you won't do it, no balls lol [quill]


"You know, if you keep glaring at the wall like that, your face is gonna end up like Crimsonbite's." The first words that leave the long-legged, chunky apprentice is one of amusement. He did enjoy making people laugh, but it seemed Quillpaw wasn't in the mood for a good joke. "..Not that his face is ugly or anything. I think it's charming in a rough-and-tumble sort of way." He mumbles soon after, already tempted to just shove the apprentice into mud or something. Why was everyone in SkyClan such horrible audiences?

"Do you wanna talk about it?" He asks, patient. "You said someone was looking for you, right? Are you sure?" He adds on, curious.


Quillpaw had effectively managed to piss off half the clan after his little incident with the other apprentice, meaning that just as many cats were now glaring at him as they were altogether avoiding him. The only upside to it was that there seemed to still be a good chunk of cats that didn't give a rats ass one way or another, and simply went about their lives as if nothing had ever happened. Truthfully, the chimera would have preferred for the entire clan to have that mentality, but as it was he was currently brooding over the fact that it wasn't. Blazestar had confined him to camp and given him extra chores in the nursery and elders dens to 'teach him to respect his clanmates more', and the onl cats that seemed to have an interest in talking to him right now were those that wanted details on what had gone down. It was starting to get annoying, all this curiosity and concern, and by the time Fireflypaw came around to throw their hat in the ring, Quill had already been questioned by Dawnglare and Deersong as well.

"Crimsonbites an asshole." he replied flatly, not caring if Fireflypaw had any personal connection to the tom or not. While the tomcat was, admittedly, among the few that didn't seem to care much about what had happened with Quill, the apprentice had yet to forget or forgive them for the stunt they'd pulled with Butterflypaw back during that training session.

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

"No." came his immediate response, purposefully kept as flat and disinterested as before in hopes of the tom getting the hint and leaving him the fuck alone, but alas. Luck wasn't on his side today.

"You said someone was looking for you, right? Are you sure?"

No, Quill wasn't sure. When he'd ran away from home he'd fully expected his parents to jump on the chance they were given. His mom wouldn't have to bare the burden of knowing the dysfunction in their family was a direct result of her one night stand, and his dad wouldn't have to look an illegitmate child in the face every day and pretend that his wifes infidelity hadn't broken their relationship. They would move on, and so would Quill.

But according to that asshole apprentice, that was not what had happened. Instead, his father was now alone and furious, eager to take revenge on Quill for ruining their already broken family.

"Yes I'm sure." he snapped in response, ling through his teeth with all the confidence in the world. "It doesn't matter though because they're not gonna find me. I made sure of that."

Yes, of that he certainly had. That apprentice was now far more terrified of Quill than he was stupid enough to try and pull another stunt like that, and he'd repeat the process on any cat that came afterward looking to ruin what little peace he'd found for himself out here.

skyclan - male - 8 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - very tall tabby tomcat with broad shoulders
Crimsonbite's an asshole. Fireflypaw wheezes out a loud laugh, cackling as if Quillpaw had told the greatest joke in the world. He wipes a tear from his eye, giggling softly to himself. "Gahaha!- Ehehe..- I mean, you're not wrong! He's mean, mean!" Fireflypaw crows out in laughter, inhaling a sharp breath to steady himself. Mean, indeed- when he heard about what maggot-man did to Butterflypaw, he wanted to shred the old man apart. Despite this, however, he couldn't help but to find humor in the insults against the ginger tom.

It was hard to be angry with people, though. Fireflypaw didn't quite understand anger, either. If he was angry, wouldn't that cause more issues for his family? What good would that do for them? Quillpaw is bitter, distant- though Fireflypaw carries on as if he doesn't notice it. Everyone had their grumpiness sometimes! No, He instantly responds to Fireflypaw's offer to talk about it, and the seal point merely shrugs in response, seating himself beside the tom. Oh, well. It wasn't his business.

He watches the conflicted emotions cross Quillpaw's face, in tune with body language; the uncomfortable gait. It doesn't matter though because they're not gonna find me. I made sure of that. "Oooh, sure showed 'em, huh? How's the punishment going for that?" He remarks smartly, cackling to himself. He doesn't mean to offend, but he finds Quillpaw's solution pretty dumb. It came from a place of naivety, since he himself came from a loving family. He didn't know what it was like. Leopardcloud's death was the only thing he experienced that made him understand abuse even slightly, and Coyotepaw had left anyways despite his mother making him promise to stay. Guess some cats weren't as loyal to their family as they made themselves to be? "It'll pass faster than you know. Morningbird and the other Elders are pretty cool to hang around, you'll see." He quips, shrugging his shoulders.

Fireflypaw was ignorant to the tom's wanting to be alone; after all, Fireflypaw himself wanted company. And Quillpaw was stuck with that company. "You wanna go slide on the frozen river?" He suddenly asks, out of nowhere. It sounded like a cool idea, right? Swimming in cold water didn't sound fun, but since it was frozen.. "C'mon, my dad won't know. And if anyone asks, I'll just use my wicked 'ole charms to get us out of trouble, yeah?"


"They're gonna talk my damn ears off." he growled, not bothering to hide his annoyance. He couldn't see how hanging out with a bunch of old, ornery cats was going to be 'cool'. All they ever did was complain or drone on about boring shit he didn't want to hear. It was hard enough trying to focus on doing a passable job making nests or reinforcing the walls, so regardless of their intentions he couldn't imagine that having the elders breathing down his neck was going to make it any less torturous than it already would be.

"You wanna go slide on the frozen river?"

If Quills face could have gone even more dead-pan it would have. Was this kid stupid? Had his clumsy father dropped him on his head one too many times as a kit? Because it didn't take a genius to pick up on the cues Quill was dropping and Fireflypaw was missing -or ignoring- all of them.

"C'mon, my dad won't know. And if anyone asks, I'll just use my wicked 'ole charms to get us out of trouble, yeah?"

Lashing out was always easy for Quill. Outlets were hard to come by, and with everything the boy had been put through he'd been in need of those desperately back in twoleg place. Short-tempered. Violent. Cold. Any cat who knew him from twoleg place would have described him as such. Month ago he would have ended the interaction by now, claws and blood and teeth more than enough to make any point clear where his words failed him. And the thought crossed his mind as he sat there, not out of any real desire to harm Fireflypaw, but because that's simply what he was used to doing. It's all his father had ever bothered to teach him, and Quill doubted those interactions had been meant as life lessons.

Still, the apple didn't fall far from the tree.

Knowing that, though, had always been the difference for Quill, because if there's one thing he refused to become, it was his father.

"Fucking- fine. If it'll get you to leave me alone, we'll go. he growled, getting to his paws with an annoyed flick of his tail.

He didn't want to be bothered about what had happened, didn't want to be mocked for it, or tempted into letting his anger get the better of him again. He'd just go slide on some ice for a bit and hopefully Fireflypaw would shut his damn mouth so Quill could at least pretend he wasn't feeling like shit.

skyclan - male - 8 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - very tall tabby tomcat with broad shoulders