YOU'RE A SUNFLOWER ⚘ Dandyfly fam


He approached the nursery with a frown on weary paws, his thoughts preoccupied with all that had happened recently and an exhaustion settling into his bones like the chill in the air seeping into his coat. Dandelionwish had felt an odd numbness for a while after Blazestar's death, the tom who had brought him into his clan and sheltered him, whoever had offered him a home and a place to be safe and even allowed him to find his beloved mate and start a family. It all started with the golden leader's mercy. He could have easily died on SkyClan's border and no one would have thought less of the tom for the decision. Not a single cat would've mourned his death then, at the time he was nothing but a WindClanner who had caused their clan endless grief, but he had been given the rare dignity to prove himself otherwise and had not once taken it for granted. With his warrior duties and an end to the patience his first time at fatherhood had been sparred, he was finding it harder and harder to drop in and see his kits and Butterflytuft but he'd managed to make time today.
A good collection of prey between him and Lupinepaw left him guilt free as he wanded to the collapsed tree and he dipped his head down to crawl inside with a mouthful of feathers and a smile.
"Howdy kits!" He set them loose, sending the fluttering plumes flying into the nesting area to scatter across the ground. "Surprise, ah brought gifts!"
He crept forward to settle down next to Butterflytuft and give her an affectionate lick on the back of the ear, "...and how're ya doin today, love?"
The cream and chocolate tom would find someone later to watch the kits so they could go take a walk in peace and talk properly, he knew the loss of the former leader was a far heavier weight of grief on his mate than it had been for him. He'd found her, brought her to Daisy Flight, introduced her into SkyClan with care - not too dissimilar to how he had welcomed Dandelionwish as well, minus the obvious animosity.

  • Fam Tag - @butterflytuft & @weedkit & @FLUFFYKIT & @Daisykit

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    —⊰⋅ Warrior of SkyClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Cream/Chocolate Chimera w/mismatched green and orange eyes.

Fluffykit has known that cats are sad because Blazestar went to StarClan. She had seen the broad, golden tom in camp, of course, and he’d visited the nursery a few times to check in on all the kits—but now Orangestar is leader, and Twitchbolt is in Orangestar’s old spot, and the Clan has more or less settled into the status quo for little Fluffykit. She knows her mama and papa are both grieving, but she doesn’t know how to fix it—it stresses her out to think about it, so she truthfully tries to pretend everything is the same as it always has been.

Fluffykit is snoozing softly in the nursery when a rich greeting breaks the quiet. “Howdy, kits,” her father calls, and her tufted ears lift, her eyes swimming with sleepiness. “H-howdy, Papa,” she mewls in response, stretching and exposing all of her sharp little teeth in a powerful yawn. It’s a greeting reserved for her father—she only hears him use it, and so she uses it only with him. It’s almost special, like he has a secret word for her and her littermates. He sets a mouthful of feathers near his paws and they scatter with a breathless gust of wind.

Interest sparks in jade eyes. She scrambles to her paws, one tentative cream-colored foot landing precariously upon a feather and pinning it to the ground. A self-conscious grin breaks over her face. “I—I caught it! I caught it,” she whispers, mostly to herself; behind her thick pelt, her flesh burns with embarrassment at what constitutes an outburst for her.

  • ooc:
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  • Fluffykit, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 3 moons old, ages realistically on the 9th.
    — mentored by n/a ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a.
    — skyclan kit. butterflytuft x dandelionwish, gen 3.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh chocolate tortie/cream chimera with jade eyes. frightened, clingy, anxious, gentle.

Butterflytuft lays in her nest, half-lidded eyes watching her sleeping kits as a soft frown pulls at her maw. Being a mother doesn't leave much time to grieve on her own. But anyone can see, she mourns Blazestar terribly, the tears forced to stay within watery eyes as she rears her kits. A harsh swallow shoves down more emotion, just as her mate pushes into the den. Immediately, the sight of him brings a soft smile to her face, a purr rising in her throat. She giggles as he releases the plumes of feathers to scatter and dance across the den. When he lays down by her, she leans into his larger form, her body relaxing into his as a soft exhale leaves her. "I'm fine, how are you?" She mews back, closing her eyes happily and laying her head in the crook of his neck.

She peels open an eye to see Fluffykit get to her paws after greeting her father. The little she-kit is already eyeing the feathers with interest, and as she moves to pin one beneath a paw, the queen smiles lovingly. "You did catch it, Fluffykit - great job!" She purrs softly, blinking at her daughter in adoration. She has always been the more meek of the bunch; any chance to boost her confidence, she'll take.