camp YOU'RE GONNA GO FAR! [✦] first bite

Since his promotion to lead warrior, Greeneyes has been tasked with plenty of imperative duties, but the one he faces now is among the most important, he thinks — the most meaningful.

Though not assigned to him by the ragdoll leader he serves — though not influential to the council he takes part in — Greeneyes is swift in accepting his mission, a bright-eyed excitement at the offer his sister asks of him. Butterflytuft's ever-growing kits are old enough to have their first taste of prey, and the tom has the honor of being the one to catch their first proper meal in his first proper task as their uncle.

With leaf-bare's takeover across the pine forest, it proves to be difficult to find something good for the trio, but the ginger tom reemerges in the camp at sunhigh with a mouse dangling from his jaws. Greeneyes thinks it's perfect for the occasion; perhaps not the biggest of mice, but big enough to serve as a meal for three kits. And, while it's not his ideal catch, not a bird he returns with, it's for the best: his favorite prey is probably too rich for their first bites anyway, but he silently vows to find a good-sized robin — or something of the like — for them to try when they're a little older.

With gleaming eyes, the tom trots over to the nursery. It's a landmark he can tolerate now, with how often he's visited it in the past moon — at least a little bit, in an ounce of gratitude for the shelter the fallen tree gives structure to for his youngest family members and their mother. Snow-led paws guide him into the nursery, a grin growing around the catch he carries.

" Butterflytuft! " he chirps in near child-like excitement, akin to an apprentice catching his first prey and perhaps a bit too loud for the lull of the kitten-cradling confines. He lowers his voice at the stirring of others, a hushed call to the tortoiseshell molly following suit. " I got it! " He moves to greet his eldest sister, setting the mouse at her paws in delight as he settles beside her.

" It's a good one, don't you think? " he asks of her, crooked tail thumping against the ground as he directs his attention to the trio at her side. " Hi, cariños! Look what I brought you — this is a mouse! "

Though gentle tones continue in his greeting to the three, Greeneyes is sure to annunciate for them, to give a name for the object he nudges toward them. They're starting to talk now, and learning new words every day. Mouse would be an important one for them to learn, a staple in their vocabulary — and their stomachs — as they continue to grow. Looking to Butterflytuft with shining eyes, Greeneyes scoots back to grant the mother space to guide her children forward in their first solid meal. ​
  • // family tags: @butterflytuft , @Dandelionwish , @FLUFFYKIT , @weedkit , and @Daisykit !
  • 74596946_rY2pLJ2YZGmQ0CI.png
    ── Lead Warrior of SkyClan

    ── Daisyflight x Raven Ramble
    ── AMAB; He/Him
    ── A red tabby and white tom with bright green eyes.
    ── Mentored by Sheepcurl; Currently mentoring Falconpaw
    ── "Speech"; Attack
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There are frequent visitors to the nursery, and although sometimes Fluffykit finds herself shrinking away from the extra attention, she has come to put some faces into familiar slots in her head. Greeneyes, for one, is related to her, is kin to her mama, and he is always gentle, with a soft voice and a nice word for them. Though her body is wracked with immediate trembles when the holly bush shivers and a visitor pours through, she manages to muster up a small smile from where she kneads at her mother’s belly. Greeneyes has something in her mouth, something gray and tiny, and he places it delicately on the nursery floor.

“Hi, cariños,” he says to them—he’s always using funny words, he is, she doesn’t know what it means but she does know it’s nice—“Look what I brought you—this is a mouse!”

Fluffykit draws away from her mother’s flank, licking a drop of milk from the tip of her nose. The mouse looks scary, looks like it might be alive. She hiccups and buries her face into Butterflytuft’s fur. “M… mouse?” She peeks at it with one blue-tinted eye, willing one of her siblings to investigate further so she doesn’t have to.

, ”
𓆝 . ° ✦By now Weedkit has gotten used to the carousel of faces coming in and out of the nursery, but similar to Fluffykit, Weedkit does not relish the attention of strangers and unfamiliar friends or family. His familiarity with novelty lacks an affable nature, instead serving as a shielded numbness to the uncomfortable nature of new things. He wearily unwinds himself from Butterflytuft's patterned coat as another visitor comes to join them, but his hesitance ebbs away when he realizes Greeneyes is familiar. Family. He'd been among the first to meet him and his siblings when they'd first been born.

"What's... cariños?" Weedkit's unpracticed tongue produces stilted and confused words, and especially the one that Greeneyes has provided for his fresh ears comes out like his mouth his full of cotton. His confusion is torn away to curiosity as the smell of the mouse reaches Weedkit's nose. His tiny head tilts downward to look at the creature Greeneyes has brought to him. To a full-grown cat, this was probably a sizeable piece of food, but compared to Weedkit the mouse was probably at least half his size. He leans away from it, though the smell is admittedly alluring.

Another question pushes forth: "What that?" he blinks back up at Greeneyes, then to his siblings as if either of them might have better knowledge than him. There are so few things that Weedkit knows about the world. However, if there's one thing he's certain of it's that whatever it is it smells good.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:

    longhaired black tomcat with low white spotting. born 11/9/23 and ages realistically 1 week every Thursday. Follow along with his growth here!
There are many faces that Daisykit had gotten used to in the past few weeks, some more than others. Greeneyes was one of those faces that she was used to but still found herself startled by his sudden appearance in the nursery at times whether it be that she expected someone else or simply hadn't been paying attention or both would remain unknown but the sudden voice and the thing he brought the trio's mother caused a small squeak to erupt from the child's maw.

Eyes stared at this "mouse" as her uncle had informed them, the soft hum of the sound of an "m" coming from her quickly before looking to Weedkit and Fluffykit. "S'like moss? Cause the mmmmmm." She announced finally to the two, head nodding as if she'd just solved it before moving carefully forward and grabbed onto the mouse's tail while looking between Greeneyes and Butterflytuft - were they approving? She hoped this was right - before dragging the prey to a spot in the nest she'd noticed had been particularly empty of moss, a small hole dug out from older kittens and being trampled down before leaving it there and backing away. "Fixed."

  • DAISYKIT || adopted by Butterflytuft and Dandelionwish || sister to Weedkit and Fluffykit
    -- She/Her || Born Nov. 9, ages in real time
    -- average size with large paws and a long tail. SH blue w/low white & blue eyes.
    -- hard to control her emotions
The call of her brother has Butterflytuft lifting her head from her paws, sleep blinked away in a moment. She focuses on what Greeneyes has brought them and it doesn't take long for her to beam. She'd asked him to catch her kits something fresh, something special for their first meal, and excitedly she sits up just as he little ones crawl away from her stomach. "It's really yummy," She tells them, blinking brightly down at them before moving to demonstrate with a small bite. But before she can do so, Daisykit has dragged the morsel away, seeming to think it is nesting materials.

A small giggle leaves her as she shakes her head, a gentle lick cast upon the blue she-kit's forehead. "You eat it, Daisykit. It fills your little tummy, like milk. Watch." She leans down to this time take a successful bite of the fresh-kill, tearing away some of the skin to allow her kits better access to the meat inside. Patiently, she chews her own bite and watches how they might react.
Fluffykit is still beside Butterflytuft as Weedkit and Daisykit waddle forth to inspect Greeneyes’ gift. The smell of it is strange and unsettling, leaving a wild taste on her tongue. The taste of outside, of a world more immense than her tiny mind can comprehend, of pine needles and holly and dust-coated fur, of wind and rain and sunlight reaching from the sky. She blinks dubiously as Butterflytuft gently corrects Daisykit’s efforts to move the mouse. “You eat it,” their mother says, promising it’s yumminess as she descends and takes a nibble from its flesh. Fluffykit watches with undisguised horror as teeth rend pelt from bone, as what was brown is revealed to be pink and wet inside.

I like milk,” she whispers nervously, turning her face away from the fresh-kill so she no longer has to look at it, to face all it represents. Why would she eat that, when her mother’s milk is sweet and simple and comforting? She burrows her face into tortoiseshell fur, willing the mouse to disappear and leave her small world untouched.

, ”