Mar 15, 2024

"Share with me?" Gently smiling jaws carried toward the leader a squirrel- there was a kindness written in pale-blush eyes, a want for company that brought her close. Truly, she owed very much to Howlingstar- this life she lead now, this star-written path she walked. Fate had ordained she be given a chance, of course ... but not everything was by the will of the Stars. The leader had her own free will, and StarClan had placed their trust in her with the blessing of her nine lives. Though, murmurings told her that the leader before, Emberstar, had much more open borders. Perhaps that was why Father had not told her anything about a rigorous training procedure to become a true Thunderclanner.

"I can never thank you enough for this life. There is so much I owe to you." There was no waver of tearful emotion in Thundergleam's voice, but there was undoubted sincerity that sang through her tone, a wonderful chorus. Yes, every word of it was true. "Do not think I question how you run the Clan- but I am curious. Your predecessor, Emberstar... she let all who asked in without question, yes?" Thundergleam watched Howlingstar's face, tracing the lines of her features, watching the glimmers within seasoned eyes of green.

"Is there a reason you do not do the same?" There indeed would be a reason, Thundergleam was sure- her gaze glimmered with genuine interest.

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Howlingstar looks up at Thundergleam, gaze softening with appreciation at the gesture of the squirrel. "My favorite. Thank you, Thundergleam," She purrs kindly, the warmth in her warrior's voice doing well to appease the stress she'd been feeling as of late. Her dream continues to plague her thoughts, except...she hasn't had anything similar since. In fact, her dreams have been filled with nothing but sunny skies and warm winds. They've been filled with promise, least, that's what she chooses to believe.

Despite the weariness etched into her features, she straightens and takes a slow breath, allowing her burdens to leave her, if only for a bit. Her gratitude admittedly means a lot in these trying times. "You have earned your place here. You owe me nothing. Serving my clan with honor and loyalty is all I need from you," She trills gently, eyes drifting to the squirrel. Her ears twitch as the albino she-cat continues, bringing up Emberstar. She must've heard much about her over the last few moons. "Emberstar was indeed known for her open borders, yes. She was a very kind, optimistic cat - she believed welcoming all was how we would find peace, how we'd be strongest."

Her gaze grows distant for a moment. Her belly sears with a from so long ago. "I learned a hard lesson many seasons ago, when I served as her deputy. I learned that not every cat that touts good intentions can be trusted." She shifts her body, lifting a foreleg to reveal a scar that parts her fluffy white belly fur. Howlingstar lifts her chin slightly and there is a tension in her voice when she continues, "His name was Trufflepelt. He was...mad. But he seemed trustworthy; we never had any reason to doubt him." Placing her white paw back on the ground, she sighs and shakes her head solemnly. "Our world is not always a forgiving place. Dangers lurk beyond our borders. Emberstar was noble in her beliefs, but I choose to not undertake such a risk. My goal is to protect ThunderClan to the best of my ability, and if that means keeping all who have the potential to harm us be it."
  • Dead
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Dreams were fickle things, littered with omens- especially if you were trained to look for them. Howlingstar was one of few cats with familiarity regarding parsing prophecies, something in common shared between them. Certainly, Thundergleam's face would have brightened had she known that her words healed some turmoil- though what Howlingstar did say brought a certain warmth with it, too.

Serving my Clan with honour and loyalty is all I need from you. Thundergleams gaze glistered with pride, and her expression sweetened into a smile. For once, she was genuinely speechless. There was no hidden meaning, no secret buried within Howlingstar's tone. Oh, but there was owing in oath- as long as Howlingstar was ThunderClan's leader, she would owe her every breath.

Emberstar's legacy as founder of ThunderClan flowed through the aging leader's voice. With rapt, swollen pupils Thundergleam stared intently, enveloped by the story. Welcoming all was how we'd be strongest. Perhaps moons ago Thundergleam might have agreed; under Stormywings tutelage, she had soon seen the merits in guarding what you loved. Not every cat that touts good intentions can be trusted.

Howlingstar shifted her limbs. Thundergleam's eyes fluttered wide with shock at the long, jagged scar that ran across her belly.

The sight of that old wound haunted Thundergleam in such a tremulous and deafening way that she almost forgot to listen to who had inflicted it. Trufflepelt, a Clanmate gone mad. It was eerily reminiscient of the tension that had been white-knuckling ThunderClan as of late. Did another like Trufflepelt crouch among them?

"I- I am sorry for having you recall such a tale ..." her throat was thick, her tone disturbed. It was a near-perfect cut- Thundergleam could not help but wonder how this Trufflepelt had managed not to kill her. Father had taught her the easiest way to kill was a cleave of the stomach, snagging vitals on the way. This... this maddened Trufflepelt clearly had not known well enough how to show a life mercy, when you chose to end it.

Jaw grimly tightened for a few moments, Thundergleam nodded. If someone so pale could look gaunt, she certainly did- though only for a few moments, as signature tranquility found her again. With rosy eyes agleam, she regarded the leader. "Your conviction is inspiring. To have suffered such a betrayal, and to learn from it..." To not drown. To move on. She dipped her head. "I apologise for my presumption when we first met. Difficult choices must be made for the greater good ... and it is the great honour of my life that you allowed me to prove my worth, regardless." Part of her wished to lighten the seriousness of it all, but it was certainly not the time for a joke about how it was a good thing she was not like Trufflepelt.
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Howlingstar's gaze softens as she watches Thundergleam's reaction. She can see the genuine concern in her eyes shakes her head, not wanting her to worry. "You needn't apologize, Thundergleam," The tabby mews quietly. "It’s not a burden to speak of the past; it’s good to remember why we make the decisions we do.” The warm sincerity in the other’s words does not go unnoticed, though. It makes her feel good to know she’s found such a sweet friend and clanmate in the once-stranger.

She pauses to lean down and take a bite of the squirrel, her blinking eyes reflecting the fading sunlight filtering through the trees. She chews a bit and glances back up at Thundergleam, smiling in response to her praise, "It is my hope that ThunderClan can grow wise from knowing our history, and that the mistakes of the past can guide us toward a safer future.”

She listens to the other she-cat while nodding thoughtfully. The other’s genuine respect never ceases to impress her. It’s like she was born to be a warrior, to serve a clan. Her smile grows and she murmurs, “What matters now is you did prove yourself. I was lucky that you found me that day…with the eagle. You,” She reaches a paw out to humorously poke at her foreleg, “get to be the exception.”