you you you you // bad manners

maggotpaw | 07 months | female | she/her | physically medium | mentally hard | attack in bold mediumpurple
Maggotpaw has always been a studious apprentice - patrolling and training with little to no complaint (and even then, it was only over others stupidity). Today is not much different, the sour-faced feline out on yet another night hunting patrol. With the wind as it is, it's nearly impossible to track scents, and so instead she relies heavily on her other senses - her eyes and ears. All it takes it for a momentary rustle in the midst of a brief pause, a flash of leathery skin, and she's moving. Like a panther on the prowl her limbs more in powerful strides as she darts forwards, successfully snapping the lizard up in her jaws. It should be a successful hunt - a nice prize to bring back to camp. Except, by the time her patrol mates turn to congratulate her it's suddenly gone - only maggotpaw is left standing there, pink tongue swiping the taste from her lips. She'd swallowed it whole.

Rosemire fixes the apprentice with a flat stare, exhaling through his nose. He's not her mentor, thank fuck, and dislikes that he's been given to lecturing so much lately, but the memories of ShadowClan in leafbare are still so fresh in his mind. He knows it's tempting to forget, to shed that time of their lives like old fur, and it's something that must come easier to the younger cats. "I'm sure the queens and elders will appreciate your contribution," he says dryly, smearing mud on a patch of fur that's come un-covered. Hunting at night while as pale as he is— it isn't ideal, and mud even less so, but it's mud or reflecting the moonlight.

"Hopefully that's the last catch to disappear in your mouth."




Stumpyspots' is hardly bothered by the apprentice eating their catch, she's more impressed the girl managed to get it down without choking it back up. She's only known adders to be able to accomplish such a feat, not adders... She hopes it doesn't cause issues when it comes time for the prey to come out.

Leaving the lecturing to Rosemire, knowing self-consciously very well she doesn't bring all her catches back to camp either, she looks at the striped she-cat with wide-eyed concern. "Woah there, need a drink to go along with that...? Furthest clean streams 'while off but... feel ya may need it..." Still... impressive.
"Wow that was, certanly rude." Ferndance blinked wildly as she moved closer to the trio, her face displaying a disappointed visage, one of a parent scolding a child rather than any real bother. It would be asinine to say that she hadn't snuck prey into her muzzle when the rest of her patrol wasn't looking, only, she had the sneakiness to remain undetected when she got hungry (or it was her privileged position). It was only a crime if you got caught, and Maggotpaw it seemed wasn't very good at committing crimes. The night was not as concealing in ShadowClan as it was in other places, perhaps she'd been wrong to believe that the apprentice would understand that. A brow was cocked and the corners of her mouth twisted upwards in a disarming smile, her whiplike tail gently lashing behind her. She leaned forwards in her questioning, pupils so wide that the greens of her eyes were almost completely tucked away. "Are you planning on baby birding that to the kittens? It's just you ate it so quickly I... wow." Almost like a pelican, though Ferndance wasn't sure if pelicans regurgitated their food as other avians did. At that thought, she looked past the other.

⋆⍋ It might be a surprise that, in contrast to the old warriors efforts to make himself a distinguished warrior among his peers, upholding a sense if honor in his position to the Clan, he wouldn't be bothered by Maggotpaw. Food was a source of strength, and he didn't see it wasteful for her to eat what she had worked for, as long as there was stock at camp. Which they all were confident would not disappear any time soon. Even with the heavy winds, some would just have to get over the taste of frog since that seemed to be the easier option to hunt for the moment.

The warrior looked between the patrol at the mixed opinions, his own matching closer to Stumpyspots. "Too bad our WindClan friends couldn't see how fast you were. Might've sent them into shock." Was his only comment on the matter before moving on with his own hunting. There was only enough time they had in the cover of night to kill.

// out!
maggotpaw | 07 months | female | she/her | physically medium | mentally hard | attack in bold mediumpurple
A frown pulls at her features as she finishes her meal, eyes cold as ice and glowing in the low light. "What does it matter? It's not like there's a rule against it, " it's not leafbare anymore, and they're no longer limited to carrion and pitiful scraps. No longer will she allow herself an empty belly. She simply rolls her eyes at the annoyed warriors, instead turning her focus onto stumpyspots, head tipping to the side and expression blank. "I'm alright," she's rather surprised by the offer, genuine or not she's quite unused to such gestures of thoughtfulness. "Hah! house frog-brains would die of shame to see a shadowclanner do anything faster than them," she taunts, agreeing with sabletuft. She doesn't actually feel all that strongly about the other clan, but it's fun to mock others - clanmates or outsiders, makes no difference to her.