pafp YOUR EMERGENCY CONTACT [ ✦ ] wind clan mini patrol

When opportunity comes along, Bluepool is the kind of cat who is apt to take it. That is what today is, an opportunity. Firefang had been busy, too busy to take Harrierpaw out on the normal patrols and when Bluepool had heard such a thing, had seen her nephew milling about camp, she had jumped on the opportunity to take him out, to be the best aunt ever! Surely he would sing her praises for rescuing him from the fate of having to clean dens and sort through rotting fresh kill all day, right? She had gone to the warrior and, using her powers as a lead, informed her that she would be taking Harrierpaw with her on a patrol to ThunderClan's border. Now, with the dust striped tom in tow she leads the way across the moors.

"Y'know one time, when I was about your age me and your mother got into a HUGE fight. It was over something so stupid too... A tom of all things can you believe it!" she lets out a barking laugh. "I don't even remember his name that's how unimportant and stupid it was" when you were young though you did unimportant and stupid things like that. She breaks her line of sight from the trees in the distance to gaze at the apprentice next to her for a brief moment, and she can't help but wonder if he had done anything dumb in his life ever. His siblings sure had. She thinks back to Adderpaw and the twoleg incident specifically.

All too fast they are at ThunderClan's border and Bluepool feels a wave of mild disappointment. Oh well, there would be plenty of time for talking on the way back, time for him to tell her what a great aunt she was! For now, she gets right to business rubbing herself against the foliage on their side. "ThunderClan luckily doesn't stink as bad as RiverClan so we don't need to lay it on as thick here but it definitely doesn't hurt!" She would take the smells of the forest over stinky fish smell any day! While she talks she keeps her eyes on the trees. No doubt there would be a ThunderClanner lurking there, ready to bore her to death with the dreaded idle chitchat that was customary when two patrols ran into each other.

// please wait for @HARRIERPAW


Harrierpaw wrinkles his nose, fighting over a tom? That is hare-brained… He agrees in the chambers of his mind. He can’t imagine fighting over a she-cat with Adderpaw, and he’s fought with Adderpaw on a lot of things.

”I’m glad Firefang keeps me too busy for that type of stuff.” He comments in a serious tone, but the sly smirk on his face would suggest he’s amused.

Of course, Harrierpaw has done other things that’d be considered hare-brained… Namely the way he can’t seem to resist intentionally getting under his clan-mates fur sometimes like a tick. He was entertained poking and prodding cats until they snapped. There’s been a few times he’s slacked off on chores for silly reasons, he was caught trying to nap behind tall grass when he was suppose to be cleaning the elders den once.

Once they’re at the border Harrierpaw nods, ”Which do you think stinks worse, a RiverClan or ShadowClan cat?” He grins, forgetting for a moment that Bluepool hails from the marshes. Hopefully that wouldn’t offend. He sprays his scent on a couple nearby stones.
  • » Harrierpaw
    » WindClan Apprentice
    » He/him
    » A black and chocolate chimera with golden eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A foe who uses jeers and jaunts to distract his opponents.
    » Excels in using terrain to his advantage.
    » Fights to outwit and see another day.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing

” — ‘n personally, i think she’s too good for ‘em. he’s always had a stick up his tail - end, and that ain’t gonna change whether she gives ‘em the time of day ‘r not.. ” her opinion was to be taken with a mouses whisker, but by starclan, she would say it. tufted paws step easily through the leaves and root underfoot, barbed tongue running further with each step they took further from the confines of camp. hunting patrols with friends, she finds, suits her much better than stumbling after howlingstar or wolfwind. nerves do not rock her now, do not tangle her feet and leave her with awkwardly - placed pounces and squirrel fur trapped between her claws, but not much else. the women is confident when she steps out closest to fourtrees, feels the few studding long grass sleek her thick fur — and right into view of two, ever - cackling moorlanders.

she sees them and wastes not a second before her head is thrown up towards the sky, long cheek fur flying with its sharpness. a blue molly, and some apprentice ; she trills towards her company to draw exasperated attention, ” ughhh. “ a dramatic grunt, letting her head lull to the side to express her disdain, whirling around to step back into the undergrowth as if the greenery would conceal her after already making herself present, windclanners are here. you sure we can’t head towards th’ snakerocks instead? “ she’d rather deal with the adders, in truth. freckleflame lowers her head, lowers her voice comically, ” but.. between you ‘n me.. ya think their noses would start twitchin’ if they got mad enough? cuz they gotta be more rabbit than cat, look at ‘em. “ she tosses her head over her shoulder to steal a glance back, unsubtle, certainly so if the cat she’s speaking to does so as well. at least she speaks only to her side of the border, albeit quite obviously discussing the small patrol with seaglass - lit glances — little blessings.

  • i. anyones free to be who she’s talking to < 3 gossiping buds
  • FRECKLEFLAME ——————— of thunderclan ⠀ 𓍊𓋼 ⠀ . ׁ
    f. she / her, daughter of sunfreckle and rabbitnose. large, cream patched tortoiseshell she - cat with pale green eyes. fire - forged, smoldering ; shades of vibrant russet, dousing swathes of shadow and interwoven with ribbons pale cream come to drape like licks of flame over a well - toned form. in warriorhood she has grown to full, hulking height ; unspecified maine coon heritage born of sunfreckle's kittypet background shows itself in large, round paws and tufted, long - furred toes set upon thick, tabby - splotched limbs. freckleflame is broad shouldered and square - jawed, wild cheek fur like the blazing edges of a red sun — a hulking, thick - furred thunderclan warrior, forever blaze - kissed. a characteristic lack of personal space leads her to a slouching, touchy posture, often inclined to lean or bump against her peers, all while beating a lazy, heavy - eyed grin.

  • IMG_3106.png


"Leave cats to make their own mistakes, even if you are right."
Freckleflame talks too much, even more than Lightstrike who she considered especially chatty and she is mostly tuning it out with only the faintest awareness lingering still to allow her to keep up with conversation enough to be polite. The clan's affairs and who has interest in who does not matter to her, she barely thinks about such things though she would be lying if she had not been whimisically attentive to Burnstorm's recent affairs and his friendship with Roeflame - there was something there she admittedly felt a small shred of jealousy over and it was hard to tell if it was losing her brother's time or wanting something similar to what he had. She never considered herself much of a romantic, it was a novelty if anything but she couldn't deny how she sometimes thought back to her parents when they were still together and lovingly doting upon one another; time had torn that away, tragedy had forced the wound closed into an ugly scar.

"WindClanners are easy to rile up." She contemplates, almost amused in tone though her expression remains rigidly neutral, "...all it takes is a reminder to respect borders and they'll get their tails twisted." WindClanners were the worst at understanding their greedy paws need not be permitted beyond the moorland, they had trespassed and attacked so many clans and even went as far as demanded passage through ThunderClan itself for their warband - the egotistical brutes that they were. Moonwhisper had no fondness for the kittypet clan herself, but she was glad Howlingstar had not allowed them their rampage towards the sky. The tortie point wastes no time in continuing forward, head high so the WindClanners can see her though she does not greet them at all. Her presence was enough, she dared them to try any nonsense under the scrutiny of her ice blue glare. After a moment she snorts dismissevely, tail flicking to turn back to Freckleflame's dappled and fiery form, "We can go to Snakesrocks, though I daresay there are plenty of snakes out here as well."
WE HAVE YET TO CRASH ✧°.☀ —————————————————————————————
"To be frank, I didn't even notice, but now that you mention it, you're right." Lightstrike was hardly one to mind the chatter. Good gossip now and then was typically all in good fun. His friends were going out on patrol, so who was he to say no? Of course he would tag along.

With Moonwhisper on one side of Freckleflame, the golden tom opted to take the other, hardly paying attention to where he was walking as his undivided attention rested on the cream tortoiseshell. If their chatter scared away the prey, well... they could just go somewhere else, right? Or they could say they were checking on the border. They were near WindClan, after all.

Freckleflame lets out a noise of distaste, and Lightstrike glances away to peer at the source. Oh. Speak of the weasel. "Nah. This area is better than Snakerocks," he commented after a moment. "Plus, it's funny when they get mad. I'm always down to piss off a rabbit-chaser." It was low, muttered back to his Clanmates as to not alert the other Clan cats in question. Moonwhisper's comment made him snort.

With neither Freckleflame nor Moonwhisper acknowledging the cats at the border, Lightstrike was the first to pop out of the foliage. The scar draped across his shoulder itched with the memory of WindClan claws. If he ever saw that asshole again... "WindClan! Fancy seeing you here!" Was it just the two of them?

For his bright tone, his expression was surprisingly neutral. "New apprentice? Checking out the sights? Looks great, huh?" He was definitely aware that the apprentice was far from newly-named, even if he didn't know the cat by name. One of Sootstar's brood, right? All WindClanners were practically kit-sized anyway, so who could judge him for an innocent guess?

[penned by its_oliverr - ]
  • Haha
Reactions: freckleflame

The rustling of a bush sounds, Harrierpaw looks away from the rocks he marked and into ThunderClan territory. A bright colored golden tom showed himself. The earthen-hued apprentice admires the tom's scars that cover his cheek and shoulder and wonders how he had come to earn the permanent marks.

All admiration instantly vanishes when the warrior looks at him and says something atrocious.

"New apprentice?"

Dismay plasters his face, his jaw even lays agape. "New apprentice?! I'm nearly a warrior!" You hare-brained fool! He refrains from digging his claws into the dirt out of humiliation, part of him wonders if the golden warrior was purposely trying to mock him... However, his expression is neutral and gives no sign of hostility, Harrierpaw would not accuse disrespect yet.
  • » Harrierpaw
    » WindClan Apprentice
    » He/him
    » A black and chocolate chimera with golden eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A foe who uses jeers and jaunts to distract his opponents.
    » Excels in using terrain to his advantage.
    » Fights to outwit and see another day.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing

Her nephews question amuses her and her whiskers twitch as she contemplates the answer. "I would much rather smell like marsh then fish" she concludes after a couple of seconds of deliberation. At least the swamp was familiar, fish was rancid and the strange smell assaulted her nose every time it hit it. "Stick with the evil that's familiar ya know?" she says with a small laugh.

And of course, here came the freak show. Her yellow eyes, usually filled with so much sunshine are cold when they land on the ThunderClanners across the border. She narrows them as they jeer and taunt, because of course they did right? ThunderClan just couldn't help themselves. Her scrappy tail flicks in irritation and she can see the dismay on her nephews face as they taunt him. Instead of giving them what they want and engaging them though she leans down and, pretending like she is telling Harrierpaw a secret but speaking loudly enough for the cats across the way to hear she says "Don't let them bother you Harrierpaw, everyone knows ThunderClan is a bunch of kittypet lovers, it's pathetic." her eyes especially settle on the plush coated she cat, the one she recognizes from gatherings as one of Blazestar's.

"It was nice seeing you ThunderClan, take care and stay healthy!" her words are friendly but her tone is anything but. She straightens and turns away then, motioning with her tail for Harrierpaw to follow "Come on, we're finished marking the border here, lets move on" and with that she parts the heather and disappears.

// out!