Eons had passed since Silversmoke had last stood before the clan to deliver anything, the stares of expectant eyes were something he did not miss, especially now that they had all the more to want. Hunger was a thing that made an ugly mockery out of good creatures, yet it was beginning to creep into SkyClan, and with no source of the rot, the Lead Warrior had little idea of where he should start cutting. The rogues were a good starting place, but without the numbers to deal with them, it seemed the focus needed to be on restoring the sick instead, but with no herbs, a weakened leader and no Deputy in sight, it wasn't his decision to make. Amidst the three of the council that had remained, he had volunteered to host patrols, but his proactive stance did not fill him with much inspiration. "SkyClan! Gather around for patrols!" He whisked the courage to shout out, glaring at the sorry state of those he'd begrudgingly call friends. 'It should've been me on the journey,' he thought bitterly. 'At least then, I would not have to see all the cats I am letting down.' The large feline let out a huff.

"@Tawnystripe, take @Sweetybee and @Dandelionwish to RiverClan's borders at dawn. Aim to hit ThunderClan as well, but do not stay there long." Now more than ever, his trust in their neighbours was waning. They would see his clanmates donned in Twoleg tat and scorn them for it in ways Silversmoke could only dream of doing, he wouldn't stand for anyone insulting his clan aside from those who had reason to insult it. Jealousy was not a good reason, Silversmoke found. "@Coyotecrest, you are taking @Drizzlepelt and @sparrowsong! to the stretch of land near the Twolegplace. Be vigilant, if you die because of them rogues I'll..." His volume rose in urgency like a paw grasping out to pull his clanmates away from impending doom. Silversmoke snorted and looked away to calm himself, StarClan, they didn't need him fretting over him. "Nevermind. @Johnnyflame, you're taking @Hazelbeam and @Foxfire to ThunderClan and RiverClan's border at dusk." His calls for patrol had been accentuated with nods and silent wishes of luck, but for the calico, Silversmoke found himself silent and still. The others didn't need his well wishes, but he was certain that Johnnyflame absolutely would not want them - and the Lead Warrior found he wasn't too keen on giving them out to a half-loyal feline either.

He shook his head. "@Dog, lead @MOMOWHISKER and @MALLOWLARK into the Twolegplace at dusk. See if you can find any prey to bring home in the shiny trunks, as I've said before, it's better than nothing." It was a funny feeling to know that it was safer to hunt at the hour of the wolf with foxes at one's back than it was in one's own territory. Silversmoke's lip twitched, threatening to curl in disgust at the notion. " @QUILLSTRIKE, rally anyone without a patrol to do some hunting with you. @DAWNGLARE, you do the same for your herbs. We may not find Lungwhat-" StarClan, what was the name of the herb again? "- but at least you'll be able to get something" And, as he had so often repeated this moon, something was better than nothing. His eyes scanned the rest of his clanmates who had yet to assume a role, nearly flinching at how scarce the pickings had become. It was far too early in the season for their numbers to falter, yet, StarClan had chosen to turn their backs on his prayers all the same.

"I will lead a training patrol when I can, see if I can't teach you all a thing or two about how to deal with trespassers." His hunger pangs sought to shatter his confidence, instead, Silversmoke only felt it boosted at the prospect of bringing the fight to any trespassers. He'd bet on himself that he could take any of them on even with his ribs showing, a bet he fully intended to cash in the moment he was face to face with one of the curs himself. "Now, be on your way, all of you."

Patrol TL;DR:
- Dawn Patrol (River -> Thunder, RiverClan board): Tawnystripe (Leading), Sweetybee, Dandelionwish
- Dawn Patrol (Loner Lands): Coyotecrest (Leading), Drizzlepelt, Sparrowsong
- Dusk Patrol (Thunder -> River, ThunderClan board: Johnnyflame (Leading), Hazelbeam, Foxfire
- Dusk Patrol (Twolegplace): Momowhisker, Dog (Leading), Mallowlark
- Hunting Patrol #1: Quillstrike (Prompt: rogues ambush the hunting patrol!)
- Herb Patrol: Dawnglare
- Training Session: Silversmoke
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Tawnystripe never expected to be living in a clan like this. Much less be a respected member…so when he is told that he will be leading a patrol for the first time, his eyes light up in surprise. It’s not that big of an accomplishment, sure, but he’s still moved by it all the same. He’s excited to take Edenpaw out to see more of their territory as well. “Yessir!” Tawnystripe exclaims cheerfully. He eyeballs the crowd for his apprentice as well as Sweetybee and Dandelionwish, giving them a grin when he spots them.

Coyotecrest's chin lifts in the midst of Silversmoke's call. Flaxen paws lead him forward, where he stopped somewhere near Tawnystripe. A faint sparkle of surprise twinkles within his eyes as the lead dubs him a patrol leader near the loner lands. Though his features are abruptly soured in the face of the silver tabby's fretting. "No one is dying, not if I can help it." Though typically quiet, this he could not help but to utter. No one would be lost on his patrol. Turning his head he seeks out both Sparrowsong and Drizzlepelt, flagging them over with a flick of his tail. On his way toward the entrance he gives a jerk of his head, quietly urging Pearlpaw along.
̶̶̶̶  «̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ «̶ ̶̶̶   skyclan warrior / thirteen moons old / he/him  ̶ ̶ ̶»̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ »̶ ̶̶̶  
The premise is enough to make him scowl, even if the sunkeness of his eyes made him look more delirious himself, rather than someone with a clear target to his annoyance. He has picked at enough herbs without it behind ordered though his least favorite of Blazestar’s mouthpieces. Talk of rogues is one that he distantly remembers – and perhaps, this was the spotted warrior’s way of demanding he is kept safe. Dawnglare did not trust foreign jaws to pluck what they must, for him. The call for company is as unnecessary as ever, and for once, Dawnglare did not desire it for his own entertainment.

The slip up is one he is unimpressed with. " Lungwort. " From the maw of his den, he mutters a correction for no one in particular to hear. Yes… He would simply curl up to sleep, if he had not already planned such an excursion for the day. Like a child, he nearly denies himself such, simply because the idea possibly being anything but his makes him want to pull at teeth – but fine. Yes, fine. He does not have the energy to protest, and Mother thrums steadily within the dirt. This is no cause for concern.

He would simply pluck up any cat lingering nearby when the time comes, and that time was not now. He shuts his eyes for that moment of peace, before disappearing into his burrow, once again.

  • 66822083_8akGM16AUReCLf3.png
  • ( 𝙒𝙃𝙔'𝘿 𝙄𝙏 𝙏𝘼𝙆𝙀 𝙎𝙊 𝙇𝙊𝙉𝙂? ) DAWNGLARE Medicine Cat of SkyClan. Mentoring Fireflypaw
    —— He / him , deeply confused by the use of other pronouns
    —— Currently 56 moons old. Mated to Mallowlark

    Unsettling and strange, Dawnglare bears a unique perception to the world and stars above on top of a generally unpleasant disposition. Holds others to uniquely impossible standards and himself undeniably above the rest.
    You may find him kinder to others than is typical, exhausted from the yellowcough blight and heart heavy in a way he has never felt.​
    Mood is decided by dice - rolls per thread, with the exception of some important threads

XXXXXBlazestar watches from just outside his den as Silversmoke issues patrols for the day. He’d done well, as he should—the silver tabby had had plenty of practice when Orangeblossom had been in the nursery with her kits. The Ragdoll watches Tawnystripe and Coyotecrest rise to organize their respective patrols, and then his blue eyes flick to Dawnglare. The reddish medicine cat looks gaunt as he does, as though he hasn’t eaten even the meager shares brought to his den. Blazestar’s brow furrows, and he hesitates for a moment before turning his gaze away. He does not remember exactly what he’d said in the throes of death—but he remembers a moment, however fleeting, of desperately wanting Dawnglare’s forgiveness, and—and of wanting to forgive him.

XXXXXI will join Dawnglare,” he declares, still not looking in the medicine cat’s direction. “The rest of you who were not assigned, be sure to either go hunting or sharpen your skills with Silversmoke. Apprentices, I want you training if your mentor isn’t hunting or patrolling. We need to keep our skills sharp with the rogues around.” He turns to Johnnyflame and Tawnystripe, blue eyes narrow. “Don’t reveal our trouble with rogues unnecessarily, but if an opportunity presents itself, I’d like to know if ThunderClan and RiverClan are seeing trouble with them, too.” He gives Silversmoke a look, wondering if the tabby is thinking the same thing. Do they plague SkyClan alone—do they sense weakness in the Clan who borders the Twolegplace and keeps company with kittypets? It’s impossible to know.

  • Crying
Reactions: DAWNGLARE

Selfishly, Twitchbolt was glad that the burden of doing patrols had not fallen on his shoulders. He was unprepared for it, his mind skittering back-and-forth near constantly- back to the prisoners in their camp, the tom- toms, but really he worried the most for one of them- guarding them. Forth to the rogues that infested their territory, sinking claws into anyone that got in their way. Wide eyes of olive tracked the lead warrior's mouth, watching for his own name- no specific assignment today, though. Quillstrike would be leading a hunting patrol- he looked for the tall chimera in the clowder, and then for his apprentice.

Doompaw could do with some hunting practice. Since Abysspaw's disappearance, he'd been volatile- it might do him good, too, to get to spend time with Plaguepaw. Funny how the two of them ended up close... he could only hope it would help stitch Doompaw's spirits back together, even by a few threads.

"We'll go hunting," he told the young tom, beckoning him with his broken tail and managing just about to keep his voice fairly steady. A wary gaze found Quillstrike, and he strode over to him- he'd feel the safest, here.

\ @DOOMPAW apprentice tag B)
penned by pin ✧
Silversmoke's call wasn't totally unfamiliar to them but it surely was intriguing. If he were a more vocal cat, they'd even say it was pleasant to the ears. Shakily he stood to all fours. Frail body steadied at a careful wobble. Once his brain whirred back into action the exhausted warrior set off.

Wandering towards the clearing he peered at the lead warrior intently. Attention diverted by movement in his peripheral, he caught site of the crowd. Taking a few extra strides they stood next to Coyotecrest. Tattered ears soon twitching at the mention of their own name.

Relief flooded the splotched cat's joints at the mention of his former home. It would be any easy enough trek and a place Dogbite could navigate. Nodding slowly he agreed to the task with little hesitation.

Casting the apprentice den a thoughtful glance. He ultimately decided against bringing Littlepaw along for now. Dogbite murmured quietly to himself shortly after his choice. "I'll take you hunting next time." Despite their hoarse tone he meant every word. Doing his best to ignore the guilt of neglecting their duties as a mentor.

Turning around to the crowd they waived a tail at their designated patrol. A rapid gesture to usher them along. In their mind, the quicker they got there, the better chances of more prey rustling about.

  • ooc ; out patrol link
  • 1000007505-png.1053

    ✧ 28 moons old
    ✧ skyclan warrior
    ✧ he/they ; single
    ✧ child of npc x npc
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
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With a nod to his apprentices to follow, Johnny made his way over to stand among the growing crowd of cats, expression unreadable as his attention rested on Silversmoke handing out the days patrols. These days it was difficult for the bobtail not to feel that familiar prickle of frustration when it came to the other tom, a bitterness he couldn't shake when he thought of the *almost* friendship they might have had. He'd respected Silversmoke once, even trusted him- but now, he wasn't so sure.

How could he trust or respect a cat who openly thought so little of him?

He only nodded when he heard his name called to head a patrol near dusk, not at all bothered by the timing, but wondering if Silver had done it on purpose just to see if he'd try and skip out early and return to his twolegs. Johnny -did- usually leave around sundown unless he was needed, though these days he'd been pushing it back more and more out of fear that the rogues would grow too bold and hit their camp during the night.

It dind't matter. Silversmokes intentions aside, Johnnyflame would make sure the patrol was taken out- even if there were no words of concern for his patrol like there had been the others. That was fine though- Johnny could look after his own cats.
