
Claypaw had just left the apprentice den after a long nice nap to recharge his energy to be ready for a new day of fun and adventure when he noticed a small group of kits not that far away. One of them were crying. Claypaw walked closer to investigate and to listen in on the kits conversation. " Come on Sweetkit stop crying already!. It's just a stupid feather. I can ask papa to bring you a new one." One of the kits tried to cheer Sweetkit up but it was of no use. She just keept on crying and sobbing. A feather?. Claypaw instantly started to search after the missing feather with his eyes until he heared one of the kits mention it was stuck in a tree..A tree... It was then he found the feather stuck in one of the trees as his eyes had started to search up there in the branches. It was clear as day now with the feathers different shades of blue. It was a pretty one. Claypaw understood full well why Sweetkit had become so sad losing it.

Knowing what was needed to be done here the apprentice cleared his throat to make his apperance known as he stept forward with his chest puffed out and his head held high. " Do not worry anymore lil miss because i Clayflight are here to bring the feather back to you!." He said with a wide grin, taking on his role as a hero in the eyes of this kits. All of them had turned thier attention to him now, looking at him with wide eyes. " R-really?. But it's so high up..." Sweetkit sniffled, but her worries was put to rest as Claypaw stept forward to rest a paw on top of her forehead. " This height is nothing!, i have climbed far higher then this before. So you just sit tight and let me do my job, kay?. "He winked at them before he walked past Sweetkit and the remaining kits like a warrior who was going out into battle. He keept the smile on his maw to keep his confidence alive on the surface even though...he never had climbt up a tree this far before!. It had all been a lie he had said on the spot but it would be okay. Claypaw would not lose today!.

He stopt by the tree and looked up through the branches until he spotted the feather far up there. Swollowing, the nervosity kicked in but it was not enough to make him go back on his word. Sweetkit's happiness stood on stake here, and Clayflight...never went back on his word!. Claypaw crounched down to the ground before he took the leap and used his claws to grip a hold of the bark. He slided down a bit but clumsily he started to climp upwards even if it was a struggle to just reach the first branch. He was already exhausted just by the first step but he keept on pushing himself forward, to jump to the next branch and then to the next. The third one was further away and it turned out to be the biggest challenge. When he made that jump he didn't make it the whole way. He grapt it with his forepaws while his backlegs dangled below. Crap, crap, crap!. Claypaw could hear the kits crying out his name from below as they watched with horror. Somehow he manged to pull himself up to the branch and from there he would take a break to catch his breath. Only one branch left now. With the crowd below holding thier breath Claypaw made himself ready for that final jump....

He kicked himself of the branch with his back legs and was ready to land on the next one with his front paws. It was a succeedful jump this far. He made it on with all of his four paws. Smirking to himself the apprentice made himself ready to grap the feather that was stuck in one of the branches smaller ones when....he heared a crack. The branch he stood on was smaller then the other had been and it cracked right underneath his paws...Claypaw with a yelp fell and crashed right into a bush. The kits run over to the bush and called out his name. After some few seconds Claypaw stept out from the bush with the feather in his mouth, and with a fur tangled with leaves and twigs thanks to crashing into a bush. He was a bit bruised but not hurt in anyway even if the fall had hurt. He grinned as he stept out to face the kits. " See?, what did i say, easy-peasy!." He keept his optimistic side on and returned the feather back to its rightful owner.

Wow, he for sure wasn't gonna climb anymore trees for a while!.

The trees around Shadowclan never struck him as very suitable for climbing and so he had little experience with it himself. There's hardly ever anything to catch there, no vantage point to be gained in a lousy overgrown marsh, and the branches tend to be brittle. That last part especially has Fogpaw feeling anxious watching one of the other apprentices suddenly launch himself onto a tree. And for what? He had missed that conversation as he'd been sniffing around for some prey to trail, stopped in his tracks to watch Claypaw scale higher and higher up the intimidating pine. Fogpaw blinks and though he looks neutral outwardly, inside his stomach is winding tight in worry. What if he falls and cracks his head like an egg or messes up a leg if he does manage to become upright before landing? It's so close to leafbare that any cat sustastaining serious injuries might not make it throught the cold.

What could possess a clanmate to take these sort of risks is lost on the silent moggy and as he ponders it, his fur stands on end at the sound of an almost echoing crack. His pupils constrict to slits as his reckless peer goes tumbling down into a bush, following him all the way. At least he wasn't head first and hit a bush. Fogpaw's shoulders fall in a wordless sigh and his lips draw thin with annoyance. Time to get his mom to set this fool's bones, he supposes. As he begins to turn away, Fogpaw is halted by Claypaw's unexpected reemergence, surprisingly unharmed. He finally sees the feather then and his face twists in disbelief when Claypaw hands it over to the sniffling kit. All of this danger over a stupid feather.

Fogpaw shakes his head and sends a chiding look laced with disbelief Claypaw's way. He can't speak so that's all he can offer short of giving the careless tom a clonk on the head. He's already done that well enough himself. Fogpaw huffs and starts to check Claypaw for any notable injuries, leaning in toward the other tom to scan for any blood. Still, a small smile tugs at the edges of his snout and his expression mellows out just a tad. Shadowclan feels very cold shouldered sometimes, even past his own language barrier. It's nice to see clanmates care about things other than just food and shelter. Even if they are abhorrently idiotic.

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Although not near enough to hear the conversation between Claypaw and the kits, Loam can fill in the blanks well enough on her own. Apparently all Loam needs to do is pitch a fit and one of the older apprentices will grab a feather from a tree for her! Loam considers her options carefully, and then decides that her mother has raised her better than that.

"You!" Loam calls to Claypaw as she marches over, head held high, "Don't you h-huh-have anymore feathers t-tuh-to go around?"

And then, after a brief pause, Loam flashes a mischievous grin to both Claypaw and Fogpaw, "I-eee-uh bet neither of y-yuh-you can t-tuh-tea- um, show me h-huh-how t-t--" Loam wrinkles her nose, "--climb good."

tags ∘ shadowclan kit ∘ solid black with hazel eyes ∘ curled front foot ∘ 5 moons​

Fogpaw's scolding gaze had not come unoticed by the younger apprentice. One single look could say more then a thousand words sometimes. Claypaw felt a slight bit embarrassed mostly because Frogpaw had witness this fiasco. If there was anyone among his denmates Claypaw wished to look cool in front Frogpaw for a certain was one of them. All he could do was give them an almost apologic smile. Suddenly...Frogpaw got closer, like very close and his cheeks started to heat up. What was he doing?!. Hot guy warning coming in to close!. Claypaw tried to keep his poker face up with that stupid smile of his in hope that Frogpaw wouldn't notice he was going through a gay panic moment on the inside!. It for certain took a long minute before Claypaw realised that his denmate was checking him out for injures and not...uhm, nevermind that, hahah.

" I'm all fine Frogpaw, look!" He tried to ensure them but just in case that wasn't enough he started to jump up and down on the ground in the same spot to show him that all of his four legs were still intact!. Nothing was broken!. Claypaw had managed to survive without a scratch once again. It wasn't the first time he had done something as reckless and dangerous like this after all. Starclan for sure looked out after him or maybe they had gifted him with nine lives too. In any case someone for sure most like him up there!. Maybe it even was his dad!.

Done with his little dance Claypaw would grin widely at the other apprentice before his swiftly turning over to Loam when she had demanded his attention. " Hi Loam!." he greeted them cheerfully. Her somewhat demanding request had him blink his eyes. " If there's a feather you want i for sure can go out and found you one next time i'm out on a patrol." he would suggest, assuming that was what she meant and not for him to climb a tree and almost fall to his death again to get her one.

Claypaw's face almost went pale when Loam actually wanted him to teach her how to climb a tree...Oh no. This was not good. Claypaw for sure was not the master to seek out if wanting to learn how to climb a tree out of all things. This had ended up to become something he had not been prepared for. So much for wanting to play a hero....It was impossible for him to reject Loam, even less so when Frogpaw was here watching it all. He had no choice but to play along. How hard could it be....right?. " Looks like it's your lucky day Loam!. Because you are looking at the best tree climber in the clan!." and his nose grow...why did he lie?!. Shut your mouth Clay, SHUT.YOUR.MOUTH.

Sometimes his big mouth really got him in trouble. But he couldn't help it. He did not wish to disappoint Loam after all who was so eager to learn!.

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Fogpaw realizes that something is going on with Claypaw from that almost panicked look in his eye but he isn't sure what. His head tilts, cinnamon eyes narrowing on mild confusion and peering through a near ridiculous bloom of eyelashes. It's never really occurred to the apprentice that anyone could find him attractive, much less someone who seems as confident as Claypaw. Surely he's off chasing girls or something? They have opposite personalities and more so, Fog barely considers himself more than a piece of the scenery here in Shadowclan. As the other apprentice starts showing off how okay he is, Fogpaw comes to the conclusion that he must be worried that Fog will rat on him about this tree climbing incident. Well luckily for him, whether the mute apprentice likes it or not, Fogpaw is the best cat in this clan at keeping secrets.

He lifts a paw and waves it and nods slowly as if to dismiss his antics, before turning his head toward Loam. He smiles in greeting toward the younger cat as she's promised a feather too. Fog could double it if she wants, as he's found many feathers while out herb hunting for Bonejaw. He usually leaves them in the medicine den for bored cats to have something to occupy them but he's sure that they can spare one or two. Though his expression is quick to turn into a look of surprise at her challenge. He draws his chin into his neck fur, trying not to grimace as his eyes trail up the long tree. Fogpaw can't provide an answer either way but still, he's supposing she's interested in a demonstration. Climbing isn't his strong suit...

It all makes him nervous but luckily, Claypaw takes the attention for himself immediately. Fogpaw gawks at his audacity. Did he not just almost plummet to his death? The apprentice shakes his head vehemently toward Loam and holds his arm out in front of Claypaw, trying to urge her that he's speaking nonsense. Then he reaches up to try to swat at Claypaw's ear for being so dumb. His luck's going to run out someday if he doesn't stop.

It takes an effort to not throw her head back in laughter. Rather, Loam hides her face in the fur of her chest to snort, and then disguises it by smoothing the ever-stray fluff there.

You seem l-luh-like — ah, a goo-ooo-uh-ood climber.

Fogpaw seems rather put off by the idea. Loam could pretend to not understand, could further goad the two of them, but that feels like a unique sort of cruelty. She dismisses the idea and instead watches Fogpaw carefully— she can’t speak very well, but can he not speak at all? No, Loam couldn’t purposefully misinterpret him.

That doesn’t mean Loam can’t mess with him in other ways.

Your friend doesn’t se-seem t-tuh-to think it’s uh-a very good idea,” Loam says to Claypaw and then, to Fogpaw, “Isn’t th-thu-that right?

Loam sighs in a way that implies defeat, “It’s okay, ju-just disap-puh-pointing. No one eh-else is willing tuh-t-to-to-to tea-teach me. Prob-bab-aly because of my p-paw,” Would it be laying it on too thick to sigh again? Loam gambles— she sighs again, and turns as if to leave, “Thanks anyway, guys…

tags ∘ shadowclan kit ∘ solid black with hazel eyes ∘ curled front foot ∘ 5 moons​