their question echoing back, Dawnglare would rise from where he sits. A better look at her tells him, "No, she is not." Icily, his gaze dips to the fuzzed thing at her feet. There's a prickling at his spine, brief thought that it had been stolen. Wounds still sat fresh in his mind, and they had anything but eased, with the new... developments within their walls. She is too much a coward for something like that, he feels, but he cannot help the way he glowers at her much, either way.