private you wouldn't believe // treatment

periwinklepaw | 08 months | demi-boy | he/they | physically easy (pacifist) | mentally easy | attack in bold #ccccff
Every inch of his fragile figure hurts. Bruises, scrapes, scratches - he has all of them. What should have been an easy loss under the guise of a training session spar had turned to all out war - he'd lost his temper, his mind. And of course, he'd lost the fight that he'd started. it had felt... good though. Standing up to firepaw. Listening to his friends cheer him on - their hopes unexpected but more than welcome.

He's still riding the adrenalin high, but he can already feel the worries and doubts creeping their way back in as he limps into the medicine den, clear blue gaze wary. Is vulturemask going to be upset about the danger, the waste of herbs? Or will he be happy - proud that their training was working out, that he'd used what he'd learnt, that he'd fought back. Will it even matte? His mind is a mess and he no longer knows. Is this truly what he is? is becoming like them okay? Should he keep fighting, keep allowing himself to be crushed underpaw for the simple sake of foolish beliefs and his own discomfort? Would it be easier to just let go - -to block out the visions that haunt him, to allow himself to becomes a monster. He doesn't know anymore.

// injuries: minor scrapes, bruises, scratches that won't need more than to be looked over and cleaned, but worst wound is a slightly deeper scratch on his throat that will probably need to be treated
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He had been there watching the fight without doing anything but observing it. When the fight was over the medicine cat had stood up without a word to retreat back into his den to prepare his herbs knowing Periwinklepaw would return back here soon. When hearing pawsteps into his den, Vulturemask would flink a ear. " Go and seat over there." he pointed with his tail over at where he wanted Periwinklepaw to take a seat at while his back was turned at them.

Vulturemask would gather up what he needed for now and with a mouth full of cobwebs and moss the medicine cat turned himself around to head on over to the apprentice so he could get to work. He was silent during the time he cleaned their wounds, his eyes especially eying that cut on their throat. " You let the emotions take control over you that's why you lost." he suddenly say not blaming them for it though. Vulturemask had often lost his temper to his own emotions as an apprentice. It could work well to keep them fighting but only if that anger was put under control. He had done mistakes he not wished for Periwinklepaw to do.

" Because of that you lost focus. Your moves become wild and clumsy but nothing that cannot be worked on." he continued and started to use the moss and cobwebs to clean the cut at his throat as gentle he could with his violent paws. " Overall you did good. Firepaw is a rather tall cat and she is older than you too. You did well keeping up with her." Although he had early seen they weren't gonna win, unfortunately. Firepaw deserved to get kicked into the dirt for having insulted Periwinklepaw like that.

" I've never seen you lose your temper like that before. Does she often harass you like that? "
he finally would ask, his face remaining emotionless during the whole time.