š“Šš“‹¼ In any other case, Falconheart would be glad to have his friend visiting him in the medicine catā€™s den. If Fallowpaw were merely visiting, then he would have lifted his head to greet the apprentice with a grin, no matter how tired or pained he felt. But instead, Fallowpaw had been brought to the den bloodied and missing an eye, and Falconheartā€™s stomach turns as he takes another bite of the prey that had been delivered to him earlier in the day. Suddenly, he canā€™t stomach the taste of it, and after a forceful swallow he pushes the squirrel a whiskerā€™s length away. He seeks out the younger clanmate in the den, wincing as the movement tugs at his own wounds. He probably shouldnā€™t be up and moving, but thatā€™s an issue for later. His worry for his friend overcomes whatever pain he feels. "What happened? Are youā€¦ are you okay?"

He canā€™t help but feel protective over Fallowpawā€”it had been one of the first true friends heā€™d made in the clan, and he hopes to see the younger cat become a strong, sturdy ThunderClan warrior. Itā€™s shown itself to be a good fighter, fierce and bold, but thatā€™s what makes him worry about it. Any injury could be a catā€™s last, and now, Fallowpaw has returned to camp not only with scratches or wounds, but with a missing eye. Itā€™s an injury that could have killed herā€”and still could, if infection sets in. But surely Gentlestorm doesnā€™t plan on letting that happen, and Falconheart doesnā€™t, either. "You should eat something, it might make you feel a bit better. Itā€™ll help to keep up your strength, and that kind of thing." A tan paw pushes the remainder of his meal toward the apprentice, hoping that Fallowpaw will take the offer.

  • ooc: @FALLOWPAW
  • 80687246_bUlIUCNEIyetYd8.png
    FALCONHEART āÆāÆ he/him, thunderclan warrior
    ā­ƒ shorter than average cream tabby with white spotting. seems gloomy and has few friends, but is a hard worker and never neglects his duties.
    ā­ƒ son of flamewhisker and flycatcher ; brother to stormfeather, scorchedkit, bugkit, sunkit, squirrelkit, sparrowpaw
    ā­ƒ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    ā­ƒ penned by foxlore

ĖĖ‹*ā€āž· 怀Fallowpaw can't say it minds being trapped in the medicine den, painful as the wounds wrapping around its face feel. At least it has Falconheart for company, though the worry that seeps through his voice makes her pelt prickle. She's the last cat someone like him should be worrying about. He is unbright and kind, in stark contrast to her tree-shrouded and wild anger. "Do I look okay?" it mumbles - without bite, a rare occurance. A silent stare is leveled upon the warrior, one-eyed and wary. She lets him soak it in. The ruin of her own face, the hollow of her skull latticed with cobwebs and herbs. It speaks for itself.

Concern swims in blue eyes carved of endless skyscape, and it makes her feel dizzy. She tears her eye away before long, turning it instead upon the half-eaten squirrel. She can understand the loss of appetite; she feels sick more days than not, even though she came to the medicine den for injury. I... Um." Her words feel choked. Got into a fight. A... rogue." She spits the word, venom and regret lacing the tone. Everyone already knows who it was, she's certain. They can tell just by looking at her, that void of an eye. A twisted reflection; it's clear who was the cause.

The name is caught in her throat. Baying Hound, Mama. She gave up that title long ago, all she is now is some rogue. Hm," She mumbles absent-mindedly, in response to his words. "Guess so." It paws the squirrel closer, even as its stomach twists at the thought of eating. It does little more than stare at at the piece of prey, but it's a start.

  • 84967151_9ydGxfWsqAPcif1.png
  • FALLOWPAW ā€āž· she / it, apprentice of thunderclan, eleven moons.
    āž³ a scarred, pointed brown and white molly with shaggy fur and golden eyes.
    āž³ standoffish and solitary, always seems to have a dark cloud hanging over its head.
    āž³ baying hound xx npc, littermate to antlerpaw & doepaw.
    āž³ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    āž³ penned by SATURNID ā†› saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
š“Šš“‹¼ The shaggy apprentice turns to him as though to show off her injury, and it takes every last shred of his self-control not to wince when he takes it in. Head-on, itā€™s much more gruesome than heā€™d thought. An empty socket, coated in the same smattering of herbs and cobwebs that his own wounds are. His arenā€™t nearly as lasting as Fallowpawā€™sā€”the loss of an eye is going to affect the younger ThunderClanner for a while, he assumes. Do I look okay? it asks, and Falconheart can only think to shrug in response. "You lookā€¦ strong. Ferocious. I donā€™tā€”I donā€™t think it makes you look bad." I donā€™t think it makes you look like your mom. He doesnā€™t dare say what heā€™s really thinking, because Fallowpaw is already in a foul mood and heā€™d hate to press on a nerve. The apprentice is probably having a hard enough time lying around in the den while its siblings are busy preparing for their warrior assessments. Reminding Fallowpaw of the reason for the eye injuries across its and its siblingsā€™ faces feelsā€¦ unnecessary.

Fallowpaw accepts the prey without argument, but doesnā€™t seem enthused by the idea of eating. Falconheart can understand that, and he doesnā€™t want to push, but at the same time he doesnā€™t want to watch the apprentice decline in condition because it isnā€™t eating. Heā€™s not one to talk, unable to finish his own meal, but maybe between the two of them theyā€™ll have enough of an appetite to finish it. Fallowpaw hesitates to eat, though, and the tom frowns. "You donā€™t have to, if youā€™re not hungry. I just thought, yā€™knowā€¦"

  • ooc: ā€”
  • 80687246_bUlIUCNEIyetYd8.png
    FALCONHEART āÆāÆ he/him, thunderclan warrior
    ā­ƒ shorter than average cream tabby with white spotting. seems gloomy and has few friends, but is a hard worker and never neglects his duties.
    ā­ƒ son of flamewhisker and flycatcher ; brother to stormfeather, scorchedpaw, bugpaw, sunpaw, squirrelpaw, sparrowpaw
    ā­ƒ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    ā­ƒ penned by foxlore