you'll find out soon there are seeds within // rainpaw training


anything can happen if you want it enough
Jan 5, 2023

"leave those snails alone, they've got problems of their own"

”Feel how the wind moves around you. Even in the deepest tunnel, you can feel the surface. It’s important to remember that although they seem like separate worlds, aboveground and below are two sides of the same leaf. Without one, the other wouldn’t exist.” Curlew spoke softly to his apprentice as they stood in the entrance of a tunnel, encouraging the young she-cat to be aware of her surroundings. ”You may not be able to see, but that makes all your other senses…. sense-ational.” The tom’s chuckle bounces around in the small space, his amusement clearly evident. ”In time, it will seem strange to navigate with sight rather than touch and smell.” The frozen ground pressed in around the pair, air warmer than on the moors. Curlew always thought of that feeling as a hug, and he hoped that Rainpaw could feel the power that he did.

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Rainpaw's ears were perked as Curlewnose spoke. When it came to some cats, Rainpaw wished that she could tune them out entirely, but her mentor was one of WindClan's nicest- she would never genuinely complain about having to listen to him. She breathed in and shut her eyes, trying to do as he said. The cold wind ruffled her fur and bent her whiskers to the side, and she wrinkled her nose slightly. Only a moment later, though, her eyes were snapping open with a chuff of laughter at Curlewnose's pun.

Rainpaw had stalked through many of the tunnels, and she could find her way out, but she knew that she was still had plenty to learn. She just hoped she would not be learning anything the hard way anymore- ignoring "don't corner rabbits when you're basically their size" had turned out to be a terrible idea a few months ago, and she now knew to take tunnelers' teachings seriously. "Got it. Focus on having a sense-ational sense of touch and smell, not sight," She repeated back with a determined nod, padding a few steps deeper toward the darkness. "Does focusing on the wind help with knowing what part of the territory is above you when you're in the tunnels? Like, do certain parts of the territory have draftier tunnels?" That was the skill that the full tunnelers had that Rainpaw envied the most. She could find her way from one part of the territory to another using the tunnels, but it was a matter of just knowing that one tunnel led to an exit, not being able to completely picture the moor above her.

"leave those snails alone, they've got problems of their own"

Curlew’s ears turned towards his apprentice. ”A very good question, Rainpaw. Yes, there generally is a difference in the air in different parts of the tunnels. The closer to the surface, the draftier it tends to be! The smell of the air changes as well, which is how I navigate the territory most accurately. The soil is damp by Riverclan, and more woody by Thunderclan and Skyclan. Shadowclan is the worst, to me at least.” The tom shuddered, nose wrinkling in disgust. ”It smells like rotten plover eggs.” He knew they were their allies, but the smell nearly knocked him off his paws everytime he got too close to their border.

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