youngblood - family time

Sat near to the entrance of the nursery, Howlfire sits close to Coyotecrest, their three kits in various states around them. Two were playing and the other Howlfire had somehow managed to wrangle up, gathering them between her front paws so she could try and groom them. "How is it that you have managed to get so dirty?" Howlfire clucked in amusement, rasping a tongue over the kit's head. "I swear you three just like to get dirty on purpose." It's a joking remark but Howlfire can't help but wonder if it was a little true. She loved her kits dearly but they were already shaping up to be little troublemakers she could tell, a little bit too much like herself for her liking. "Were you good for Butterflytuft earlier?"

@Coyotecrest @Hawkkit @wolfkit @BLAZINGKIT
THERE WILL COME A SOLDIER Blazingkit had been caught by his mother despite his best efforts in escaping, oh, how his legs had forsaken him! He could've sworn that he was running as quick as Leopardclan itself but Howlfire had clearly been faster than him and now he was trapped between her paws while she groomed him clean from the twigs and leaves that clung to his pelt. The fact Hawkkit and Wolfkit did not come to his aid and rescue him was outrageous, he felt betrayed to say the least before making a face by scrunching up his snout and sticking out his tongue in mock disgust as her tongue rasped over his head making the fur on his head stand slightly like porcupine quills. The red tabby kit puffs up slightly at Howlfire's inquiry about how they had managed to get this dirty and his nonexistent eyebrows knot together as he mews in protest "I'm not dirty!"

His tiny chest puffs out, his green gaze turning towards his sisters and points a russet paw at one of them "Honky is more uh... Dirtier-er than me." The extra 'er' will surely get his point across to his mother and the next question mak ed s him blink his eyes for a moment, face thoughtful, and soon enough his head is bobbing up and down in a nodding motion "Yes! She watched us play a game of pocurpine," He says this nonchalantly as if his parents knew what their made up game was and if they didn't well, he'd have to gather a million pine needles again.

  • blazingkit_cheeb.png
    ✧ 2 moons old
    ✧ skyclan kitten
    ✧ son of coyotehowl and howlfire
    ✧ brother to wolfkit and hawkkit
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ chibi art by meghan
  • Angry
Reactions: HAWKSPINE
"No, Blazingkit, you're dirty. Super dirty. The dirtiest in the whole world I think." Wolfkit makes her assessment with little thought while Howlfire grooms the debris out of her brother's pelt. Wolfkit, on the other hand, is decidedly not dirty. Hawk-kit helped her string leaves throughout her fur, sure, but they're not a mess. They're intentional deca... decorashuns. Or something. They're all pretty colors, and there's even a bunch of pine needles left over from their game of porcupine.

Speaking of, Blazingkit mentions it and Wolfkit's grin grows wide and sweet. "Uh, yeah! Butterflytuft said I was a super scary porcupine." the girl boasts, because she always gets to be the porcupine, so she gets a lot of practice. "It's 'cause I'm real good at porcupine roars! And look, I can prowl like 'em too." She drops low, limbs extending, claws unsheathing to create a lanky, intimidating figure. Really, she looks silly, all kitten fluff– and her face is screwed up into an attempt at a snarl, but she ends up looking more like she has to sneeze than anything scary. Still, she lets out her porcupine roar, a mild squeak that has been finely tuned over time. Then, she straightens again. "See?"

  • 72111278_0Dicsw9wHLezqWU.png

    — wolfkit
    — she / they / he ; kit of skyclan
    — longhaired lilac torbie with piercing yellow eyes
    — "speech" ; thoughts
    — chibi & reference by me
    — penned by meghan
  • Angry

Half lidded eyes watch the trio with amusement sparkling within their depths. As Howlfire wrestles their son into submission, Coyotecrest lowers himself to the ground. He was glad to hear them behaving themselves for Butterflytuft especially when he cannot be around due to extra hunting or patroling. But moments like these were precious and he intended to soak in it while he could. Crossing one of his paws over the other he lays his bulky head upon them, watching as Wolfkit did her best porcupine imitation. Mock horror strikes the tom's visage as his head pops back up, emerald eyes growing wide in the face of her roar. "I almost thought I was staring at a real porcupine." He chuckles soon after. "You've gotten really good at that." He had to admit the pine needles were a nice touch of realism.

Dropping his head a little lower the young warrior flicked his tail, coaxing the kittens closer as if telling them a secret. "Would you three like to see real porcupine quills?" His gaze flickers to each one in turn as a smile etched its way across his maw. "I found them when I was an apprentice many moons ago." Thankfully the barbs have long since worn down which made the quills easier to handle.
̶̶̶̶  «̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ «̶ ̶̶̶   skyclan warrior / thirteen moons old / he/him  ̶ ̶ ̶»̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ »̶ ̶̶̶  

At Blazingkit's protests that he was not dirty Howlifre let out a playful scoff, looking at Coyotecrest as if to say 'Do you believe this?'. In retaliation for her son's words, she licks him more intently, making the fur stand up on the back of his neck. She smiles when they confirm they had been good for Butterflytuft. It wouldn't be long until her own kits were here and she would have her own paws full with them. Howlfire made a note to remind her kits to be more mindful when they played in here, lest they accidentally stomp on one of the new kits.

At the mention of them playing as porcupines, Howlfire watches with interest as Wolfkit claims she is the best. Her youngest daughter took the chance to show off what she believed to be an impressive display of puffing up and roaring. "Impressive!" Howlfire compliments. "We should send the three of you after Slate. I bet you'd give him a fright!" Well, she doubted three tiny kits would terrify him, but it would be amusing to see how her former mentor handled them potentially clambering all over him. At Coyotecrest's offer to show them a real quill, Howlfire looks up too, almost as interested as their children likely would be.
"No I'm not!" Hawkkit squeaks defensively even as Blazingkit is battered under Howlfire's rasping tongue, her own muddy pelt fluffing up like the porcupine Blazingkit had been likened to. She's loafing politely nearby, but at the accusation her little face twists in her frowniest frown. It's the sort of frown that the elders would threaten would stick if the wind changed. She's not that muddy! And besides, even though her pelt is decorated haphazardly with pine needles and twigs to better hide from the ferocious porcupine that was Wolfkit, it's (mostly) on purpose! So she's excused, thank you very much.

At the promise of seeing real porcupine quills, her heart soars with excitement and Hawkkit clambers to her paws. Slight from her brother mere moments ago entirely forgotten, she's stood before Coyotecrest in a flash, wide eyes turned upwards towards the cream-furred tomcat. "Yes please, dad!"
Wolfkit's chest puffs proudly as her parents compliment her porcupine impression. She is extremely scary and extremely good at it, so it shouldn't be shocking news, but it's always nice to hear anyway. However, even nicer than the praise is Coyotehowl's offer to show them all a real porcupine quill. Maybe he'd even let her decorate her pelt with it– or would it be too sharp? She isn't really sure. Howlfire suggests siccing the three kittens after Slate and Wolfkit giggles; the grumpy lead warrior would certainly do well to get scared, she thinks.

While Blazingkit is held captive beneath their mother's tongue, Wolfkit shuffles closer to her sister, bright ochre gaze fixed intently on their father. "I wanna see the quill!" she squeaks, eyes shining. "You gotta show us!"

  • 72137244_EmSdt33NNuS72fz.png

    — wolfkit
    — she / they / he ; kit of skyclan
    — longhaired lilac torbie with piercing yellow eyes
    — "speech" ; thoughts
    — chibi & reference by me; signature by dreamydoggo
    — penned by meghan