you'll be just fine - bird!


he's out of pocket
Apr 26, 2023
@Sweetybee - mentor tag//

The tiny apprentice was learning a lot, but it was overwhelming. Just a bit, sometimes. Hunting was fun though, but he seemed to lose a lot more prey than obtain them, unfortunately.

He was trying!

The small chocolate marbled form would stalk foreward, his tail signaling to his mentor that he had found prey. His form was at least correct, his body lowered, and his steps quiet.

But as he leaped forward, he barely missed it, and instead, the small brown flecked bird seemed mad. Chirp noises were abrupt, and it's form began to fly and circle around the small boy. Even if it was just a small bird, it launches foreward, and talons scratched across his cheek as it swooped down and attacked him back.

A squeal came from Pocket, his paws covering his head as yet another swoop came and scratched his back. Then his paws slid over his eyes, hoping that the bird would no longer see him. Boy, was he wrong as burning tingling sensation came as talons hooked an ear, tearing the top of his ear with a painful howl. "Sweetybee!" he yelped, tears beginning to brim as it swooped back up. His tail curled tightly around his side and his paws moved over his now bleeding ear.
Sweetybee is always proud of Pocket for doing his best. Some may say she is too soft on him, but she couldn't bring herself to be tougher. You don't always need a tough, stern teacher to do well, you can succeed just as well with one who's kind and gentle. Pocket would become an excellen t warrior, she believes in him even when he messes up. She cares about him very much.

Which is why when she hears him cry out, cry her name, she halts her hunt immediately and springs into action.


Had his hunt gone wrong? Had he run into trouble? She prayed she didn't find a fox when she found him. And to her relief.... It was only a bird. A very angry bird. She'd never seen one so small attack before. Usually it was the big ones like hawks or owls. Either way, it was NOT going to bully her apprentice. The AUDACITY of this little winged creature.

"Leave him alone!" She hissed as she rushed in to swing her claws at the bird, hoping to smack it right out of the air. Maybe even into a tree for extra insult.

  • Haha
Reactions: shrewflight.


The sound of anyone in trouble was enough to get Johnnyflame moving, but the sound of a child in trouble was a brand of panic all it's own. So when he heard the cry of Pocket calling out for Sweetybee in a panic, the bobtail was quick to gesture for his own to follow as he bound through the trees toward the shouts of distress.

When he found the pair he was ready to fight, but the tension quickly bled from his body as he realized what was going on. Pocket had seemingly managed to upset a bird, something he'd seen plenty of cats and twolegs do in the past, though none in the pine forest so far. Had the apprentices gotten too close to a nest perhaps?

"Aye, you tell 'em, Sweetybee!" growled Johnnyflame from where he balanced on the branch, lips tugged into a good-natured grin as he watched the shecat do battle on behalf of her apprentice.

Drrizzlepelt is also quick to jump into action at the commotion, hoping that nothing was going terribly wrong. It sounded like there was a fight, and his mind whirls at the thought of it being something like a rogue or WindClan coming back to haunt them. What he didn't expect was that the fuss was over a bird. Well, Pocket was pretty tiny, he supposes. And it was pretty cute, watching Sweetybee bring her apprentice honor.

"Make that foul beast rue the day it ever messed with Pocket!" He jokes, calling out to the two of them in support. He goes over to Johnnyflame's side to watch the rest of this encounter go down, a smile flashing on his own face as well.​