YOU'LL HEAR ME HOWLIN' | double joining


Sep 6, 2022
they shouldn't be out, and he should not be this far away from home. yet, there's a lack of care as a boisterous laugh rings out. free from worry, what he should or should not be, who he should not be with. he could not stand a moon without her, let alone a lifetime. the tom simply could no longer bear what was expected of him, and his family seemed to forget that nightingale was that of a child still. this seemed necessary, this disguised trip. it was originally to explore, with night only hinting at finding a place for the both of them. koko was brilliant and deserved something far better. he was determined to find it for her.

he notices when the scents start to be overpowering. a large group of cats that differ from nightingale and koko. there's a slight hesitance as he slows, eyeing the girl beside him. he isn't sure what to say, or if there even is anything worth speaking. the trees are large and towering, different from the sparsely brushed plains where nightingale used to roam. it's not too far, of course, but it's interesting how the world changes. he likes the density of it all, the warm greens allowing shreds of sunlight through their ferns and leaves.

they further themselves into the territory, and nightingale is pushing his weight against koko. perhaps in a disguised attempt to knock her over, something playful to keep their spirits up. he's starting to feel the strain in his legs and ache in his paws. "ko...i can't....go on any further..ya have'ta carry me." it is with these final words that nightingale lets all his weight fall upon his companion. the brief weight taken off is heavenly, and he's almost contempt to rest.

someone will find them, he's sure.

When Howling Wind arrives at the scene, she isn't sure what to think. She halts her patrol with a flick of her tail before taking a few more steps forward, watching the display with a quirked brow. Two intruding cats. They were young, the age of some of ThunderClan's apprentices. Even still, they were intruding. The tabby lifts her chin and clears her throat so that they may notice her and her clanmates, eyes flicking over them curiously. "You are on ThunderClan's territory. Who are you?" She speaks evenly. They may be young, but they are practically fully grown and thus old enough to know better than to cross marked borders. Did their parents teach them nothing?


Just behind the brown tabby deputy of Thunderclan was the bouncing form of Serenemeadow, her ever cheery smile on her maw and the tiniest of hums emanating from her throat. However, when Howling Wind gave the signal for them to stop, it would be as if the warrior was suddenly struck frozen, sticking to her spot and waiting to see what had caused the older female's order.

Soon enough her dull golden gaze would fall upon the pair that had crossed into their home, but Serene would perk up at the idea of making both new friends and new clanmates. The small femme would remain where she stood, but should the two youngsters look behind Howling Wind, Serene would give them both beaming smiles and a happy paw wave of greeting.

Berryheart's demeanour matched more closely his mother then Tiny, which was perhaps expected. The various presences that had come to greet these strangers likely rang of a starkly confusing dichotomy, such a thought bringing the subtlest of smiled to the side-knocked jaw of the tortoiseshell tom. When the figures had sailed across his attention, right before Big Mama had stopped the patrol, he had assumed he had simply forgotten this pair... the faces of ThunderClan grew larger in rank by the day, and he had never been particularly good with names. Still, he relied on his own methods and memory to recognise people- a lapse in his upkeep would be unlikely. Impossible, even- that much was proven when Big Mama addressed the two as strangers.

For now he was simply a bolster to the ranks of the patrol, there to provide claws if it got ugly and welcomes if it did not. Content with that role, he took a nonchalant seat, sinking to his haunches and dragging his tongue across one white-toed paw. One of them was flopped against the other... he wondered from how far they had made their wayfairing way.
Where Nightingale went, Koko was no more than a couple pawsteps behind. Shes his shadow, a moon to his sun albeit the mismatched pelts, when he had said he wanted to explore she had so excitedly agreed. Whats Koko without Nightingale, after all? He put up with her, never even uttered a single word about how difficult she could be when she clams up, she considers him her upmost priority. Her best friend, bond forged of fire and brimstone, unbreakable.

She's lost in thought again, eyes unfocused as she pads besides him, stepping in the spots his own paws left. Sun and moon they truly were, best friends since the beginning, something Koko would beg to never changed. A sudden weight against her brings her out of the thoughts and she laughs, serene with bright eyes. "Aghh, you're gonna crush me!" a worry-free giggle explodes as she struggles to keep them upright, tail wagging back and forth much like a hound. He puts his whole weight down, sudden and fast and Koko's legs buckle beneath her with another shrill laugh that sent both the felines to the ground.

Theres a voice. It's stern. Koko's eyes widen like a deer that had just been cornered off and she cowers, taking solace in adjusting herself behind Nightingale. "Are we- Are we in trouble?" its barely above a whisper as she leans in close to Night, ears flattening as her mouth dries, heart thumping hard within her chest. She finds her thoughts running rampant and unconsciously her claws slide to unsheathe, swallowing hard as her body betrays her, shaking like a leaf in the wind. She barely registers another feline that had came with the brown one wave her paw, so focused on the anxiety inside and like that shes silent, pleading eyes turning to Nightingale, shes locked up.
the tone shifts, and even nightingale feels strangely uncomfortable. this, however, is barely shown aside from his eyes peering away from the older molly's. koko stiffens and clamps up, and nightingale simply stands in front of her. she didn't have to do any talking, and they didn't need to scare her further. he only hushes her down, sweet and gentle, and tries to get her to focus on being calm. he can deal with anything that worries or scares her. that's his job. "don't worry. deep breaths. i got it." it's a whisper meant only for her, before he faces the small crowd of strangers.

one of them waves to him, he holds a small lopsided grin as he returns to the gesture. he didn't know what else to do, it just seemed like the polite thing. two of the cats stay silent, so it's clear to nightingale that his focus should be on the neutral woman. there's not much to detect from her tone, it's a simple question to answer. "m'nightingale. ya saw koko. we were lookin' on joinin'. if ya'd have us, course." his drawl is thick and heavy, something not fitting for his youth and he can't stop from feeling a bit awkward about it. his family held the same thickly coated accents that he simply forgot others didn't

nightingale stands sure, despite the small anxieties biting at him. he's conscious of koko, and trying to help give her some privacy. they don't need to talk to her anyways.
Howling Wind doesn't miss the fear stricken into the young she-cat as her demeanor completely changes. She's hiding behind the tom who introduces himself as Nightingale. Koko, he calls her. They are wanting to join. The tabby's brow furrows. If it were up to her, she'd be sending the youngsters on their way back home. ThunderClan doesn't need more mouths to feed, and they're busy enough training the apprentices they already have to be warriors. But the call isn't hers. After a moment of pondering and looking them over, she looks over her shoulder at her clanmates. "Serenemeadow, will you please retrieve Emberstar?" She mews lowly, glancing from her to Berryheart; she wants him to stay so that they can keep can eye on the pair together. She looks back towards the two cats and nods towards the border. "You can wait at our boundary for Emberstar, our leader. Why are you wanting to join?" Joining a clan isn't some game that two kids can play. It is one's life.
"Heya!" Emberstar's voice, bright and warm, cut above the tension. She bounded over, her grin wide as ever despite the exhaustion apparent in her eyes. With little caution, she stepped past her deputy, putting herself between her clanmates and the pair of unfamiliar faces before her. "I'm Emberstar, leader of Thunderclan." She told them proudly. "Nice ta meetcha! Nightingale and Koko, was it? I've been told ya want to join?"

The tom in front was only a littler older than she had been when she had been left on her own. She remembered keenly those first few moons, being forced to adapt to living by herself in the midst of leafbare. Even though he at least had a friend with him, she was no older than he was. Emberstar was glad neither of them would have to be on their own anymore. "We'd be glad ta have ya!" she told them happily, unknowingly undercutting Howling Wind's questioning.
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