You're a mean one, Mr Grinch | Ratwhisker


There is something about Ratwhisker reminiscent of the animal he was named after. It’s the way the tom looks at other cats, and the way he talks to and about his child; it feels like thorns hidden in his nest, unseen until drawing blood.

It reminds him of Spiderfall, and Snakeblink has learned to trust his instincts when they tell him to be wary of it.

Suspicion had him bring Ratwhisker on a patrol alone. The tom would most likely be too cautious to be open about his thoughts in company, but Snakeblink knows from experience that he can bring out the worst in anyone in spite of his best intentions — if he’s trying? Oh, he could probably have Smokestar confess of murder out of sheer aggravation.

”I have been meaning to pick your mind about something,” he muses aloud, affecting a casual, disinterested air. ”Smokestar has asked me to give a few cats more responsibilities — Dawnstorm among them, and I have yet to find something for him to do. I would like your input on the matter. As his father, I suppose you would know him and his abilities best.”

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely

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    Snakeblink • he / him. 50 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo