no angst you're brighter than the stars &. rta, confession


starstruck with love.
Jun 10, 2022
if there could be one word that baguette would use to describe himself right now in this situation, it would be dizzy. so very dizzy, as he felt like the world was spinning, despite having not seeing anything but light and shadows. it was like being on a log, going down a rapid and bumpy stream with his eyes closed, but they hadn't been closed. not even close. there had to be some different way to do this, right? oh, stars. oh stars. what in the name of the dark stars was he doing? he found himself pacing back and forth within camp, gently putting one paw in front of the other before spinning and going back. his steps were dainty, and soft, like his fur had usually been. but not at this very moment. not even close. he had... tangles in there. it wasn't dirty, but it wasn't groomed the greatest either. he was ... confused. he was anxious. he was scared. why was he scared? he could do this! he could, and he needed to, because if he spent one more night in his nest by his lonesome, he was pretty sure he would go crazy. he'd fallen in love a bunch of times.... but never in his life had he fallen quite as hard.


oh how the smoke colored tom cat with a southern tang had consumed his thoughts. had he not actually spent time with him, it might of been considered creepy. but it wasn't. it was sweet because it left him doing things like making riddles for him. if he was honest, he didn't care about being blind all that much. but, if there were two things he wanted to see again it would be the beautifully speckled stars across the night sky, and huckleberry.


the mention of his name often gets baguette's attention. nothing quite gets it faster, other than perhaps his own. he was slowly getting better at getting around with the help of violet, trying to use his nose to his advantage. he never realized how much he used his dual colored optics until he couldn't use them anymore. but even in the mix of scents and confusion, having to force himself to pick up more subtle things that others wouldn't necessarily smell unless they were trying so desperately to, he could pick out one scent within mere moments. his. huckleberry's. mud had never smelled so nice before. the scent of hay clings to him like a kitten to its mother. and the pine. he doesn't even remember liking the smell of something more. huckleberry's beautifully mixed scent brought him comfort, settling any fears and turmoils within moments.

i love you, sssso much, huckleberry. my darlin' huckleberry pie. my sssssweet jam.

he could do this. the thought of being with him outweighs the fears and suddenly he straightened himself. he gave his pelt a few swift licks nodding to himself before his slightly skipped step led him onward to the warrior. he slowed to a halt beside him, gently bumping up against him and taking his scent. even if we jussst remain friendsss, my most beloved, i'm glad i've ever had the honor of meeting you.

"huckleberry! hi! i've missssssed you! uhm... i... got to tell you sssssomething. don't laugh, okay?"

he swallowed his fears because huckleberry at least deserved that. he takes in another breath of his scent and suddenly he realizes his purpose. he has to learn to live like this, blindness or not. he wants to be able to provide and protect the ones he loves, and right now, none of those were more important than huckleberry.

"okay it'ssss... you can ssssay no. that'ssss okay too, you know. but i.... like you. a lot. you've been a really good friend to me and i.... well– the heart isssss sssssuch an interessssting thing. mine jussssst to happenssss to feel like a garden sssssprung to life around you. if you lissssten clossssely, i sssswear you can hear it. maybe even sssssee it. but you do that to me. becaussssse my heart... beatsss often for you. it makessss me happy to be by your ssssside. and thessse are no longer feelingsss i can hide. uhm. what i'm trying to say isss... will you... do me the honor of being my mate? ah! you can ssssssay no, too! that's okay! I'm more than happy to jusssst be your friend, if it meansss you sssstay with me."

that took a lot longer than it was supposed to. it was supposed to be a small riddle, and a grin, and no matter the outcome he would be okay. but he was rambling because he was nervous. he was scared. he didn't want to experience a timeline that didn't involve his best friend. in any capacity.

// no need to wait for @HUCKLEBERRY but tldr; baggie is GAY

There's someone, someone odd looking- fur swept over his face and a sheepish grin on his lips. What was his name again? Baguette? Bag... Whatever. He's pretty, and he's talking about his mentor; calling out for him. Instinctively, he shyly sticks his head out of the nursery in favor of watching everything go down.

And he listens. Oh, he listens.

And Baguette confesses his love for Huckleberry, and Fireflypaw is shocked at the boldness. He could do that? Boys can.. Boys can be in love like that? That was a thing?

"Holy shit.." He lets slip his first curseword, slapping his paws across his mouth with a loud squeal. Huckleberry's got an admirer! Look at that! "Guys! Guys! Get out here! They're in love!" He hisses to the back of the apprentice den, making it his mission to gently prod and kick any apprentice with his paw to get their attention. Nothing like a cute, romantic show. "Shut up! C'mere!" He whispers low, wandering back to the mouth of the den.

Huckleberry and Baguette.. Sittin' in a tree, k-i-s-s-i... how did you spell that again?

Fierypaw had been taking a nap when Fireflypaw had unpleasantly waken him up!. Gosh. He had no problem with that guy but did he really have to wake him up by poking him?!. The red tom would groan in slight irritation but did what his denmate wanted and opened his drowsy eyes. He would let out a loud yawn before he got hushed by them. Ugh. Fierypaw frown at them wondering what on earth had been so urgent to wake everyone up in this den for!. He had honestly missed the reason why. With a deep sight he got up on his paws and dragged his paws over to the dens entrance. There he would stare outside with narrowed tired eyes until he saw the white tom and catch up on some of the confession. Listening on them was even making him feel embarrassed!. Fierypaw's whole face flushed up because little did he know he was hella gay, and had a crush too and his name was Jackdawpaw! who happend to be his best friend. All he could think about was if Jackdawpaw would confess to him like that one day...waaait, whaaaat?. Why was he thinking about them out of all the time right now!. Ashamed and highly flustered he would stare down at his paws, blushing like a red tomato. Good thing he had fur and had red fur!. Or ginger...depanding on how you wanted to look at it!.


Never far from Fireflypaw is Mushroomkit, whose tail is eagerly thumping against the snow as she watches the confession. "So they're like, super mega best friends now right? Like our parents?" She doesn't quite understand what love entails in the context of the two warriors, but she loves her friends, and she loves her grandpa, so obviously, whatever was happening had to be good.

However, the revelation Fireflypaw was having eluded his tiny friend. Perhaps because of her aunts, because logically if girls can like girls, boys can like boys, and Mushroomkit tended to accept small things in the world like that as they were, and rather easily. 'Gosh, I wonder if they'll live happily ever after like Nana and Gramps and Blaz-' Her smile grows more strained as she stops the thought in its tracks. No, no this was supposed to be a happy moment. She could be sad a little bit later.


Daisyflight sat with her brow askew, thoughts heady with planning. Foam-thick, they are squashed flat with a sizzle as Baguette drew the camp's attention. The feline began his confession and her narrowed eyes fell on him, flinty.

Feelings rumbled forth unbidden, tripping over each other, as the chalk tom monologued on. Love was so- fragile. Would the two of them last? The world bled into black, eyelids slid shut for a moment, and then two. Of course they would. A confident smile carved the doubt from her expression. Both Huckleberry and Baguette deserved their happiness.

A pearly paw rose to touch the base of her throat in a playful manner. "The pair of you! Too sweet." Daisyflight cawed, nose tucked behind her forepaw. Not far away, a clutch of youth whispered back and forth. Her tail curled thoughtfully, slate and honey meshed tight. It would be good for them to see this, assuming Huckleberry responded well.


Unfortunately for Quill, he was also one of the cats jostled and kicked away by an over-excited Fireflypaw. The large chimera tabby grumbled in annoyance, lips pulled back in an agitated flash of fangs that was directed toward nobody in particular as he forced himself to roll out of his nest. Leaning through the doorway -closer to Fireflypaw than Fierypaw- mismatched eyes regarded the scene with apparent disinterest, tail giving a dismissive flick at the sappy words being spilled from Baguettes mouth.

A public confession? Cringe. Not to mention the fact that it only made you look stupider when your relationship ended up crashing and burning. Oh well. It was none of his business.

"What's so entertaining about all this mushy crap?" he asked dully, not seeing the appeal. Mushroomkits question only caused a quirk of his brow. Super best friends? "For now, maybe. Who knows how long it'll last, though." he replied, the words holding no spite, but rather blunt honesty. 'Happily Ever Afters' weren't the standard, they were the exception.

But it wasn't the worst thing that could be happening in camp, and it wasn't like Quill was gonna go out of his way to rain on Baguettes parade, his little comment too far away to have been heard by anyone but the apprentices alongside him.

skyclan - male - 8 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - very tall tabby tomcat with broad shoulders
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Ever-alert, Twitchpaw had managed not to fall victim to Fireflypaw's prodding- only because he had soared out of the way as if it had been a killing blow. Fur fluffed up into bramble-sharp bristles, the chocolate apprentice almost did not realise what exactly was happening- but the word love flitter through the air, and mismatched eyes moved to the objects of attention. Baguette and Huckleberry- two pleasant faces (if not a little strange, but who was he to talk), former confessing love to the latter. Love of this sort- so fervent that you had to announce it- it was strange to Twitchpaw, something that... sickened him, almost. It reminded him a little too much of his parents, who were to of the most in-love cats he had ever seen in his life.

This- this projecting though, he had to stop it. Huckleberry and Baguette weren't idiots like his mother and father- he had no reason to compare them. Wide eyes flickered to the others for a moment- Fireflypaw's excitement, Mushroomkit's curiosity, Fierypaw's... unreadable silence, and Quillpaws unsurprising complete disdain for the whole ordeal. A scoffing sort of laugh left Twitchpaw's maw, though it was certainly more on the humoured side. "I- I think it's nice," he murmured, entertainment a seldom-seen light in his eyes. Dithering form sat in wait, watching for other developments... he had to admit the whole public thing wasn't his bag, but... the words themselves were sweet.
penned by pin ✧
( ) it's the sound of delicate paws striding across the sea of thinly-blanketed snow to reach him that attracts his attention first, those large ears tipped of his with those funny wisps of fur sitting at the very peak would angle themselves slightly in the direction of the approaching individual who soon greets him with a delicate brush of their bodies.


a familiar voice, one that could mesmorize even the hardiest of cats, begins to speak and it doesn't take long for it to bring forth a reaction from the warrior in the form of a ear-splitting grin that he couldn't help keep away even if his maw was glued shut by the sap from a tree. baguette continues to speak, going on about how he's missed him before barreling into needing to confess something which has the smoke looking upon him with gentle curiousity and vague perplextion. there wasn't a world huckleberry could imagine himself in where he'd laugh at anyone who decided to confide in him, if anything it only brought forth hidden concern that something may be wrong.

suddenly, it all comes out.

the small, delicate tom before him begins to weave his words to create something beautiful and it has hues of deep amber widening as they hang onto to every letter and syllable. despite the cold and harshness around them, huckleberry could've sworn this was the warmest he's ever felt. its like the beginning of spring, everything is coming alive to bloom flowers of love inside of his chest and send the butterflies in his stomach to flutter something fierce. for a moment, the warrior is rendered speechless and the crowd that formed around them has vanished in his mind.

right now, it was just the two of them that occupied this space.

while his brain takes a second to catch up, huckleberry is quick to push his face into snow-kissed fur and he's soon to be enveloped by a subtle earthy, sweetness that he's grown so fond of over these passed few moons. the smoky feline breaks away just for a second only to press his muzzle gingerly against baguette's, a thunderous purr beginning to roll off of him in waves. its then that he finally finds his words.

"oh, my darlin' angel ah thought you'd never ask. ain't nothin' out here that would make me happier than to be yer mate, to be the moon to yer stars. . ."
( i hear the wandering streams and the song of the birds )
Teeth chew at the skin between his knuckles to itch carefully. Grooming rather peacefully, Thistleback for once is resting, put into a state of reverie. Black pupils thinned to adder slits, peering out unsettlingly unfocused.

A call for Huckleberry spurs his attention, the words twisting the air make him a spectator. A witness to something incredibly personal but nothing much bothered the piebald brute. He folds his paws over the other and patiently inspects the situation.

Love, was like glass. The way light could bounce off it casting hope into the darkness, the way it reflects, the way it can cut deep, the way it can shatter into nothing, the way it can be fragile or incredibly difficult to understand. It was never the same from cat to cat, it blossomed in the many ways of a wildflower. It burned bright in the various ways of a wildfire. Unpredictable at times, as mysterious as death.

Thistleback’s watchful stare glints as he tilts his skull subtly, lids flicking as he observes the two. Studying the adoration despite the sightless tune of static in Baguette’s scar-withered eyes, reading the way Huckleberry responds with eyes and words of his own. There is something fascinating in the fragility of the moment, the snow around them pouring forth a scene of romance.

Black and white pressed together, a sudden vow of the heart. The group of coats formed around the pair, some in awe, some bothered, some disinterested. With Huckleberry’s sweet reciprocation, Thistleback’s muzzle cracks into a smirk. He thinks of his own beloved, the way he would die for her so easily. Love was dangerous, but so thrilling.

" congratulations, cheers " he cheers gravelly with a flick of his tail.

" you two, make a handsome couple " he pays compliment, flexing a thorny black limb.

  • — oh my gay <3 :'')

  • MqZ0nzd.png
    ✧ T H I S T L E B A C K
    thirty-three moons
    — Lead warrior of Skyclan
    taken by
    Deersong 9.29.22
    — mentoring quillpaw
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
  • bVBPWus.png