private YOUNG RIVALRIES || carawaypaw


He's tired, and with the chill in the air, Nettlepaw's first destination is the woven shelter of the apprentice's den, his new home since leaving the nursery. Stoic features pause briefly near the fresh-kill pile, but the boy soon moves on. He doesn't really have an appetite, hasn't had much of one since all the trauma of the recent moon, and even now he finds his days difficult to manage. Nettlepaw has yet to catch a single morsel for the clan. Perhaps with more training, he'd do better, but for now... he felt frustratingly useless.

Nosing his way into the den, his nose soon becomes aware that he will not be alone. There is one other there, and scent soon identifies the source as Carawaypaw. The boy sniffs, unsure. Ever since that little accident as kits, Carawaypaw has not seemed all that pleased with the boy's presence. He supposed it was deserved, but... he still blamed her for hitting him with that rock. He had thought electing Carawaypaw to the KitClan council would alleviate things, but it only seemed to make them worse. Who can hold a grudge the longest, he thinks flatly to himself.

Nettlepaw is content to just turn around and leave the other apprentice to... whatever she was doing, but curiosity demands the focus of his mind. Was Nettlepaw the only one struggling with training? Had Carawaypaw already succeeded in catching prey?

Blind eyes flicker back toward her as the boy greets with a simple, "Hey." He pauses a moment, not sure if she's noticed him yet, "How's training?" Nettlepaw daringly inquires, and silently hopes that Carawaypaw isn't doing better than him. It was certainly a selfish wish, but the young tom couldn't help the feeling of frustration that burns across his chest. Heart-beat quickens as he anticipates a hostile response, but whatever may come, he would surely face it as coldly as ever.

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carawaypaw was keeping herself busy, black paws working diligently on the outside wall of the apprentice den. it wasn't a task she disliked, but surely there was something better she could be doing. learning new battle moves, or maybe even fishing techniques would fulfill her much more. but no, she sat weaving reeds into a den, something about the chill of leaf bare coming early or whatever.

her ears twitch involuntarily at oncoming pawsteps, but with her focus locked onto her work she does not turn. she barely acknowledges nettlepaw's presence until he speaks, not necessarily on purpose but the fact that it was him had her refraining from spouting an apology. carawaypaw didn't quite understand the animosity herself, or why she couldn't let it go. the young tom's frosty demeanor didn't help, neither did her cold shoulder, but part of her felt like they were in too deep to trade apologies, and she certainly would not be uttering one first.

"hello." it is formal, distant as if working on the wall was much more entertaining than speaking to him. nettlepaw asks about training, and although her toes had only barely dipped into the cold waters of it she felt the need to inflate her accomplishments. "it's going well, i caught a big fish. nightfish said it was a carp." it is a lie, well maybe not a full one. she had caught something, but it was more of an overgrown minnow than a fully fledged carp.

"why do you care anyways. scoping out my skills to plan your next attack?" she couldn't just let it go, feeling of betrayal settled deep into her bones. she thought they were friends, or at least something distantly related to that. but now all that skyclan would remember her for was the squabble started in their camp, not what a brilliant warrior she would be.

  • CARAWAYPAW she/her, apprentice of riverclan, four moons
    carawaypaw is a pretty longhaired silver tabby with green eyes and a long, lithe frame. born into riverclan, she loves her home and has a deep fascination with becoming a warrior to provide for it. for now, she is heavily focused on her duties as an apprentice and trying to balance them with her enjoyment of less serious activities. she is currently apprenticed to nightfish.
    willowroot x poppysplash ↛ sister to bumblepaw, tidepaw, mosspaw, hazepaw, antlerpaw, and buckpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.



His tail twitches as he listens, feeling frustrated by the other apprentice's admission. He hadn't even caught a mouse yet and Carawaypaw had already fed the clan with a carp. Nettlepaw isn't even sure what such a fish looked like, just knew that it was big, slimy, and covered in scales. An achievement. Something he'll probably never gain for himself.

He really should just turn around and leave, but then she continues, and his fur bristles at her words. It was a challenge, spoken with the spite of a grudge. The boy pins his ears back, clearly agitated.

"It was an accident. I didn't know it was you." He spits, frustrated as ever. "You do know I'm blind, right?" If she expects an apology, he has none to offer. It wasn't his fault, he had been the one with the bruised shoulder, and now she wanted to hold it over his head? "Ugh, just forget it. I shouldn't have bothered trying to talk with you." Nettlepaw thinks it must have been a mistake, because it seemed neither intended to forgive the other anytime soon. I don't care anyways, he pouts to himself, she can go catch carp with all the other apprentices for all I care.

Of course, he does care. Can't help but wonder if he was the only RiverClan apprentice struggling to do the most basic things. If Carawaypaw had already caught a fish... that meant the rest probably had too. I'm being left behind, he wants to wail, but he bites it back with a scowl.

"i don't care." she spitefully quips after the claim of an accident. how do you accidently hurl yourself across camp to attack someone? he attacked a clanmate, there were no repercussions to ensure it didn't happen again. but that's fine, if the adults didn't deem it important enough she was fine with taking on the task.

"of course i know that," carawaypaw inserts voice momentarily softening, tail flicking over her paws with a small wave of guilt. "you still attacked me where we could have talked it out. it hurt my feelings, i thought we were friends." although she doubts that this will make him view her as anything more than a mewling kitten, she can't not utter it.

carawaypaw's nose wrinkled at his words next, dismissive. as if she were the unreasonable one! her work on the wall quickly grew sloppy, claws eventually tearing a brand new hole in her newfound anger. the rip of the reeds made her ears twitch, something between a sigh and a snarl exiting her silver muzzle. "fine!" out of the patience needed to deliver a finely tuned comeback, her heated exclamation will do. "if you're done, i need to gather more reeds."

  • CARAWAYPAW she/her, apprentice of riverclan, four moons
    carawaypaw is a pretty longhaired silver tabby with green eyes and a long, lithe frame. born into riverclan, she loves her home and has a deep fascination with becoming a warrior to provide for it. for now, she is heavily focused on her duties as an apprentice and trying to balance them with her enjoyment of less serious activities. she is currently apprenticed to nightfish.
    willowroot x poppysplash ↛ sister to bumblepaw, tidepaw, mosspaw, hazepaw, antlerpaw, and buckpaw
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.



He glares at her, frosty eyes almost entirely sightless, but piercing all the same. She didn't care that it was an accident, and he's not even sure what she wants from him. An apology, perhaps. But did she deserve one, acting the way she is? Of course, Nettlepaw is just as childish in this situation, but he refuses to acknowledge it, thinks he must be in the right, stubbornly refuses to admit he might be wrong.

"Your feelings." He echoes with a low snort. What about my feelings? But he doesn't voice that out loud, doesn't want to be seen as weak. The boy lashes his tail with a huff, "Fine. Whatever. I don't care anyways." He spits the lie with a coldness before turning away. "Enjoy your... reed gathering." A final hiss, before he leaves the den with bristling fur and narrowed eyes. He doesn't even care who sees.