YOU WITH THE SAD EYES — snow, casual thread

Roosterstrut hadn't really been himself as of late, though most cats knew why. Grief had collapsed upon him like a pile of rocks, the death of Comfreypaw completely unexpected and gutting to witness. Much like how the warrior had been haunted by images of his father's death for most of his life, he now cannot help but think of Comfreypaw in her final moments, bloodied and scared. It's hard to think of anything else.

The red tabby tom had been lying in camp for so long now that gently falling snow began to pile on top of him. If he did not snap out of this soon, he would be buried by the cold.

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    —— he/him; warrior of shadowclan
    —— heteroflexible; single
    —— red tabby tom with long hair and pale green eyes
    —— "speech", thoughts, attack
    —— link to full tags; @ on discord for plots.
    —— penned by beatles
Shadekit was probably one of the few cats in the clan that did not, in fact, understand why. She knew Comfreypaw was dead, but whispers among adults ceased sharply if she got too close when they were talking about her. Shadekit's world was based around comfortable sleep and playtime, not murder and loss, and she did not know how gruesome Comfreypaw's end had been, or how brutal it was for Roosterstrut. She only knew the present moment- a nip in the air, paws numbing as she chased the drifting snowflakes.

"Y' look cold!" Shadekit chirped as she stopped. She herself would be huddling up in the nursery soon, no doubt, but for now her bounding around had kept her warm. "Are you trying to blend in with th' snow? I can still see a lot of your fur." She wasn't sure if he was camouflauging, or trying to sleep, or what... but Ferndance and Needledrift always cleaned the snow off her fur after she was outside, so it probably wasn't good to have it collect like that, even if he was trying to blend in.​

Bonefang was not a man of comfort. He knew no such thing, so gave none- not in voice, demeanor, or actions. He had witnessed his own mother's vicious death, taken by his father- then punished for being nosy. He and a patrol had chased him off, jaw ripped open and crimson spilling. There was no comfort that came with murder.

The black male slowly became more white by the day, tail face and paws picking up light colours against a shadowed pelt as if snow clung and stained his own fur. A part of him did not want to see his own clanmate idle by until russet fur became stiff from cold, this in his own attempt of dry comfort dropped a sparrow from his maw in front of roosterstrut. "eat something." his voice rattled from his throat, dry and unused, and gave no hint of allowing any sort of argument.

yes, comfreypaw was dead, alas nothing about that situation was forgiving. he had not seen what had happened, but the least he could do was help in some way.


[ ༻❄༺ ] Comfreypaw's death was a cruel reminder that it could have been any of them, and that death was always awaiting to grip any of them with its maw. Seeing Roosterstrut become piled in snow made her hum a bit, Shadekit was the first to speak to the seemingly out of it warrior and then Bonerattle was the next one to approach, giving the warrior some freshkill and telling him to eat. "Perhaps we all should stay still enough to allow snow stick to our furs like that" she mused.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowpaw She/Her, apprentice of Shadowclan, 5 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

"You'll turn just as white as I am if you sit there long enough." Frostbite says, walking over to Roosterstrut. He was close to Comfreypaw, and Frostbite understands how he feels. Losing someone you love to a monster is hard to recover from, and he's not really one to give advice on how to recover in a healthy manner. Sure, in the end he's happy, but was what he did really considered healthy? He's not sure it is. But Roosterstrut needs emotional support, and Frostbite wants to at least try.

"Bonefang is right, you should eat something." He says, nodding to Bonefang.

He settles beside Roosterstrut, side pressed against his to share his warmth. "I know you're hurting, but you still have to take care of yourself. You could get sick if you keep laying here in the cold." He says. There isn't much he can say, if anything at all. Comfreypaw was murdered, and telling someone it will be okay after losing someone so dear just felt insensitive. He looks to the two younger cats with a faint smile. "You'll be sitting still for a bit, unless you roll around." He says to Snowpaw.​

Tired eyes first watched Shadekit approach Roosterstrut and, soon after, Ferndance followed her child. Her mind had not been given the chance to dwell on Comfreypaw's death, Spruce's still lingered on the forefront, but just because her grief was for a different cat, did not mean she felt it more or less than those around her. The air was as heavy as pawsteps on the thick white ground, even as they joked about lingering long enough to become snow-kitties. Blinks were slow as emerald eyes widened, an idea brewing in her head. "If snow is wet... can you drown in it?" The cinnamon tabby tilted her head innocuously towards Roosterstrut.

*+:。.。 Bonekit walked obediently by his mother, his eyes slightly narrowed with exertion as he had to practically scurry to keep up with his mom. When she finally stops in her tracks, he stops in his, keeping his head bowed but his eyes sharp beneath his fringe of fur. As she asks a question he perks his ears up to catch the answer, but his eyes instead catch every cat's expression. Like his sibling, he knows not the friendly face of death, but he has felt its whisper in his ear since his birthing. Just enough to name to give the grief that clouds the eyes of his fellow shadowclanners. Still, he says nothing, just keeping a close eye on Shadekit and Ferndance and waiting to see if Roosterstrut ends up with white spots like Bonekit's sister.

    Shadowclan — Kit
    DMAB— He/Him — Unsure
    3 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Son to Ferndance x Needledrift
    Brother to Bloodkit, Shadekit, Snowkit

    Physically easy | mentally hard
    Attack in bold #738171
    injuries: None currently

Plodding over on listless paws, ShadowClan's deputy is next to join the steadily-collecting assemblage around poor Roosterstrut. Buddy's beginning to look like he was a product of Garlicpaw's craft, carved from the snowy terrain and foisted unto the camp as a monument. Pity writhes against bemusement deep in his innards, churning, bubbling, and spilling over into a dry chuckle—though he projects it well towards Ferndance's asinine question. A sliver of him wishes to follow it up, to comment on how Roosterstrut was preparing for his own vigil. Fortune is on his side today, though, for he realises how ill-timed that jest would prove.

Instead, Smogmaw takes the noble path, the same one Bonefang and Frostbite chose. "Are you okay?" he simply asks, tone dipped in a solemn, sombre strain. It's as candid a thing he can manage. Though he harbours no sympathy towards Roosterstrut, it would appear his apparent grief reflects a broader disquiet. Everyone is rightfully unsettled these days. Smogmaw himself knows well he is not exempt. "You'll turn into a Roosterstrut-cicle by sundown. Get up, shake the snow from your pelt."