your not my supervisor [hunting fail/pafp]


astronaut in the ocean
Aug 7, 2022


It had been a little under two weeks since Windclan had raided them, and for the most part Quillpaws wounds were on the mend. The deep gash on his face running down his cheek and chin was a half-healed scab and the deep punctures on his chest had closed up for the most part. The wounds on his side gave him the most trouble despite being in a similar condition to his others, but because of their positioning along his ribs and flank it made the healing process go a bit slower since every little movement in that first week had opened them back up. Two weeks later and he could move pretty freely without fear of the scabs tearing themselves open, though he still made sure to go as easy as he could in the meantime.

Of course, that didn't mean that Quill had taken to coasting. Quite the opposite, in fact. The moment Dawnglare had cleared him to leave the den he'd jumped right back into his usual routine, trying to maintain whatever he could of the routine he'd grown so accustomed to. He couldn't train so much at the moment, so he'd instead been leaning into his chores and, when he could, accompanied patrols and hunting partys out into the territory. He slept a little more and tired out a little easier thanks to the ache in his body, but for once he didn't crave silence. He wanted normalcy, and these days, normal for Quill was working his ass off from sun up to sun down, usually under the watchful eye of Thistleback.

Much to his annoyance he'd been paired with Fierypaw for pairs hunting that afternoon. A group of cats were out in the woods trying to bring home dinner, and somehow he'd ended up stuch with the one that couldn't stand him. Of course, at this point the feeling was pretty fucking mutual, with Quills patience for the ginger tomcat to be near non-existant.

And so now the chimera was laying near the roots of a tree while Fierypaw stalked a squirrel. The plan was simple; Fierypaw would chase the squirrel toward Quills hiding spot, and then Quill would jump out and make the kill. Only, when Fierypaw began the chase, the Squirrel didn't head for the tree Quill was crouched by. It bolted to the left, and instead of going for the closest cover began to charge for a tree a good ten feet away from where the large striped apprentice was currently hiding.

Had Quill been in better condition, maybe he would have made the kill. Who knows? He was certainly strong and had fast reflexes, those long legs of him able to cover ground quickly when it was asked of them, but none of that happened. As Quill burst from his hiding place he managed to make it all of two strides before turning sharply in pursuit of the critter only to feel a sharp pain in his side. And it would have been fine if it had stopped there, because a cracked scab was painful but hardly the end of the world.

But no, mother nature decided that today, Quill was going to eat shit. And so, at the exact moment he was distracted by the pain in his side, his foot made contact with a random tree root hidden beneath the snow and for like the 700th fucking time since joining Skyclan, Quill hit the ground hard as he was tripped by mother nature.

He let out a pained hiss as he slid across the snow on his bad side, feeling the half-healed scabs along his ribs tear in flashes of white hot agony that left him hissing as he scrambled to his paws as fast as he could, as if the speed of his recovery could undo the damage that had been done. A quick glance at the snow as he stood showed pinkish red smears left behind, and he cursed as he looked down at his side to find them ripped back open and bleeding.

To be fair, it was nowhere near as bad as it had been the day it'd been done, but they were bleeding pretty good and he was fairly certain that now he was going to have to wait even longer for them to heal up. "Great, just fucking great." he growled, mismatched eyes glancing around for some cobwebs he could pack over the wounds as he'd seen Dawnglare do. It was about the only 'mediciney' thing he knew how to do, and since he had a feeling Dawnglare wasn't going to sympathize with him he figured he'd better find them himself. Oh well. He'd live.

@FIERYPAW the threads open as soon as they post!

skyclan - male - 10 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - very tall tabby tomcat with broad shoulders