She wants to believe in Bluefrost, she only ever wanted to believe in Bluefrost. When no one else did, she took upon herself because she wanted to. Because Bluefrost was a cat without any friends, and Pinkpaw one day decided that the friend she needed would be her. She likes to think that because she believed in her, Sunstar eventually did too.

It's all a little harder when Bluefrost slips from camp to give birth to her kits. When they're carried with the help of a DuskClanner, their father — and did that make him her mate? She isn't sure, and she's not sure that she can ask. Would Bluefrost want to see her? Would anyone want her to see Bluefrost? She shouldn't care what others think, or something like that... But others aren't just random cats, they're WindClan, and did Bluefrost betray them? Well...

Pinkshine shuffles her paws. She doesn't answer her own question even if the answer is obvious. It's easier not to. It's easier not to consider what that made her if she worried about her. And Pinkshine is worrying about her a lot. Her paws bring her toward the nursery, more than once, never quite daring to step inside, but peering inward and hoping she can catch a fleeting glance of blue fur or cream - freckles — an ode to Thiftfeather's coat, they all know now. Another wistful glance is cast toward the nursery, and she finds herself worrying aloud... " I really hope she's okay... "