pafp you'll never get my mind right // teaching


a nightingale no longer singing
Feb 2, 2024

tags! ₊˚✧ ゚. the nursery. it was a den of bittersweet ... memories. duckpaw was reluctant to brand these moments in time with such a word (it made her feel old), however, yesterdays meeting officially marked the death knell of her kithood, and so maybe 'memories' was the only appropriate word for them. whatever they were, they were now stored in a place that existed only in the palace of her mind. duckpaw privately reviewed a few moments of her kithood, her thoughts circling around and around till she latched onto something comfortable and warm, a feeling nearly lost in the onslaught of darkness. dewchaser. the she-cat had been her one and only display of kindness throughout her formative months. those cold nights, when fallowfeather was displeased and consequently she was made to sleep outside of the family nest, dewchaser had been there. those nights were dark, and made her feel sad, but the extension of dewchaser's kindness served to remind her that there was good in the world, it just wouldn't be found within her immediate family. it made her feel a sense of belonging, a sense of belonging that she didn't have the chase and perform to earn ... well, it had made her feel that way. now that dewchaser was walking in silverpelt with her ancestors, she supposed she would never get to feel that warm feeling again. all she had was her mind, and she would milk and relive the feeling until the memory of it faded.

duckpaw stared longingly at the nursery from her place at the apprentices den entrance, watching the reed wall heave and shiver under the weight of snowfall. every so often, a cat would leave, haphazardly bumping against the reeds, causing the snow to slough of the sides and fall to the ground. plop. there it was again ... maybe she should just check that the den was properly reinforced. she didn't want owlkit to catch a cold in there. it was the height of leaf-bare, and all he had was kitten fuzz to defend against the dropping temperature. duckpaw stood up, ignoring the chortles of the other apprentices that she misattributed to her direction. running back to the nursery, little baby? she could almost hear them taunt, but that sounded too much like her mother. a feeling of paranoia tapped at the edges of her mind, but she blocked it out.

duckpaw made her way across the clearing, short but thick legs barely enough to hoist her body above the freshly fallen snow. she poked an angular head into the nursery, mindful of sleepy residents. "owlkit?" she would call out into the darkness, a gentle whisper emerging with a breathy cloud of cold.

// please wait for @owlkit.

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