YOUR MIND IS COLLECTED TETHERS. [ patrol assignments ]

chilledgaze had come to her yesterday evening with a favor upon their tongue, asking if they were able to shoulder tomorrow's patrol assignments onto the pearlescent queen as they had far too much work on their paws that day to take on anymore and of course she agreed. that's why when the sun breaks over the horizon the next morning geckoscreech can be seen making her way towards the front of the clan, head held a little higher now that she is no longer being crippled by starvation. death will not stake it's claim on her yet.

"listen up everyone, chilledgaze has put me in charge of appointing today's patrols so gather around." her voice is much stronger than it has been for weeks as she waits for felines to approach.

"ferndance, i want you to take ravenwatcher, adderjaw, halfshade, lilacpaw and snowmask to thunderclan's border." aqua hues flick over the ticked tabby for a moment before she continues.

"chilledgaze, seeing as you seem a little less overwhelmed, i'd like you to take smogmaw, sharppaw, forestshade, rainecho, betonyfrost and dogfur over to windclan."

"finally, i'll be leading a hunting patrol and will take ghostpaw, tornadopaw, lichentail, siltpaw and frostbite. remember to report anything back to chilledgaze or i." with her final words said, the warrior flicks her tail to dismiss them before wading through the crowd to round up her crew so that they may head out.

// of course, this is set before pitchstar's death!




HUNTING; @GHOSTPAW @Tornadopaw @LICHENTAIL @Siltcloud. @Frostbite
siltpaw | 09 months | female | she/her | physically medium | mentally easy | attack in bold #ddadaf
The apprentice cannot help but wonder how many days will pass as though nothing has changed. As though her world has not simply been toppled over like a carrionplace heap. She nods politely, obedient as ever as her name is called out - sparing a glance at her new mentor. Is this what the rest of her life will be like? Pretending that every cat she's ever looked up to has not turned traitor in one way or another? She scoffs silently to herself, gaze turned downwards. Of course it will.

The tabby's wonder-ridden eyes grew wider in a mixture of surprise and excitement as she heard Geckoscreech assign her her own patrol. Promises of future responsibility may have weighed on any other cat, but all Ferndance could see in her future was a parade of like-minded ShadowClanners off to go mark their territory and potentially say hello to some of their worst enemies. Events of the days prior and the negative emotions that pressed on the back of her mind temporarily abated as she offered a puckish smile towards the Lead Warrior. "Cooooool." She echoed Smogmaw, arguably in a much cooler voice. Her attention was then offered to her fellow patrol-goers, a twinkle in her emerald eyes. "Oh we are going to have so much fun together," she promised them all.