camp YOU WIDE-EYED GIRLS — moving into the warriors' den

✿—— she stands, just outside the nursery; unsure, deciding, the nest she'd shared with her kits settled on the needle-freckled earth before her. no longer crowded with the smoky-furred bodies of her kits, it seems almost empty—but it isn't. instead, it's filled with things; trinkets, toys, remnants of her last few moons as a queen. she paws through them, ferreted out from the crevices of the nursery and the sides of her nest, resting in it in a simple pile. a glossy feather one of the many nursery kits, now off to the apprentices' den, had left there after some chasing; a stale moss-ball, abandoned after a game; even a small bone (no doubt from plaguepaw, many sunrises ago). and there's more.

how did i get so much stuff? she thinks amusedly, pawing through the small accumulated pile. one of the little toy mice, with its brightly colored false pelt—the memory is both a sting and a smile, remembering the argument but the ensuing playtime. this was no doubt left by drowsykit, who had claimed them. a dusting of flower-petals, a daisy tied in a little loop; lupinekit was surely the culprit there, bringing a small smile to her face all on its own. the nest itself is a bit old, its changing delayed by their then-impending, now-completed ceremony; a new one awaits her in the warriors' den, but for now it's a bit stale, sticks and flower petals drifting across its surface, tiny tufts of black and lilac fur mingled occasionally.

her smile is nostalgic, but she knows she has to get rid of some of it. for one thing, she would look rather silly laying in the warriors' den surrounded by kitten trinkets. for another, she wants a clean slate of sorts. a fresh nest, a fresh start, and she has to move into the den soon anyways; before night falls, in fact. she just .... can't decide what to throw away, what to keep, if anything. the queen—the warrior. the warrior, now, glances around, for once hoping some cat will offer their opinion.

  • ooc: the loose end goal for this thread is her actually moving into the warriors' den, but idm if it doesn't shake out like that.
    prompt thread <3
    When Bobbie moves dens, what will she take with her? Are there any trinkets kept in her nest that hold sentimental value? Host a thread where Bobbie sorts though the nest she shares with her kits so she can decide.
  • 68403446_KpQyDZrn5ORVKjb.png
  • ❀ bobbie — for her kithood love of bobby pins
    she/her ; cisgender female — skyclan — queen — 39 ☾s
    —— bobbie is a beautiful but insecure lilac tabby, dotted with white patches and with pale green eyes. a queen of skyclan, she's sweet and kind if prone to melancholy; the heartbreaking end of a lifelong romance has left her scarred..
    —— smells like sweet lavender & tea leaves ; sounds like sansa stark ; speech in #D64933, thoughts in #B1C797
    —— peaceful / healing powerplay permitted ; attacks/contact in underline ; won’t start fights ; will flee ; will show mercy ; won't kill or maim
    —— pansexual panromantic monogamist, divorced, not looking ; open to friendships, enemies, casual interactions, plotting ; not open to unplanned romance & unplanned battles
    penned by dejavudesklamp9 on discord for plots
  • shhh don't look here (battle info will go here at some point)

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Given that he'd had more than one conversation with Bobbie about her eventual transition into a warrior of SkyClan, Twitchbolt had been tentatively keeping an eye on her after the meeting. He knew she was likely tended to well by Blazestar- the two of them had kindled a quick friendship, it seemed- but in equal parts he felt... unkind simply standing by, especially when she froze before the nest sat at her paws. She looked up, and the bicolour tom met her eye before he approached, offering her a shaky smile of greeting as he closed in.

Mismatched eyes settled upon the nest- and the things strewn atop it that were decidedly not part of it. His smile was tilted a little to long side, eyes lingering upon each trinket. "Are you- you keeping some of those?" Maybe a stupid question, but... some, not all, was an intentional choice of words. He doubted that the bundle of moss or... or, the bone, which his gaze lingered upon for a few moments... would do much for comfort.

His parents had not kept anything of his when he had left the nursery, but... as a kit, he'd not really played much either. In every memory he slept separate from them, his nest clogged up by his own stuff- and, by their verdict, that stuff was his own to remove every few weeks. Remembering the blue-jay feather now knitted into his fur, Twitchbolt supposed he was a little more sentimental now. "If there's anything you don't want to lose, I, uh- can help you- you- you move it," he offered, not wanting to... presume she wished to throw any of it away. A relationship between a mother and her kits- an affectionate one, at least- was not a concept Twitchbolt was overly familiar with, and thus trod carefully around it.
penned by pin ✧

When Orangeblossom had, at last, moved from the nursery and freed herself from the confines of kitten rearing, Apple Stem had been overjoyed! She missed her littermates face around patrols and hunts. Throwing teasing remarks toward one another in playful competition.

Apple Stem had never actually been inside the nursery, having no reason to be, and she never anticipated being in there in the future. Rearing kittens simply weren't in her interest, and she was glad Orangeblossom had taken the weight of providing grandkittens for their parents.

The pointed molly tilted her head at the accumulation of items on Bobbie's old nest. Curiosity drew her in, and Twitchbolt's question made her all the more interested. Keeping little kitten items? What was the point, when they weren't kittens anymore?

"Quite a predicament we have here." Apple Stem spoke gently. Some she recognized as toys scattered about in her Twoleg home. Honestly, the entire pile resembled her stash she had hidden from them. Just a few bottle caps and strings and it would be identical. "Maybe you can leave what won't... deteriorate in the nursery. For the next wave of kittens to play with."

✿—— she's grateful to see the first cat that answers her silent question is twitchbolt; stars forbid a more judgemental cat (slate and silversmoke come to mind) arrive instead, someone who might frown upon her sifting through old kitten toys. she can meet his eye without too much anxiety despite the young tom's higher rank; his nervous demeanour and tripped-over words remind her of herself, and he'd been one of the first to answer her questions about warriorhood. the tabby returns his shaky smile, one thin-wristed paw dipping to paw over the piled trinkets once again as she replies to his questioning words and amber-marked gaze, "i, uh - i'm, i'm not really sure. thank you, though," she answers honestly with a slow exhale of uncertainty.

apple stem's arrival startles her a bit, taking a moment to place her identity—orangeblossom's littermate—and then causes her to dip her head for a moment in an embarassment she can't explain. she supposes it's a bit humiliating for the warrior to come upon her thinking about bringing along kitten trinkets, when orangeblossom's likely not even considered such a thing. well, that was why the ginger-and-white she-cat was a deputy and bobbie just becoming a warrior, she thinks with a sigh, returning her attention to the two cats who've made their way over, nodding to apple stem and twitchbolt both, "i think that's what i'll d-do. leave it in the nursery, for the new kits to play with."

with that, she drags the nest back towards the nearby nursery and unceremoniously dumps the various items inside, with only a twinge of guilt. a last sage-eyed glance and she moves back outside, a strange feeling prickling in her chest as she contemplates the now-empty old nest; her new one is already made and waiting in the warriors' den, so all she really has to do is handle this one. a hestiant movement, an unsheathing of claws, and she's methodically shredding it as she's seen so many new warriors do to their apprentice nests—granted, those bright-eyed young cats had been grinning and laughing. her own face is nearly blank for once, a certainty, a finality written on it as she almost grimly shreds the nest.

"i - i guess that's what i needed to hear, apple stem. thank you," she tips her maned head towards the she-cat, gratitude in her eyes now that she's shredded the old nest. i guess i just needed that push, she thinks with a twinge of embarassment but also of pride; it feels as though she's finally closed off that chapter of her life. would she miss sunny afternoons with her kits, long languid days? certainly, and yet—it's outweighed by the feeling of finally losing that part of herself, that closed-off queen with sad eyes who hid behind holly bushes.

she glances back to the two, mews, "i guess all i have to do now is throw this o-old moss away, then."

  • ooc: ——
  • ❀ bobbie — for her kithood love of bobby pins
    she/her ; cisgender female — skyclan — queen — 40 ☾s
    —— smells like sweet lavender & tea leaves ; sounds like sansa stark ; speech in #D64933, thoughts in #B1C797
    —— peaceful / healing powerplay permitted ; attacks/contact in underline ; won’t start fights ; will flee ; will show mercy ; won't kill or maim
    —— pansexual panromantic monogamist, divorced, not looking ; open to friendships, enemies, casual interactions, plotting ; not open to unplanned romance & unplanned battles
    penned by dejavudesklamp9 on discord for plots
  • shhh don't look here (battle info will go here at some point)



In a similar vein to Twitchbolt, Quillstrikes own parents had never bothered to keep any trinkets he brought them. His father had been a mean, resentful tom who'd hated Quill for not being his biological son, hating him for being the constant reminder of his mates tryst with a passing stranger. And his mother? She'd been terrified. Too afraid of showing any kind of 'favoritism' to their bastard son as if loving Quill meant loving that other tom as well.

Unlike Twitchbolt and Bobbie however, the chimera had never taken to collecting things for himself. When he'd left home and joined Skyclan it was with nothing but the fur on his back, and even now the only things he truly 'owned' were the bluejay feather woven down his neck and spine. The first ones he'd worn had come from the bluejay caught during his warrior assessment, but after losing those to the shelter, the ones he wore now came from the jay he and Twitch caught together after returning home. Among the row of jay feathers he wore, one sat missing from it's place in the line-up just behind his shoulder, it's home now found in the mahogany and cream fur of Twitchbolt.

As the tall, dark-furred chimera came over to stand among the others (dutiful shadow to the cream and mahogany lead) he couldn't help but feel a twinge of approval toward Bobbie. He wasn't sure f the Queen would actually manage to adapt to a warriors lifestyle, but the fact that she wanted to try was admirable. She'd already proven herself as a good Queen to the clan, so learning to hunt and fight and climb could only benefit her and the clan if she managed to get it down.

"I can help you toss it." the striped raven offered in his dull tone, stepping forward to help gather the shredded bits of moss into more manageable piles for moving- something he had a lot of experience given all the extra chores in the nursery and elders den he'd been given in his youth. "Have you thought about where you want your new nest to go in the Warriors den?"

skyclan - male - 16 months (Feb 17th) - bisexual - homoromantic - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.