you're gonna go far, kid [plague]


astronaut in the ocean
Aug 7, 2022


The entire meeting had been awkward as hell.

Quill had felt the eyes on him all throughout the meeting, and he wasn't sure what was worse- the judging looks over Honeysplash taking off, or the smirks and snickers as he was openly rejected by his own apprentice in front of the entire clan. Too many things were burning inside him at once, and not for the first time he wished for the ice instead, longed for the coldfront of emotions that would just numb it all out, make him not care. But he was offered no such reprieve, and so instead he sat and endured it as the meeting went on.

Eventually though, said meeting did come to an end, and as the other cats began filing out to do their daily work or to introduce their new apprentices to the territory, Quillstrike eventually turned to regard his new apprentice and frowned. Was this Blazestars way of punishing him, paying him back for the months of hardship he'd put Thistleback through? It had to be. Why else assign him the mangiest, weirdest, rudest kit in the nursery?

You weren't exactly a pile of flowers yourself growing up he reminded himself darkly, his frown deepening just a bit. It was true. Maybe now, as an adult, the multitude of scars littering his body seemed more normal to the cats around him, but when he'd first arrived? An apprentice covered in that level of violence was almost unheard of, and the truth of where the majority of it had come from was downright horrifying. The last thing he had the right to judge the kid on was how they fucking looked. And weird? Quill was still a literal giant who barely spoke to anyone, stalking Twitchbolt around like a second shadow that was looking for an excuse to eat anyone that looked at him wrong.

As for rude-well, there was reason a lot of cats didn't care for him. Granted, half the time he wasn't necessarily trying to come off like an ass, but he had a particular talent for doing so just the same.

Oh well. Better to get it over with.

"Come on, I'll show you the territory or something." he offered, tone blank but eyes sharp as mismatched hues settled on the younger tom.


skyclan - male - 16 months (Feb 17th) - bisexual - homoromantic - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.

I've been trying not to
The answer he recieved from Quillstrike was certainly not the one he wanted to hear and Blazestar's lack of response only made matters worse for him. To him, it wasn't fair Johnnyflame couldn't be his mentor. He'd seen several cats with more than one apprentice. Plaguepaw remained droopy eared and downtrodden, sulking until the meeting was concluded. When Quillstrike turned to acknowledge him again he failed to notice until the tom kept talking. Turquoise eyes glance up at the hulking figure in a pathetic way, his patchy figure beginning to sink lower and lower until he eventually lay sprawled across the ground. "I don't want to..." Plaguepaw groans, flopping onto his side where he proceeds to curl into a tight ball, forked tail covering his face. "Go away..." He rumbles, closing his eyes and pulling himself slightly tighter. Perhaps if he laid here long enough Quillstrike would give up and leave. Then he could go back to the nusery and play with Doomkit or maybe even Crowkit. Maybe he could pretend this meeting never happened. That Blazestar never changed his name or accidentally gave him the wrong mentor. He could block it all out, allowing himself to succumb to the darkness behind his eyes to fall asleep for a while. Something, anything, as long as he could have his way.
Go off the deep end


Quill did not, in fact, go away. He stood there, watching the younger cat pout, trying to keep his patience from wearing thin before he'd even stepped foot out of camp. He couldn't for the life of him figure out what made Blazestar things this match would be a good one. "I'm not gonna 'go away'." he informed them, trying to figure out the best way to go bout this.

"Don't you want to be a warrior? If you lay around moping like that then Cherrykits gonna get her name before you." he warned them dully, recalling the heated rivalry between Plaguepaw and Orangeblossoms daughter. Maybe the mention of her outdoing him would be enough to get him on his paws?

skyclan - male - 16 months (Feb 17th) - bisexual - homoromantic - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.