private YOU'RE GONNA GO FAR ♡ Beepaw

The loss of the river king was a heavy hit to the clan. A larger wave surely struck the family, leaving the one-eyed father a widow. The situation had reminded her of her own history; coping with one parent.. one sibling. On top of that, they were all starving during her kit hood. Although, with the triplets seeing one of their guardians perish so cruelly.. she wondered. She wondered how this would affect them overtime. Two had already peaked concerns before the situation, one being her own apprentice. Beepaw had seemed to be the most in tune in her eyes, but the sudden loss of control during a spar sprouted questions. The three were all strange in their own unique ways but intriguing. Interacting with the youth was not what she was exactly talented at. Normally her words sliced at actions done to disturb and annoy her in a way, it was the influx of her interactions. Moonpaw was an exception, she found the bright molly a joy to be around. The royal blood she was more gentle towards too.

A familiar face was set forth in her direction of attention, lounging upon the rock in the rays of light. It seemed contact was quickly engaged on accident, making her maw swiftly part in a word of greeting, "Beepaw. Anything interesting for the day?" she sat up formally as of invitation for a question or information to receive. Petalnose strayed from questioning how the molly was, it was prevalent that the family was all suffering from grief. Hopefully, the eye contact was made for a reason or maybe the split moment of eyes upon her was felt.
