private Your beauty never ever scared me ♫ Hopepaw

Jun 17, 2024
*+:。.。 Bugpaw peered into the den, hoping to catch a glimpse of pale cotton fur - preferably in one spot, breathing soundly and at peace. Instead, she reared back as that particular shade of pale brown hung dull and ruffled, flashing past her on her way to whatever new task she was assigned. Bugpaw's heart hammered with concern, watching Hopepaw move with such diligence, that nothing stood in her way. Nothing, including her wellbeing.

In truth, it was hard not to admire her equally aged-friend. Hopepaw was meant for this role, always so eager to serve and protect, better suited to do so with herbs in her maw and intelligent-eyed focus on every new technique and poultice combination to learn. Bugpaw was proud of her.

And also incredibly worried.

"Hey Hopepaw" Bugpaw mewed, skittering after her friend on quick paws. But just as she caught up to her, Hopepaw was saying her goodbyes to the warriors whose prescription she'd dropped off and...there she goes again! Bugpaw flutters right after, meowing, "Have you eaten? Did you sleep okay? Wanna hear a joke?" Back and forth, she chased her friend, but she was always five steps ahead. Bugpaw might've been hurt by her friend's lack of response, but she didn't doubt Hopepaw was hard at work, mind running miles a minute, ensuring everything that needed to be done, got done, and every emergency was handled before it could even happen.

Bugpaw didn't know how she did it. Just following her around so much left Bug exhausted.

Her efforts to chase Hopepaw down ended, finally, right back where she started - panting at the medicine den, planning her next move. The sun was now beginning to sink, stars winking to life between the curtains of sunset and twilight. It was pretty. "Good to see you, pappa" she meows to the brightest star she can see, giggling when it winks at her. She wonders how he must feel, helplessly watching on as his family is forced to heal without him.
Bugpaw is sure he's cheering them all on.

She stands, resolute. She'll be the same for Hopepaw!

Running to the prey pile, she grabs the biggest, juiciest mouse she can find, and marches right back to the medicine den.

Before Hopepaw can escape, Bugpaw blocks her way out of the den chin held high, she announces, "Alright missy, it's time to take it mice and easy and have a break!"

After a moment, though, Bugpaw shuffles her paws and steps aside, in case Hopepaw truly can't be interrupted...but Bugpaw doubts it. "Look, I've been following you all day - everyone is alright. It's late, the worst of the injured are sleeping. You need to sit down for a bit or you'll end up as grey as Gentlestorm!" She smiles through the mouse, placing it at Hopepaw's feet, "Sit for just a second, please? "
    DFAB— She/Her
    Daughter to Flamewhisker and Flycatcher
    Sibling to Falconheart, Stormfeather, Lilykit, Butterflykit, Scorchedpaw, Squirrelpaw, Sunpaw
    Thunderclan — apprentice
    Apprenticed to Falconheart

    Physically easy | mentally easy
    Attack in bold pink
    injuries: None currently
⊱⊰ She doesn't mean to ignore Bugpaw, she's just… busy. Always busy, always rushing around to gather what she needs, what Gentlestorm needs. She hasn't rested, truly, in… probably too long. She hasn't taken the time to groom herself, or eat, or have a break at all. Now, she's dropping off herbs for some of the injured warriors—she doesn't even notice Bugpaw's presence, caught up in her duties as she is. She dips her head to Gentlestorm's patients (her patients, as well, now) and turns to shuffle off to her next task. It's only then that the girl notices her friend is there, trailing after her like a bird after a worm.

The other apprentice immediately spouts into a series of questions, though Hopepaw is too caught up in her own head to give verbal answers. No, I haven't eaten. No, I haven't slept. Yes, I want to hear a joke. She wants to hear anything Bugpaw has to say, anything that can take her mind off the endless nightmare that the past few days has been. But she only gives a sweep of her fluffy tail and continues on her way, trying to ignore the vertigo that's begun to creep up on her. Lilac pawsteps stutter when Bugpaw finally places herself in front of Hopepaw, and at last copper eyes lift from the ground to meet her friend's sunshine gaze. She manages an amused snort at Bugpaw's pun, but she has to admit that the words ring true. She needs to take a break, even if the idea makes her feel guilty. Her clanmates are hurt, and she's going to just… rest.

Still, she tries to throw her guilt away. Most of the cats with the worst injuries are asleep; they don't need her care right now. She is allowed to take a break, and the way her stomach rumbles at the sight of food is enough to seal the deal. "Thank you, Bugpaw," she says, grateful, when the other places the mouse at her paws. "I suppose… I can rest for a little while. Did you check on Squirrelpaw yet?" She bends to take a bite of the mouse, trying to eat slowly even though her stomach growls again.

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    HOPEPAW ❯❯ she/her, thunderclan medicine cat apprentice

    skinny, thick-furred lilac molly with deep copper eyes. soft-spoken and a bit of a grouch.
    daughter of batwing and leopardtongue ; adopted by roeflame
    mentored by gentlestorm
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted ; does not typically like physical contact from anyone besides her family
    penned by foxlore
  • Love
Reactions: Antiigone
*+:。.。 Bugpaw wasn't offended, not in the least. It'd long since become clear by Gentlestorms own brand of unreachable-ness that the medicine cat role was a busy one. Part of Bugpaw had expected Hopepaw to brush her aside, citing a lack of time to waste with her pushy friend. Thus, when Hopepaw actually paused to consider her former denmate, Bugpaw positively beamed when she agreed to share a meal. Expressed with a bounce and a flutter of paws, Bugpaw chirps, "Hooray!" before plopping down and making herself comfortable beside her friend.

"Now you make sure to eat every bite, I want the ground squeaky clean " she giggles, whisking her tail back and forth pleasantly. She can't help but wonder, watching Hopepaw eat with deliberately slow bites, if Gentlstorm is doing a good job taking care of his apprentice. It feels wrong to doubt Thunderclan's resident grandpa's efforts, but it doesn't feel right, to see Hopepaw so stressed. Perhaps that's just the expectation for medicine cats as much as it's expected of them to always be busy...Her heart aches at the idea.
So for now, Bugpaw determines she'll be treating Hopepaw like she's any other apprentice, just to ensure the girl has some respite from her grueling responsibilities.

Sticking her paws into her ivory chest fluff, Bugpaw pulls out some flowers she'd been saving. Weaving them into Hopepaw's fur while she eats, Bugpaw meows, "Yeah! She's doing so much better thanks to you two! I'm kinda jealous she gets to share a den with you again, Hopepaw! But I'm sure she probably chats your ear off, huh? She can go a little nuts with the right subject" she purrs, happy with the open opportunity for more puns.

  • "Speech"
    DFAB— She/Her
    11 moons
    Daughter to Flamewhisker and Flycatcher
    Sibling to Falconheart, Stormfeather, Lilykit, Butterflykit, Ravenpaw, Squirrelpaw, Sunpaw
    Thunderclan — apprentice
    Apprenticed to Falconheart

    Physically medium | mentally hard
    Attack in bold pink
    injuries: None currently