starclan YOUR ONE WAY TICKET // a change in StarClan


Jul 11, 2022
All of StarClan had gathered to bear witness to the fall of Sootstar. It had been a somber, quiet celebration, a tyrant to their lands finally put to death. Her victims in the stars may breathe a sigh of relief as they finally rest knowing their unjust murderer no longer roams the earth. But with her last breath comes a shift. It is not felt suddenly, it is not obvious. But the spirits above in the stars, they can sense it. Change is coming.

Confused murmurs pick up into shouts as someone yells 'Look!' All muzzles point in one direction, where they can see the heavy fog rolling in from lands unknown. It's like it appeared all at once , and it comes closer and closer, like a flood. Starry pelts bristle in alarm as it draws nearer, some spirits already backing away slowly. But suddenly, it stops, as if it's hit an invisible barrier. Unable to stretch any further, it has nowhere else to go but up. So it climbs, a silvery gray wall races upwards until it disappears into the stars themselves. And then it's over. For far as the eye can see, the wall of fog stretches, thick with no chance of seeing through it.

Hare Whiskers is one of the first to approach it, his paws slow with caution. Copper eyes are round with confusion as he comes to a stop just before the wall of mist. He can feel his fur tingle with apprehension. "What is this?" He gruffly asks no one in particular, but he fears it is something to do with the death of the moorland devil. A white paw reaches out to touch the mist, but all he can feel is a chill. He draws his forepaw back to him, eyes narrowing with suspicion.
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✦✦ Stars glimmer in a pelt made anew after death, no longer stained with the blood of his death. It’s funny, because he always expected to, like, hate it when he died. He’d never expected to look forward to it, but then he’d traded river stones with a tom whose eyes shone bright as the sun—brighter than the stars themselves—and he can only say that he is at peace, now, as he spends his days, nights, eternity with the most important cat he’d ever lost. Of course, it’s also a blessing that he’s able to see Steepsnout and Pumpkinpaw and even Beesong again, but Clay had been a bit confused at first by the absence of Cicadastar. He was star-blessed, and yet the leader does not appear anywhere amongst these spirits. He can only assume that the spindly tom is… elsewhere, then.

When Sootstar dies, Clay feels nothing but a grim sense of satisfaction. She may not have killed Clearsight, but she had ordered the attack. He may have blamed himself, or Hyacinthbreath, or the WindClan Warrior who’d murdered his mate, but at the heart of it all lies one cat. She is killed by her own clan, turned against her at last, and it feels as though Clay can breathe easily once again.

His relief is short-lived. It’s as though her death has caused a ripple in a still river—fog begins to roll in, and it doesn’t look like it’s stopping. His body tenses, prepared to run, to fight, to do something. But then it just… stops. Hare Whiskers, a cat he’d never met in life and doesn’t know well even in death, steps forth to investigate, and Clay decides to join him. He presses his nose to a blue-striped forehead, tail gently untwining from his mate’s. Long legs stretch out, the pain that tugs at his movements eased at last, and he moves to stand beside the much older tom. Hare Whiskers had pulled his paw back from the strange misty wall with a strange expression on his face, and so Clay quickly touches a paw to it as well. "Wha-?" His brows shoot up on his forehead in shock, pulling his own paw back against his chest. "It’s, like, just cold. Do you think… she…?"
Loampelt didn’t share in his peers’ interest in the politics of below—looking down offers him nothing but a vague heartbreak and the sweet sting of jealousy. Sootstar dies, and Loampelt is supposed to care because StarClan is supposed to care—but Loampelt has never been good at fitting in, or following the crowds. One less tyrant in the world, and Loampelt is supposed to sigh in relief and not hold the quiet assumption that another will be born to replace her.

And then the world changes, and Loampelt is all at once delighted.

Fuckin finally!” Loampelt crows, and gestures broadly to the fog with his curled paw. He presses his way to the front, slipping below the bellies of the crowded cats when he must, “I-eeeee-uh thought nothing interesting was ever going t-tuh-to happen up heh-here!

He grimaces as he speaks, his eyes flutter at a rate too fast to be a blink, but these are born out of the habit of stuttering rather than any emotion. As soon as he stops talking, a wide, toothy smile replaces his previous jitters, and vanishes as soon as Loampelt resumes talking. The excitement remains.

We should seh-seh-see what’s beyond it. Ch-ch-cheh-ch-check it out.” He nods, as if in agreement with his own idea, “And if eh-eh-it is Sootstar, we can…” Loampelt trails off, suddenly uncertain. It dawns on him that this is, as most things are, far more serious than Loampelt is taking it on its face. ​
tags ∘ starclan warrior ∘ solid black with hazel eyes ∘ curled front foot ∘ 15 moons
"You want to venture into unknown lands, Loampelt?" Hyacinthbreath whispers as the starry she-cat walks forward, tiny paws tapping the ground nervously. The sight of dark fog has her anxious, star-kissed hues looking around aimlessly. It is a good thing that Sootstar is dead, for she cannot hurt Hyacinth's children anymore; her mate was safe on the ground, now unable to be touched by the tyrant of a Queen that Sootstar was.

Hesitantly, Hyacinthbreath takes a step towards Loampelt to stand by his side. Her eyes subtly move to look at Clayfur, guilt-ridden. "We should wait. It is not safe. We're just spirits, after all."

branchfall (shoelace) & 21 moons & female & she/her & starclan warrior

"If it is, should we kill her again? Wait- is that even a thing? Like - super death or something? Cuz that'd be soooooo cool," would come branchfalls grating voice, the seal furred feline all but bouncing over to join the others. Unlike the rets of starclan, she's genuinely unconcerned - strangeness and unpridictability had been something she'd thrived upon in life, and being dead certainly wasn't enough to change that. Hind leg reaches up to scratch her ear - absent minded, a habit she's yet to break despite the unfortunate lack of flea-friends littering her star-glossed pelt. "Dunno why you're all so scared anywho, it's just fog," for wasn't even dangerous - who'd ever heard of a cat dying from fog? Unless its some weird starclan knowledge she was supposed to get but didn't (it's not like she was paying attention).

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: —
    tw/cw: —
  • starry furred seal sepia she-cat with white markings and burning amber eyes
    previously a rogue and a warrior of windclan
    murdered by kuiper at 21 moons old [20 posts]

A tangle of emotions had wrapped its way into Snailstride's brain upon Sootstar's demise. They were relieved that cats like them would no longer have to hide, they were terrified another tyrant would rise, they were uncertain of how to feel about those on Sootstar's council who remained within the home. Sunstar had been given a life of love, a hope that he would lead them in a peaceful direction, but what of the WindClanners who had fled from their home? They couldn't win again, could they? They were around when a commotion rattled StarClan's borders, speckled fur bristled as fog crawled towards them like a dying villain. Snailstride took a step back, and then another, until their assailant began to climb to the stars beyond the stars, halted by a miracle the tabby did not want to test. Others were bolder than the young Warrior, stepping forward to assess (or praise) the intruder to their paradise. When a StarClanner put their paws within the void, he froze, waiting for the darkness to swallow their shimmering pelts. It almost seemed too good to be true when their limbs re-emerged unscathed, then, Clayfur mentioned a she.

Only one she-cat had died recently, one who was absent from Eden, whose presence he thought could not torture him in the afterlife. Sickly blue eyes stared out into the mist, limbs tense in anticipation of seeing a blue figure charge them. The longer it did not happen, the more Snailstride was convinced it would. Ears remained flat against their skull, tail hanging low in disbelief. "To hate so much to be able to do this... To be able to change the very fabric of the stars themselves, to rip a hole in StarClan... there was no way just one cat could do that, was there? A lump formed in their throat at the idea... they had gotten lucky all they received was a reprimand from the former leader. Branchfall spoke up and Snailstride's head shook vigorously. "Nope, absolutely not, we invented fear for a reason! Fog ain't for me. I can't find my tail half the time, if I moseyed in there, you'd never see me again!" They grin in an attempt to pacify their former clanmate, before turning their attention to the other StarClanners. What they decided, how they reacted, they would simply try to blend in with the crowd.



"About bloody time that she got cut down." Blackmoon huffed gruffly as he watched the events unfold below within WindClan. The relief that washed over him was akin to the feeling of fresh cool dew upon his pelt before the heat of the day. Though much like the others who had gathered to bear witness to the fall of the Mad Queen the joy was snuffed out by the peculiar events that followed. His star speckled pelt bristled with deepening unease as he eyed the rolling fog wall. "Grrrreaaaat, now what?"

The tom twitched a single ear as he heeded the growing conversation spreading among the other StarClanners, and he took the time to consider the options that lay before them. With a low growl he approached the fog's border and he eyed the mass with wariness, and a determination in his heart. "Whatever this thing is it isn't good. But we can't just turn tail and hide from it either. I'd be willing to step through it if it gets us any closer to an answer. Any other volunteers?"

Being dead wasn’t all that terrible.
Stars nestled within her lavender pelt, her belly never felt hollow, and the starry land provided all Larkfeather could ever ask for.
It was the missing that plagued the she-cat still, being worlds away from her kin. She kept as close an eye as she could on her brothers, her mother who she had been elated to see once more- not that anyone amongst the living have heard how excited she was that her family was being drawn together again.
It was getting better, her grief for her own death was slowly passing through the stages, her peace on it way to becoming found.
When her spirit had been violently torn from her being, Larkfeather had hardly realized that she was once more a mere nine moons old, no longer did heavy circles tug around her eyes, and her cheekbones were once again full, her eyes round and bright with star-shine.
Now, Larkfeather watches as her murderer takes her last breath, expression eerily vacant.
She watches as a frail, charcoal flank struggles to rise.
Theres a prickle along her spine.
Would Larkfeather be forced to face her once more? Surely not. The maddened Queen had no place amongst the stars, the pawful of victims she shared this moment with showing that painful truth.
Look! Someone cries as the former leaders last breath is expelled, and Larkfeathers attention is stolen away, focusing on the ominous fog that has begun to climb.
Horror replaces vacancy, and Larkfeather is on her paws.
Some of those gathered almost immediately volunteer themselves to venture into the daunting unknown, while Hyacinthbreath and Snailstride offer reason.
”What if… what if it’s a trap?” Larkfeather finally asks, to no one in particular.
Did Sootstar lay on the other side, ready to drag star-blessed spirits across this fog-laden border?


Sootstar was dead and what relief he felt at this was quickly washed away under layers of uncertainy and fear - like an infection though she still burned even after the wound closed, her hatred coursing through the very air like electricity and he stood behind Clayfur and Hare Whisker with stiff limbs and narrowed eyes. It could never just end could it? Loampelt utters something about checking it out, Hyacinthbreath echoes it with incredulity and warning. He hears someone mutter in fear about not losing their tail, another mocking that its only mist. It is when Blackmoon speaks that he snaps back to attention and steps forward next to the other.

"I'll go with Blackmoon, we can't very well just ignore this. At the very least we should see what's on the other side..." Larkfeather had a point though, it could be a trap but he did doubt very much even Sootstar knew what was coming given her defiance to the very end and her rebellion against the stars. He was sure she suspected she'd not be allowed in, but he was confident she had no idea of knowing she would somehow entangle herself into something darker than merely endlessly wandering the afterlife like a shade.
The blue tabby stops alongside the older ThunderClanner, head tilting in a friendly manner - there were no borders in StarClan, they were not divided by clan loyalty this far from the clans themselves and if two of them went they could at least ensure one of them made it back with news. After all, what was there to fear when you were already dead? Getting lost, perhaps. His golden gaze drifts behind him, wondering where Morningpaw was at the moment and if she had seen this yet but it was very hard to miss.
"Up for a leisurely stroll, old man? Good thing your bones don't ache up here."
He didn't much mind the cold, he never had. So he leaned forward to touch the shrouded veil with his nose and felt the chill almost immediately - ah, yes that was certainly unpleasant and a sudden reminder of another colder day in the past.

  • OOC can go here.

  • 57579370_jUD9IpR9efss83o.png
    —⊰⋅ StarClanner | Former Warrior of SkyClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Blue & White tabby w/golden eyes.


”Mouse-brains!” The calico StarClanner scoffs, it was no wonder so many of these cats didn’t make it to the ripe old age she had in life. They stuck their noses into business they had no needs investigating! ”The skies have been still since StarClan made it home after the Great Battle. The first disturbance and you want to rush into it? Call it bravery, I call it stupidity She says, giving an especially stern look at Blackmoon and Snowpath.

No intuition… no instinct these young cats had! Even death could not hit them with enough wisdom to see their idea was no could. ”Whatever the fog has brought it’s not good… Can you not feel the evil? It brings dread to her heart. No, she would not step a paw into that mist.

The once ShadowClanner looks to Hare Whiskers, her leader many ancient moons ago, ”Hit them with some sense, will ya?”
  • » Half Maw . Stumpyspots
    » ShadowClan Warrior
    » She/her ․ Twice Widowed
    » Calico she-cat with rounded features.
    » ”speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A heavy hitting foe capable of standing her ground
    » Excels in slow, but powerful blows and kicks.
    » Fights to defend and protect
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
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Gray Wolf is sharing tongues with the son he had never gotten to know, @BERRYHEART when the chaos erupts. Fog consumes the land sprawled out before them, its wall rising far beyond his green eyes could see. With narrowed eyes no matter how hard he tried, he could not see past it.

”You mean to suggest you can die twice?” He meows, dumbfounded by Branchfall’s words, confused even more by her excitement around the possibility. Impossible. The dead cannot be killed.” Or was he perhaps, instead, blinded by moons of peace and tranquillity in the afterlife? The idea of harm being able to touch them was foreign to the Tom who had once briefly allied himself with the marsh colony.

”I agree,” He meows to the cats voting to take precaution, ”Just because we are dead doesn’t mean we should be unwise. Our actions proceeding could not just affect StarClan, but the five clans themselves.” The clans needed their wisdom and guidance, could what lays behind the fog interfere with that?
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Hare Whiskers looks to Clayfur, watching as he reaches out to touch the mist as well. His question darkens the old tom’s features - he doesn’t need to finish his sentence for everyone to know who he is talking about. His heart twists with dread as he ponders, his ears flicking as Loampelt brings up going in and Hyacinthbreath argues against it. Gray Wolf echoes the tabby’s thoughts in response to Branchfall’s question. Kill her? But she’s already dead. The former colony leader finds himself agreeing with Snailstride - he doesn’t like this one bit.

When Stumpyspots looks to him, he meets her gaze and then sweeps his eyes back across the gathered cats. “She is right. We don’t know what this is yet. It could bring danger to StarClan, and danger to the five. We should stay away from it for now, until we know more.” Cautious orange eyes linger on the billowing fog, his pelt prickling uneasily. Larkfeather could be right - what if this is a trap? He will not let curiosity bring about peace’s downfall.

Curled fur sparkled as she trotted forward on light steps, if it weren't for the entire being dead thing she'd be utterly delighted over the way her coat glittered and shined now but unfortunately the method to achieving such a luxurious look was drowning in ones own sick and dying miserably alone and cold in a medicine cat den. Not exactly a fair trade off, she deserved to at least get something else for it - maybe a star in her name? Always did fancy Halfstar as a possibility one day, not that it would ever come to light now. The torbie flicked her tail unsettled, pausing next to Stumpyspots to listen to them all prattle and narrowing her eyes at the more bolder of the collected cats even considering stepping into this looming mist.

"Oh please, leave the dreadful thing alone. Stars help us that you hare brains messing with it don't make it worse somehow." Mismatched eyes flit over to Hare Whisker as she utters the insult, "No offense, dear." Well, he was the whiskers of one - not the brain, so hopefully it wasn't taken poorly but one could never be too sure. While her gaze was fixated on the elder tom she wrinkled her nose, "Should we not warn someone? Anyone? The medicine cats? The clan leaders even?" She pauses, tone suddenly wistful, "...the deputies...perhaps would suffice? I would be more than happy to trot back down to ShadowClan." Certainly not for seflish reasons or anything - entirely to be helpful. Of course.

  • OOC can go here.

  • 57579335_p9YlQrA6TBwZVwB.png
    —⊰⋅ StarClanner | Former Warrior of ShadowClan
    —⊰⋅ She/Her
    —⊰⋅ Blue Torbie w/Blue & Orange Eyes.
    —⊰⋅ Please note her colors are very exaggerated and should not be referenced for future coat palettes.

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In the final moons of his life, Earthsoul always imagined that he’d awake in starclan (if such a place existed) in the body of his youth. Instead, the former skyclanner’s muzzle was still flecked with noticeable gray. It seemed he’d retained the form he was happiest in. At least his joints didn’t ache any more.

Wise emerald eyes slowly turned from their almost eternal watch over Skyclan and the twolegplace to take in the ominous fog, and the crowd which now gathered at its edge. “No need to warn ‘em over some bad weather” he offered to Halfshade with a smile, hoping to calm some nerves. Could there even be bad weather up here? It would certainly be a first. “Besides, if it’s really somethin’ serious, we can handle it ourselves, right?” They may be dead, but Sootstar was too. Even playing field, and all that.

The eternally old man raised his voice slightly, eyes twinkling at Blackmoon’s words. “I don’t mind goin’. Heard a lot about Sootstar, but never saw the face. I’d love to give ‘er a piece of my mind” In life, Earthsoul had had to leave Skyclan and the wild life behind for the twolegplace as age plagued him. Now in death, with no more aches and pains, the elder was eager to burn some energy once again.

one step forward. Two steps. A starlight muzzle touches the fog as a chill runs through him, and Earthsoul doesn’t move anymore. A growl of frustration leaves the eternal elder as he steps back to join the group, fur standing on end. He’d lived a long time, and all the instincts he’d cultivated in those countless moons were now warning him that entering that fog was a bad idea.​
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Ew, what was that disgusting fog for something?. It was absolutely a sore eye to see not at all fitting to be there to blemish this beautiful paradise. With a twitch of his whiskers in pure disgust Sunsetbreeze had all intentions to stay away from it not wishing to get too close like he was afried it would taint his fur or something. Of course his so called star mates or whatever had to start to argue about weither they should investigate the fog or not. Whatever they decided on it was a huge pass on his part, thank you very much!. Blackmoon and Sowpath could happily walk into the unkown if they wished. Fine with him if they wanted to try their luck and see if they could die a second time.

Sunsetbreeze already seemed to have his own decision on the matter however Clayfur lil remark caught their attention. She?. Did they meant Sootstar?. Had she caused this disturbance in the stars?. She had obiviously not been welcomed into the stars so where had she gone?. Into the frog?. Suddenly his mind had changed. If it was possible that she was still here shouldn't he be going after them?. What if Galeforce was with her too?. The fog that had just a moment ago disgust the fallen warrior now felt himself get drawn towards it. No matter what Sootstar had,no, that was not right. His true motive was not her anymore but the faint hope of getting to see him again.

" I agree that we should investigate. I doubt anything worse can happen then death. It's just fog. What are all of you so afried of?." he spoke out not believing a word of that the five clans could get effected by anything that happened in the afterlife. " I will come along too. You guys will need me in there." obiviously because with him by their side nothing could go wrong. Sunsetbreeze would settle his gaze back on the frog again as he felt a faint hope in his chest. Galeforce are you there somewhere?.


Leaping Toad has lived among the stars for far longer than he lived in the marshes. He has seen the clans build themselves from his place in the night sky, he has granted leaders lives, has greeted new faces to his own star-forged clan. The kid has figured he’s seen it all, by now — what this place has to offer.

He has known a sense of peace up here in ways his brother doesn’t — though he wouldn’t wish death upon Ribbitleap or Geckoscreeech or any of his other living kin, would wish them to stay alive as long as they can instead. Peace, he hopes, will come to the clans soon with the fall of Sootstar complete.

He sits among his star-side kin when the shift happens. Celestine-blue eyes pull away from their conversation to view the thick fog rolling in, the wall it forms before them. A tabby tail ushers Croakkit to stay back as Leaping Toad rises to his paws, bounding toward the billowing scene his fellow clanmates seek to investigate.

I used to play in the fog, back in the marshes... “ he says in idle recollection, a small blink following as he treads closer to it. It’s a memory he hasn’t thought of in a long while, that of stealth-based games in vision impairing weather. But this — this isn’t marsh fog. This is cold with frost, too thick to see past, no matter how hard he tries.

I don’t trust it, “ Leaping Toad concludes, stepping back from the fog as others insist on investigating it further. Even feigned bravery and a star-flecked pelt would keep the former Marsh cat from wandering in there on his own. “ Maybe it will go away, if we ignore it? “ He looks to Halfshade as she speaks, a suggestion on informing the clan cats.

What can they do about it? “ he asks, though her mention of warning the deputies makes him wonder if this is more of an attempted visitation than anything. Though, he wonders if he could come with, wonders if he could make a visit too — if deputies should be warned, than shouldn't warriors be as well? “ It’s our fog, not theirs. “ ​
  • 75352466_PZOMbk1mFgQC35W.png
    ── Resident of StarClan

    ── Geckoscreech x Toad's Prowl
    ── AMAB; He/Him
    ── A brown tabby and white tom with blue eyes.
    ── Mentored by the Marsh Colony
    ── "Speech"; Attack
can we leave it behind? Despite the starlight that dressed his pelt the tom emerged like a shadow from the crowd of cats. Fog desperately clawing its way toward them, only to rise above their own heavens and shroud the lands with mist. Sootstar's death had clearly triggered the change as it followed her final breath and the silent celebration had ended the moment something had stirred.

A rumbled grunt stated his agreement with Stumpyspots and Halfshade's words. ShadowClans own foggy marshes were not easy to travel untrained, these fools wouldn't be able to tell their paws from their tail.

"I wouldn't call it just anything when the timing is so suspicious." Scarred lids focus on Sunsetbreeze with a sneer. "Perhaps we should monitor it... tell the Clans once we have a better idea at what this could mean."

// mobile post​

Berryheart is at @GRAY WOLF 's side- it is strange to know someone in death, to meet one's father not at birth but at expiration. Nevertheless, the connection is a comforting one. During his life, Berryheart had been plagued with a nagging question that pecked relentlessly at the back of his mind. When his mother had taken him in amongst her litter, Father had been long dead; Berryheart had been bothered by the fact he would never be certain about whether his father would have truly wanted him.

United in death, Berryheart at last has the answer to that question. He enjoys Papa's company, sits with him through languid, starlit nights- is at his side when a wall of mist blooms before them, reeking of darkness. The star-speckled tom wrinkled his nose in subtle disgust, ever-expressionless face set in study.

A frosty breath plumes from him, winding into the starlight. The cautious conversation, the warriors ever eager to investigate- not much has changed. Neither has it with himself- Berryheart nears the fog, but stops in his tracks after a few steps, feeling a crawling chill. Uneven eyes of green settled upon Papa, and then upon Scar-eyes, who he slowly nods in response to. Monitor it. "Investigation can be done from afar by observing," he offers, his voice low and quiet, as monotonous as it always has been. He is no leader- he will not tell them what to do. But he knows a lot about experimentation and investigation- it would be unwise to throw themselves into something that they had not first monitored.
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⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ A small set of starlit paws joined the StarClan warriors in their - mostly cautious - travel to the strange fog that lingered at their borders. StarClan's hunting grounds was all young Snowflakekit ever knew, a child taken too soon to know life below. Since his time here, he's had a lot to learn: he learned how to chase prey, he learned about the cats, he learned how to watch his parents and siblings! Through whispers and rumors, he had even learned of Sootstar and her misdeeds, and took part in watching the end of her reign.

But in all his StarClan-given wisdom, there was no bravery in the kitten as he huddled close to the nearest warrior, staring into the heavy fog with fearful eyes. Each inch the fog took towards them, Snowflakekit took a step back with the warrior he clung to. His ears, rounded with youth, strained to catch notes of everyone's conversation. Spirit's can't die.. right? If they did, he'd never see his family again! As some cats approach to touch the fog, Snowflakekit shrinks behind the leg of the nearby cat, only peering out to see the brave one's paw withdraw untouched. "Scary.." he murmered. He did not like this at all.

  • SNOWFLAKEKIT he/him, kit of starclan, ageless; died at birth.
    a blue-lynx point kitten with low white and blue eyes.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by ixora@.ixora on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


To die is not as painful as one may think. It was actually relieving, the cold that the chocolate and silver cat had once felt was long gone. The storm she could not see in would have gone away, and she was left in peace that her inner turmoil had never felt. She had no worries here, except for her brother.

she missed having a duty to fill her paws, she missed fighting and hunting for her clan, and she stressed about the rogues that lingered below, but she kept it well maintained behind a neutrality. no one really knew her, and that was fine. she wanted it that way, to be kept from others, to not gain those attachments so it would be easier when she was gone.

it wasn't any easier. she regretted a lot. she regretted snapping ears off others, she regretted hissing when someone tried to comfort her after failing, she regretted not being able to do more- but she also regretted pushing herself further than she should have. she would learn a lesson far too late.

the fog that enveloped the lands drew many faces, she had yet to meet any of them, continuing a life alone, but here she was. her form moved forward, and she found herself intrigued. "I'll go with," she said, shrugging her shoulders. what would she lose anyways?