pafp your eyes were filled with tears|post-badger attack|retro

'cause my girl's made of peaches—————————————————
She was in a type of stupor mixed with pain, herbs and exhaustion. Last night was the worst in her life, her leg had been broke by a badger's jaw and she was somehow dragged back into camp. She couldn't exactly recall much of the incident, but she was able to recall the fear and pain, one of which still clung. She had assumed Ravenpaw had attended to her wound, she could feel something going on with her back leg but she hadn't had the guts to glance down at it. Maybe if she didn't acknowledge it then it would just disappear. Her head lulled on the side of the nest eyelids half-closed, mouth just slightly open. Her mother and father had come into the den at dawn break and had and bumped their heads against hers. Told her they were so worried and that they were going to have a word with that "delinquent mousebr-" they had cut themselves off before finishing the thought. Catfishpaw had only really a couple thoughts with their interaction, the first being that the attention they gave felt more genuine, she knew that after today visits from even just one of them would be few and far between. The second was that they would be hard-pressed to find Hazepaw, she thought. The other cat would also be shaken today and Catfish couldn't see them just sticking around to be prodded with questions.

After her parents had gone to fulfil their warrior duties, she was left to a state of half-sleep, watching over the world whilst dreaming in her own. Then Ravenpaw crossed her tunnel vision. She raised her head with effort and then focused on him "Hey Ravenpaw. What have you been up too?" after she finished asking her head plopped back down to the nest, wow, she was tired. So, I am only going to be in here for a little while right? Like a couple days? Then I'll be good, right?" if she had been told her recovery time before she hadn't absorbed it and she couldn't see why her leg wouldn't be better that quick. She was already doing a good job of resting so maybe it would only be like four days. Then she could go back to the apprentice den with Hazepaw, and she could keep training with Pikesplash, and then she could even help Ravenpaw collect herbs when he needed them. At least she liked Ravenpaw, she thought he was fun, he'd be a nice denmate for a couple days. Maybe she could decorate his fur a little, his one flaw would have to be his dull coat.


and soft grass in the moonlight—————————penned by WriteAboutRadish
Ravenpaw allowed himself to wallow in self-pity. He was justified, he believed, with the death of his mentor and the sudden intense burden of the care of the entire Clan. He was faced with two injuries he knew not how to heal completely—Fernpaw's eye and Catfishpaw's leg. Wounds were easy. Wounds were a warrior's life. These two, however, Ravenpaw cast his gloomy gaze out across the clearing of the medicine cat den. Things might not be the same.

Not one to leave his den, even if to eat if he even felt like it that day, the shadowy figure passed silently over Catfishpaw's nest to check on some of the stores. His patrol with Troutpaw and the others had proven a success, and he had successfully replenished his marigold stock. It would only be a matter of time before they would be used once more.

"Hm?" He voiced softly at the call to his attention. His pallid eyes watched her as she attempted to sit up but ultimately decided against it. The fur along his spine prickled. She ought to not move so much.

The new healer was not so empathetic that his heart broke to have to tell the apprentice the news. Instead it was a sullen sigh and he turned his body politely toward his new long-term denmate. One thing was for certain, his brightly colored patients decorated the den far more than he could have ever.

"At least a moon." He admitted, tail swishing over his front paws. "Even then, I can not tell for certain." He remembered the first medicine cat gathering he had gone to discussed broken bones. It was a complex process and Ravenpaw had hoped it would not come to him.

He sighed apologetically and moved closer to the silvery molly. "But maybe you will be excited to hear that your name will... probably be mentioned at the next medicine cat gathering." He smiled wryly.

she loves to watch things, and she loves to watch people, and the medicine den is just about the most exciting combination of things and people in the whole camp!! she has successfully crept a ways into the den by now, keeping to shadows and staying out of ravenpaw's sight line. there is catfishpaw. she's always fun ....... silverkit wonders if she should ............ JUMP ON HER AND ATTACK HER BY SURPRISE!!!!! no, she will save that for later.

she tries to creep over to ravenpaw's stock. what funny leaves and flowers could she find there, she wonders?

she's distracted by the conversation, though, ears twitching to catch their words, and she trips. "oof! ow!!" ... which easily ruins any sneakiness she'd had. sigh. oh well.

"HI!" she yells, still splayed out on the floor. "I'M HERE!"

she pauses, then adds, "that's a loooong time. that's like my whole life!! or like, my whole life is three of those. what are you gonna do for a whole MOON, catfishpaw? will you be bored and sad? i can cheer you up! what games can you play with your leg broke?"

she sits up and shakes sand from her fur. "is ravenpaw any fun?"

she turns to ravenpaw. "are you any fun? oh, you have lots of toes." she zeroes in on them, scampering forward to look closer. "what do you use them for? do all medicine cats have lots of toes? did starclan give them to you?"


  • • abandoned by the border, sibling to otterkit, adoptive daughter to pikesplash • 3 moons old • silver tabby & blue tabby chimera with a dusting of white freckles • meticulous, attentive, opinionated, LOUD!! • peaceful powerplay welcome • wants to make friends! •


'cause my girl's made of peaches—————————————————
Her half opened eyes saddened as Ravenpaw said it would be at least a moon of healing. A whole moon... that was like a long time. Like a really long time. Her head spun with all the things she was going to be missing out on, hunting, swimming, walking, her warrior ceremony might be pushed back if she couldn't learn quick enough. "Oh..." she sighed, that hadn't been the answer she wanted. She tried to smile at Ravenpaw's attempt to soften the blow, saying she would be the discussion of all the medicine cats, it didn't not help "My leg will be mentioned or just how crazy I'm going to drive you with my chatter?" the constant buzzy of the silver torbie was enjoyed by few, thankfully he was safe for a little while until the poppyseed and whatever else had been given wore off.

Her smile left her as her head lulled to the side, she was willing to give up to sleep again until a thump behind her quickened her heart. Her head whipped around, inadvertently moving the rest of her body, shooting pain up her leg. She grimaced for a second and then let out the breath she had held, the herbs soothing the pain again. After she is done wincing, her eyes caught onto Silverkit, who is very loud. Was Catfish like this when she was little? Maybe that's why so many of the queens were always telling her about games she could play on her own... not that she minded the loudness. Honestly she liked it. Riverclan sometimes seemed a little too serious.

"Hey Silverkit," she watches the splayed kit try to figure out how long a moon was and then say pretty much her exact thoughts "I don't know what I'll do... you'll have to think of a game for us to play. But, like play later. I'm kinda tired right now." She had said these words to Silverkit but honestly they may have gone in one ear and out the other because already attention was elsewhere. Ravenpaw was now the cat of the hour. Catfishpaw nodded that he was fun, she had liked messing with him when they were both warrior apprentices at least.

Oh, Ravenpaw did have more toes on that one foot, huh. Weird. What a weird fella. she smiled a little as she tried to keep her mind on the scene in front of her.

and soft grass in the moonlight—————————penned by WriteAboutRadish

Face-fur still sticky with cobwebs, exhaustion from the buzzing melancholy that he could not quite get rid of still draped over his body, Fernpaw was uncharacteristically disinclined to talk straight away. The misfortune that linked them both, kept them both resting inside this den... maybe Catfishpaw would not want it acknowledged. Before recently, the bright ginger tom wouldn't have thought twice, believing a conversation was the best way to brighten a day. That had changed, though.

He could not deny the sympathy he felt when Ravenpaw confirmed she'd be stick in this den for a moon. It was not that Ravenpaw was bad company- the midnight medicine cat was a close friend to Fernpaw, but it was obvious that Catfishpaw was eager to re-start her training. A lot of potential still sprawled into branching paths before her. It hopefully would not set her back too far.

A verdant eye flickered to the paw Silverkit prodded at, sunset ears swivelling to attention- though his curled-up, slightly-defensive pose did not change even as he tuned in to the conversation. "I'll take some chatter if you ever feel like sparing Ravenpaw," Fernpaw murmured, his tone good-humoured despite the muted solemnity of his demeanour.
penned by pin
( ) willowroot has a habit of parenting any child who looks in need. as it turns out, her daughter's best friend is no exception. worry for the bright young apprentice has floated in the back of her mind ever since the attack, and so she has decided to make it a habit to stop by. two medium sized fish swing in her jaws as the warrior makes her way over to the medicine den. within, she can hear soft conversation, blasted through with the loud vocals of silverkit. a purr rumbles in her throat as willowroot enters. eyes adjusting to the darker atmosphere, the smoke will set down the fish and offer a nod of greeting to all. "good morning, lovelies," she speaks, voice soft and warm. a quick look at catfishpaw assures her that the girl is awake and at least in less of a dangerous state than she had been. fernpaw lounges in another nest, eye half closed, and ravenpaw bustles about in the background. "i brought you all a meal, in case you were hungry. we had a good haul today, so eat up!"

she'll push the fish towards the apprentices with her nose before approaching catfishpaw. "how are you feeling?" she asks, bending to sniff the herb coated leg. "is silverkit keeping your spirits up?" amusement glows in sage green eyes as the femme straightens up. "is there anything i can get for you all? quite a lively crew you've got in here, ravenpaw."

"Leg, of course. You have not done too much yet." He could tell Catfishpaw was tired, and still working off the pain-killers she had been given. His eyes flitted over her form, paying close attention to her breathing. "How do you feel now?"

Serenity suddenly interrupted by a flash of gray and silver caused the young cat to stiffen and turn back with a steely gaze at the perpetrator. Silverkit was a kit, but not even a kit would be spared from any sort of punishment Ravenpaw would insist on bringing down if she had been successful in pouncing on his carefully prepared herbs.

"I have never had to ban a cat from visiting the medicine den." Ravenpaw grumbled. "Do not let yourself be the first, Silverkit." Although, of course, Dovepaw was a close contender for that position.

The sudden attention to his paws immediately made Ravenpaw self-conscious. His bushy tail twitched and moved to cover up the strange little foot. Ashpaw had the same condition, he could remember. "Don't be si—" He began to scold before pausing for a moment. "Yes. Every time we go to the Moonstone and press our noses to it to access StarClan, we gain another toe. Are you pleased, now?" His grin was thinly-lipped at his fib. He was more interested in the kit's reaction to such a tall tale.

"Thank you," He glanced at Fernpaw, giving him the same intense look-over treatment. It seemed now all he could see whenever he looked at his Clanmates was to only be any pain or suffering. He had gotten to used to it, he forgot how to look at another's face properly. "Now might not be best... Catfishpaw, you ought to get some rest." His tone inflected pointedly as he glanced at Silverkit.

Willowroot was one of the few older warriors he genuinely respected and did not dislike in any way. Hence, he bowed his head in greeting to her. Although the den was becoming more crowded than he would like at the moment, he would not bar Willowroot's kind gift.

silverkit takes on her newfound responsibility with a fierce look and a firm nod. think of a game for us to play! "okay, catfishpaw," she says, continuing to nod, bearing the very most solemn look she can manage. "i will do that! don't you worry!"

and when ravenpaw responds to her query with confirmation, silverkit's eyes grow wide and fill up with wonder!! "whoa..." she breathes, looking up into his eyes and then down to his paws and then back again and then back again. "that's amazing..." she looks upon his too-many-toed paw with newfound reverence. "you're the coolest cat in the whole entire clan... i wish i could talk to starclan and get extra toes!!!!!! WHOA!!!!!!!! can your toes do magic? are they special to help with healing, or, or, or for magic starclan signs?"

she hops in delighted circles, thinking about starclan and toe beans and magical blessings. "being a medicine cat seems like the coolest thing EVER! except for being a warrior which is also cool..."

she grins like a little shark, or like another freshwater predator that cats actually know about. ferocious, with lots of sharp teeth, is the point here.


  • • abandoned by the border, sibling to otterkit, adoptive daughter to pikesplash • 3 moons old • silver tabby & blue tabby chimera with a dusting of white freckles • meticulous, attentive, opinionated, LOUD!! • peaceful powerplay welcome • wants to make friends! • penned by Harry Styles •