camp YOU'RE GONNA GO FAR 𓆟 [ return w/ echokit ]

( ) troutsnout and midnightpaw in tow, the smoke feline trots through the territory, a scrawny bundle of similarly hued fur hanging from her jaws. she stops every once in a while to check on echokit's well-being, gently snuffling the girl's fur before picking her back up and continuing on. the patrol passes the now abandoned twoleg summer dens, and willowroot will skirt a wide path around the place. the sight of it still makes her heart hammer in her chest- the scent of twoleg and bear haven't quite faded from the area, and trash litters the ground. should echokit have been abandoned only days earlier, she would've most likely been stolen by twolegs before the clan could help her.

it's a scary thought, the idea of the little scrap trapped alone in one of the cages. willowroot leads her patrol as far from the former danger as she can. as the familiar sights of camp come into view, the former lead warrior quickens her pace, allowing troutsnout and midnightpaw to enter before she and the newcomer do. she sets echopaw down just inside camp and glances around for a lead or lichenstar herself. claythorn had run ahead to let the council know.

"this is riverclan's home, little one," she bends down to tell the smoke kit. ice hued eyes move from one side to another, and willowroot squints closer as she observes faded out pupils, the telltale signs of a lack of sight. is the baby blind? she can't know for sure- she's not a medicine cat, but it seems likely.

  • // set just after the kidnapped cats' return! counts as a pumpkinseed.
    @abandoned kit , @Troutsnout + apprentice mention @MIDNIGHTPAW "#91A26C"
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    a long-haired black smoke oriental with sage-green eyes. smoky long fur coats the length of willowroot's lithe body, cut through with dark ghost stripes. friendly sage green eyes that narrow in an almond shape, and her muzzle and limbs are thin and long due to her oriental heritage.

જ➶ Stepping lightly upon the ground the molly finds her eyes darting back and forth. She fixes them here and there as if a twoleg might burst forth from the ground and try to grab them again. Though she knows that is not the reality of things and they have left it feels surreal now. The quiet that has come after the storm. She notices her mentor take a wider sweep of the area and keeping them well away from the encampment that used to house so many of their ilk. Good. She wants nothing to do with them and the further away the better. She keeps her own silence, ignoring their third as she pauses when Willowroot does to check on the kit. Her maw parts as she breathes in before she too glances to the kit who seems odd in a way but the older apprentice can't quiet put her paw on why. Regardless when they leave out again she hopes they can get to camp quickly, her steps a little faster as she sees the familiar island. Treading over to it is easy enough but she watches her mentor just in case.

Violent ambers scrutinize the kit then as Willow puts them down and she focuses on them. Lifting a paw she tries to lightly tap at it before glancing to her mentor. "They have strange eyes..." She begins lightly before turning her gaze on the kit again. The molly doesn't know what that means in the slightest but she just observed it and she is sure as quick witted as her mentor is that they have noticed it already as well.

✧ . Though the bulk of their problems has quelled, Gillsight can’t help the dart of his gaze around camp, the bristling of his pelt at any sudden noise shot through the distance. He can’t help but make an attempt to take account of his clanmates, to list of their names in his mind, to search for a face, a confirmation of life.

It is Willowroot whose name falls next in his anxious lull, a timing placed well with the older warrior’s and their patrol’s return. Relief for another face found twists into confusion quickly, as he spots a scrap of fur carried between the black smoke’s maw. A kit.

Admittedly, he’d not been keeping up with the clan’s gaggle of kits — he feels like he sees new sets of wobbling limbs step out of the nursery for the first time nearly every day in these warmer seasons, though that can hardly be the truth of the matter. Nonetheless, Gillsight doesn’t recall this one stepping out of the nursery, doesn’t recall this one disappearing either. Dark-furred and odd-eyed, the warrior can’t place a name to the face before him.

Which one is this one? the tom nearly asks he approaches the scene, though stammering words fail to come to fruition, as nightshade ears catch hold to Willowroot’s words. This kit is not one of theirs — Gillsight can’t imagine the circumstances that have brought the kit here, but finds similarity in his own upbringing. He won’t be the one to make the decision on the kitten’s fate, but he can only hope they’re able to find refuge here.

W-Welcome back, “ Gillsight says with a dip of his head to the patrol, and then to the kit, “ A-and w-welcome to RiverClan. “ ​
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    GILLSIGHT AMAB. He / Him. Warrior of RiverClan.
    ✧ . A scarred, black and white tom with yellow eyes.
    ✧ . NPC x Urchin
    ✧ . Mentored by Clearsight
    ✧ . Peaceful and healing powerplay permitted!
    ✧ . Penned by Abri@_abri_ on discord, feel free to dm for plots!
    ✧ . " Speech " ; Attack

[ ༻ ☾ ༺ ] Echokit- newly named as such by Willowroot, felt a bit bad for agreeing to come along with the group of cats but, she was hungry and her mother had yet to return still and she was told it was safer to be with them than stay outside. She dangled effortlessly within the warrior's jaw as they moved through the terrian, her ears focused on their pawsteps as they moved, only stopping when she got checked on. Yet by Willowroot's words, expressing that they were in Riverclan the girl's ears perked slightly, "Riverclan..." she softly repeated, ears perked as she heard several pawsteps passing by, some stopping while others continued. The scent was overwhelming, as many mingled together and the kit's nose twitched.

Another who had been walking with Willowroot had mentioned about her eyes being strange and the kit tilted her head slightly, they were strange? Echokit's paws shuffled until another voice was heard this time it was not that or willowroot or someone else that had accompanied the patrol but nonetheless the stuttering voice welcomed the kit to riverclan which made a slight smile appear on her lips. "Why do you guys call yourself Riverclan?" she asked softly, attempting to angle her head towards where the voice had come from but all the pawsteps that moved around them made it difficult for the kit to pinpoint Gillsight's exact position.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Tbn She/Her, Kit of Riverclan, 3 moons.
    Long haired smoke black chimera with low white and blue cloudy eyes (Blind)
    Anemone x Glitch
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.