———————————she/her | menacing ——————————
Her body hurt, and everything was fuzzy. Scalejaw couldn't remember the last time everything felt like this- too warm and too hot, despite the lack of leaves upon tree and brush, the freezing feeling in her pawpads. Good. At least she had that much to keep her grounded. At least she had her flank pressed against someone warm and strong. Eyes blinked, glowing coals dim as she shifted them to the deputy who kept her upright and struggled forward with her.

He had jump at the badger. He jumped at it. Her ears twitched in fine precision, somewhat aware of the two apprentices behind them- hopefully uninjured, and just spooked. Scalejaw didn't know, given how much her vision swam every time she moved her head. Words whispered out of her mouth as she dragged her paw against the ground- one leg somewhat unresponsive, and Scalejaw had half of a mind enough to realize as adrenaline faded and pain slipped in that her leg was damaged.

Hopefully, not damaged beyond repair. The burning fear that sank into her being became suddenly very real. Scalejaw did not want an early retirement into the elder's den, and her breath came ragged as a choked level of emotion left her. Words whispered as they slipped into camp. "Hurts." That's all she could manage to say to Smogmaw, ears lowering. He had jumped at the badger, then charged at it. How he was intact was beyond knowledge to Scalejaw, and more than impressive.

Her head turned again- the blood trail she left would alert predators, alert the badger that was still alive. She swallowed, which caused a burn of pain in her throat, a choked noise leaving her as she stopped when Smogmaw did just within camp.

// continuation of this thread here! pre-current round of patrols
// painfully obvious by scent it was badger, scalejaw's got a wicked injury to her neck and shoulder!
// powerplay perms given by will for smog
// please wait for smogmaw's post!!

[penned by dallas].

Headstrong spontaneity goes a long way when danger looms large. If not for such rash, brash, and crass maneuvers, the first paws would've broken ground for Scalejaw's gravesite by now.

He did what he had to. Nothing he'd done fit a hero's bill nor a martyr's eulogy either. Survival is survival in this corner of the woods, and it was his duty to safeguard that precious ideal. The she-cat on his side can count herself thankful he did, and she can express her thanks by not passing out, losing any more blood, and not dying. It'd stand as a damn shame if she became just another name to announce at a gathering.

"Both of you, retrieve Starlingheart 'n Magpiepaw," the deputy commands once camp is breached, strained voice directed towards the apprentices in his company. Ashenpaw and Flintpaw's dual training session scarcely resembled its original plan for the day—though, he'd consider the outing successful if they were to obey him immediately. Smogmaw lacks a healer's touch and know-how, and has no way of knowing how heavily his clanmate teetered on the precipice. The warmth seeping into her fur and staining his own gave ample cause for alarm though. Didn't take a medicine cat to confirm Scalejaw could use some expert treatment right away.

"Yeah, that'll hurt," he finally responds as a delayed affirmative, a low huff accompanying his words. Her sudden sputter has him flinching, jaws grit as he catches a severe laceration in his peripheral. She's no lightweight, either, so lugging her along is easier said than done—he shifts for a better grasp. "Think happy thoughts if you have any," grunts the deputy. "Like, y'might get a massage outta this if you try to limp more."

// tagging @ASHENPAW and @FLINTPAW , but the thread is now open!

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Ashenpaw stumbles in at their heels, mud and slush soaking his fur and blood between his toes. His head hasn't stopped spinning since getting struck by a badger-paw, and the stress of having to watch Smogmaw bring Scalejaw home, hoping she wouldn't up and die on them before they got to camp, brought on the beginnings of a migraine.

"...Why were we all the way out there again?" he muttered, in some part genuine confusion, but also beginning to have the wherewithal to get a bit pissed off about being led into the middle of a blizzard for something as mundane as battle training. He was once again pestered with the thought that perhaps the clan had come to a vote while he was asleep to toss him and Flintpaw into the wilderness to starve in a campaign to cut corners on maintaining the freshkill pile. Seven kids. Seven whole children Smogmaw had at his disposal, and he wanted to toss the one that was named after him. Maybe he would just rename one of the little ones to bear his honor in Ashenpaw's stead.

They reach camp at last, and no one has dropped dead yet, and promptly Smogmaw is barking orders once more. "Mmkay..." He says, but hustles toward the medicine den to bother their resident healers. It is when he is nearly two pawsteps into the den that he realizes where he is and Ashenpaw stops in his tracks, opting to linger near the entrance to call into the den, "Help, it's Scalejaw, she's not dead, but uhhh...! Badger attacked us." Did that make sense? His head was killing him, and the sudden affront of herbs and sick-smell had him fighting back gags as he spoke. Felt bad. At least he wasn't bleeding out like Scalejaw, right? Oh, right.

"Y'should come quickly, though, uh s'real bad."

Maybe he should go puke or something.

  • OOC: has a concussion from getting punched in the head by a badger but otherwise unwounded! @Magpiepaw @STARLINGHEART
  • image.png
  • ashenkit . ashenpaw
    — ftm transmasc. he/him. 11mo apprentice of shadowclan. mentored by smogmaw
    — muted blue torbie w/ pale blue and amber eyes
    — smells of rainsoaked fern and swamp milkweed
    all ic opinions!
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — sig by nya, fullbody by antiigone, sticker by saturnid
    — penned by eezy

//retro to death and injury

they didn't expect to see ashenpaw so sluggishly bringing the medicine cat news. they were going to bring the duo some prey, but they're stopped in their tracks. scalejaw? something happened to scalejaw? their stomach drops, and the worry increases when they realize that there's something off about ashenpaw, too. they didn't know what. they're not a medicine cat. but it's something.

"you don't look so good yourself, kiddo. here. sit. we will go get scalejaw."

they sniff his pelt, the stench of badger coating him, but at least that wasn't it. smogmaw's scent, too. despite their personal feelings, they didn't want anything to happen to the deputy at all. they hoped he was okay.

"let one of them take a look at you, please."

they gently nudged him, trying to get him to sit down in a nearby unoccupied nest, before turning and heading to go get scalejaw. they stepped out of the medicine cat den and picked up their pace seeing their friend in so much disarray. they didn't like that, at all.

"are the three of you alright? you know what? no. all of you will be checked out by starlingheart and magpiepaw, okay? let's go."

I don't mind if the world spins faster

One thing was for sure was the fear that lingered in ones mind about Shadowclan's notoriety for losing clanmates, its always a fearful thought that someone could lose someone they loved just like that. So, seeing her own mother, her kin in such a state made Nightwhisper's own heart drop to her stomach as her fur begin to fluff out slightly. Her claws digged into the ground slightly before she was quick to push through the crowding clan, panic in her one gold eye. "Mom!" her normally soft and quiet voice now shrill and filled with panic before looking at Smogmaw, and then to Chilledstar.

Seeing her own kin in such a state rattled her, even if it was to be expected. That there would be a chance that her brothers could be the ones they're making a vigil for, even her own mom, still never eased anything seeing Scalejaw in such state. "Let me help you get her to the medicine cat's den, please" she didn't want to leave her, not alone, even if she was told to go. Nightwhisper couldn't. Yet, they were sure the others would understand, right? Nightwhsiper's gaze scanned them, eyes landing on Scalejaw while worry bloomed in her one good eye, while repeating silently to herself that everything was going to be fine.

The sudden commotion in camp is enough to stir the dead from their graves. Worried voices float to her ears through the entrance of her den and she knows from the way she hears her name uttered alongside her apprentices that someone is injured. Her paws run on instinct the way they always do as she comes to stand at the entrance of her rocky den, sole eye blinking in the dappled light until it adjusts and she can see what is well and truly going on. Scalejaw, supported by Smogmaw, stumbling into camp, Ashenpaw speaking in slurred tones and the strong scent of badger wafting in the air is more than enough to let her know what had happened. "Magpiepaw" she says, turning to her apprentice. "Fetch cobwebs, marigold and goldenrod" and then her lone gaze flickers to Ashenpaw and she notes his slurred speech, the way he sways on unsteady feet and she quickly disappears into the den only to re-emerge a second later.

"Here" she says as she deposits dandelion seeds at his paws "Eat these and then find a nest in my den to rest in" she knows it wont be a favorable experience for either of them, Ashenpaw had made it no secret how he felt about her, but she needed to keep an eye on him in case his condition worsened. "Get-get Scalejaw to my den, we can treat her in there" Hopefully, by the time they got there, Magpiepaw would have everything ready and they could get right to work on stopping the bleeding and getting the warrior patched up.

"Smogmaw, are you injured?" she asks, turning to give the deputy a quick sniff. She didn't smell any blood, but it was better to be safe than sorry.


The commotion rouses the living along with the dead, he was hardly a corpse but he bolted upright as if revived from his brief napping to join his mentor outside in curious intrigue; the wretched scent of badger is so prominent he almost gags when it wafts over him, there was something about it that reminded him of the thunderpath tunnels and the miserable days hiding outside of camp from the bears. He offers no commentary other than a muted, "Yes.", to Starlingheart's orders before turning to bob and stumble his way back into the den proper and begin assembling the requested supplies. Burning sun, stretching webs, golden tang - clean the wound, hasten the healing, kill the infection, patch the injury.

Herbs set aside in neat little piles, he moves to grip the edges of the nests and yank them back into place; having just refreshed the material of them a little while ago and having not had time to put them back in place just yet. Magpiepaw didn't expect an injury or sickness to strike so immediately after his efforts to clean, but of course fate would deem his hubris innappropriate and strike him down. Couldn't keep anything in order for long, even the marigold had gotten mixed up in his pawing about of the stock. He'd need to fix that later but he hated herb sorting, would much rather be out gathering it and testing new plants by chewing on them to determine usefulness or fatality rates. He had yet to eat something awful but one day he'd refer shoving whatever leaf he found into his mouth to gauge medicinal use.

  • OOC can go here.

  • dgjzb1y-75361c4e-601a-4b3f-a424-fe26a15fe6df.png
    —⊰⋅ MCA of ShadowClan
    —⊰⋅ He/They
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/a white throat and blue-violet eyes.
    —⊰⋅ Has mild cerebellar hypoplasia (Wobbly cat syndrome)


The query his son raised brought a wrinkle to his mien, a frustrated shadow crossing his face for a blink. Intentional or not, Ashenpaw's exasperation seemed to insinuate some culpability on the deputy's part. He knew full well why they were out there; they were out there because Smogmaw had ordered it. That alone ought to conclude the matter, but questioning orders wasn't as uncommon of an offense among their ranks as one would desire.

Still, more pressing matters weighed on his shoulders (literally), and semantics weren't about to relieve any pressure on his side. He does his darnedest to keep the bloodied she-cat upright, breathing, and stable as they awaited assistance—amber eyes exchange the retreating apprentice for his leader's approaching form, and in a rare moment, their presence begets a sensation of relief. "Chilledstar," Smogmaw mouthes through a strained grimace. Scalejaw bore down heavier against his midsection with every fading second. "I don't need-"

Help. He doesn't. Not any that'd deprive someone more deserving of the herbs and materials. The word goes unspoken, though, for scorning their command would just double his toils. So he acquieces, keeping silent save for a guttural grumble. What strength kept the warrior on all fours lay on the cusp of running dry. The medicine cat's arrival reinvigorates it, somewhat, though he knows it to be borrowed time at best. "Not injured. Not compared to Scalejaw, at least—but I'm gonna keel over 'nless I get her off my hide."

An imploring look falls upon Nightwhisper in particular, but the silent request was meant for all. One or two extra set of paws were needed to move the injured warrior any further. "C'mon," he mutters to her, however uncertain on her ability to hear him now. "We're getting a move on." His muzzle crunches up as limbs kick into motion, fatigue clinging to his ankles like tendrils.


The approaching scent of an ironclad spill instinctively sent Lilacfur's pelt bristling down her spine. Having been spending that day in camp to show @SHADEPAW a few crouching techniques, she had expected the day to go slow and undisturbed. She watched as Nightwhisper rushed toward her mother, who appeared the most injured out of all four.

"Let's take a break, Shadepaw. Bring your mother something to eat." She directed gently to her apprentice before padding closer to get a better look. "What's that smell on you all? Is that what attacked you?" It looked far more vicious than any dog or fox fight she had seen.
[ i need the clouds to cover me ]
———————————she/her | menacing ——————————
// omg im so sorry about this being late

Smogmaw's words were directed to someone else- then low ones towards her own. Ears twitched as she blearily stared out into the camp as cats gathered, quickly at Smogmaw's annoucement for their apprentices to find help. He shifts, and she's grasped just that much better, her tail swept low. A shudder left her, growing colder by the second. "Not sure... I want a massage after all that." Scalejaw mumbled, her paws dragging more and more by the second.

They were stopped as cats did grow closer. Chilledstar returned after Ashenpaw disappeared into the medicine den, and her eyes grew half-lidded. Safety. She couldn't deny that, pressed to the flank of the deputy warm as he was, the look of concern in her best friend's eyes. Mom! Scalejaw's composure felt like ice as her eyes widened, turning to look towards Nightwhisper. She couldn't fathom doing this to her kits- not after losing... Raw emotion she hadn't felt before she made it home grasped her now. Her ears flattened. "Night, my dear." She whispered, searching her for injuries.

"I'm okay." The was a fat lie, which is something that Scalejaw wasn't particularly known for doing. Smogmaw had exchanged words with Chilledstar and Starlingheart while she was worried about her kin, and they were beginning to move. Hopefully Nightwhisper took the void at her other side, supporting her just into the medicine den. Words were quiet, heard only by those supporting her movements. "Thank you, Smogmaw." Full of thick emotion she couldn't being to describe.

Into the medicine den they did go, and Scalejaw deposited into a nest. Her eyes found Magpiepaw, and closed gently. I guess I'm not dying.

[penned by dallas].