Little Wolf had never felt more proud watching her son receive his warrior name. Tears had sprung to her eyes at her mothers choice. Storm. Just like her brother, her kits uncle. But as she sat and watched the ceremony she had also seen her daughter. She knew it must be hard, to watch her sibling receive his warrior name while she still had to wait and her heart went out to the plush-coated tortoiseshell and when she sees her pale figure leave the camp, Little Wolf is swift to follow. Her black form glides through the shadows, making her way through the familiar forest and following her daughters scent trail with the ease of a practiced hunter. She continues on like this until finally she finds her.

"Moonpaw?" she calls quietly to her daughter, her voice soft. She is uncertain if her presence was wanted or would be appreciated. If not, she would leave her to her own devices but if her daughter would allow her she would come and sit next to her "Care if I join you?" she asks before she makes any move to bring herself forward.

// sorry im trash at starters sometimes ;-; @Moonpaw

She expected her mother to notice her take off as she did, but it didn't make it anymore embarrassing to realize. She is midcrouch, about to scale a nearby try to get an idea of the direction of some prey scent when her name halts her and she shakes her pelt out to stand and turn with a smile, "Little Wolf, hi-um-sure! I was just going to start hunting but it can wait a moment." Her spotted paws knead the ground and she takes a seat, tail flicking out to curl around herself so her mother has room to sit close. She already knows whats this about and it takes only a moment of consideration before she decides to speak before the dark she-cat can, "I'm...okay." She was, it was fine. "...I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little jealous, but I'm proud of him still. Burnstorm is a good name, I think Graystorm would like knowing it was based down onto him." It must have hurt her grandmother to pick it somewhat, must have stung choosing the suffix of her recently lost son for her grandson but she also must have felt proud as well. It was a good name and Burn would wear it well.
"I'm a little afraid knowing what mine will be. I hope its..." Good? No, she knew Howlingstar would choose a good name for her but she couldn't help but hope it was also something that meant more than a mere word. A name with a weight she could carry. "I hope its nice." She settled on finally.

You good bby!

She listens to her daughter speak with a thoughtful look on her face, patiently waiting for the younger molly to finish talking before she says anything. She is sympathetic to her plight and she thinks that if back in the day Hollow Tree had been made a warrior before her she might even feel the same way. She can tell that Moonpaw is genuinely happy for her brother but she knows that she works hard too. Next moon, if her assessment went well, that hard work would be recognized and Little Wolf would be among the loudest cheering for her. "I think he would like it too" she says, her voice soft and sad. For a moment her eyes glaze over as she goes somewhere far away, back in time, no doubt her mind wandering to a time when Graystorm was alive. She allows herself to dwell for only a moment before pulling herself out of it.

Moonpaw speculates on her warrior name and she cannot help the way her whiskers twitch "I'm sure whatever it is will be meaningful, your grandmother is skilled at giving names" she says and then adds "I'm proud of you too, you know. You're going to be an amazing warrior" All of her kits were hard-workers, desperate to prove themselves in a way that Little Wolf had been when she was younger too. She sees a little of herself in all of them. "Perhaps you'll be named Moonblaze after your father, or Moondrop after me" she muses. Howlingstar seemed to have an affinity for names that were after someone else. Not that that was a bad thing, of course. It was more meaningful that way. "What do you think? Do you have any guesses?" she asks, turning her forest-colored gaze from some far off point to study her daughters face.


What was a comforting chat with Little Wolf quickly turned sour as the dark molly offered her own amused ideas for what Moonpaw might possibly be called.
Her fur prickles at the name suggestions. Moonblaze. As if that was any kind of honorable name, what sense did that make to name a warrior after another clan's leader. After the kittypet clan leader at that. She doesn't even hear the second suggested name, her ears burn and he chokes back a sound that might have been both a growl and a cry of dismay before turning her head sharply to her mother with eyes narrowed, "Well, thankfully for me Howlingstar has the sense to not name a cat after a SkyClanner." It was pointed, perhaps even a little mean spirited, but Skypaw would forever carry the burden of such a heavy name and Little Wolf had only cared about her own feelings when she'd picked it. Skypaw would forever get glances, knowing who her mother's previous mate once was, suspicion lingering eternal for whether or not he was also her father. If Moonpaw had been named as such she'd have demanded it changed entirely personally.
The question for what guesses she might have is lost in her suddenl annoyance at the mere audacity of the name. Moonblaze. Moonblaze.

Little Wolf ears flick backwards at Moonpaw’s harsh tone, and for a moment the shade colored she cat looks as if she has been stricken. Her face contorts into a grimace of pain and confusion but quickly she wipes it away, though her eyes still find the ground, ashamed. "Im sorry Moonpaw I wasn’t thinking." she says, her voice quiet, half of what it usually is. Did her kits really truly despise their father so much? In her mind, Blazestar is a kind tom. Caring and with the biggest heart of any cat she had ever met. More cats could stand to be like him, and though her heart aches with loss whenever she thinks of that golden-colored fur and bright blue eyes she also feels joy at remembering the time they had shared together, as fleeting as it may have been.

She lets out a shaky sigh and pushes herself to her paws. She had come to make things better, to offer comfort but instead she has seemed to make things worse. Since when was there this rift between her and her daughter? Had she not noticed? Been too preoccupied with her own grief and loss? "Whatever your warrior name is I’m sure it’ll be brilliant just like you my love" she says, a desperate attempt to mend the gap that was quickly opening up in between them. "I should go.."

She does not want to feel so angry at her mother when no harm was actually meant, but she can't abide by how thick her skull can be at times. She can not love her SkyClan family while being a proper ThunderClan warrior, how can she face them in battle in the future should their clans come to blows and strike them down with any care in her heart? How can she cope with not knowing them so closely and dearly as she does her siblings here and seeing them live lives she is not a part of without breaking? Her hatred is her only defense, her only way of existing at peace with herself. She has to hate them, because loving them would hurt too much and she will not be hurt again; not as she was before. When Little Wolf stands she fights down the immediate kit-like mewl that wants to rise up and ask her not to go, five more minutes in the nursery nest before she has to go out and play-excersise is good for you, Moonkit. Don't you want to grow up to be as big and strong as your father?
'I want to be stronger. I want to be more.'

The tortie point looks away in the opposite direction so she doesn't have to watch the dark she-cat take her leave. Maybe she would apologize later, maybe she wouldn't. She didn't know. 'Good talk.'
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