you're my baby, say it to me. ☆ ribbit

• set before everything went down ^^

deep down geckoscreech knows she should've had this conversation with ribbitleap sooner, pulled him aside on a day where nothing important was going on to catch up on everything but it never felt like the right time and because of her delay it caused an unwanted drift between mother and child. "ribbitleap wait—" by the time she uttered his name he was already out of sight, clearly having no interest in sticking around any longer. 'fox-dung!' teeth would chew at the delicate flesh that was the inside of her cheek, dread settling itself in the pits of her stomach before making the decision to follow after him in hopes to mend the mistake she made.

geckoscreech tracks him down easily, pushing through the undergrowth with hurried movements so that she can catch up to ribbitleap. thank the stars he didn't go too far. "ribbitleap, sweetheart, i—" in a rare instance, the usually clear-spoken molly is stuttering over her words. she was anxious, unsure about how to go about this without running the risk of damaging their bond further. it was already breaking her heart to see him like this because of her. "can we talk, please?" geckoscreech speaks softer this time, making sure to keep a small distance between them until she gets the okay to move closer.


The warrior is quick to storm out of the camp after bearing witness to his mother moving from the warriors' den to the leader's den - a confirmation of gossip that he'd been so adamant was only a foolish rumor.

Should he be happy that Geckoscreech and Chilledstar are together? That his mother is - seemingly - happy? Of course he should. His mother deserved happiness in her life. She's experienced loss just as much as Ribbitleap has, if not more.

But, how can he be content with this when it was kept a secret from him? When he had to find out at the same time as everyone else - as an onlooker, rather than a son? Another changing piece to his family, another replacement made.

His aunt, replaced by her grey-furred daughter. His cousin's littermate, bestowed with a name fit to replace Leaping Toad. And his father, substituted with ShadowClan's own leader, their presence practically unavoidable in his day-to-day routine - a constant reminder, unlike his Thunder-dwelling cousins.

His mind is swift, a gale force twisting with anger. Somewhere in the storm's depths, he can't help but wonder if he's the next to be replaced in his collapsing family.

He aims to take a walk, to weave himself between the swamp's foliage until it rids him of his anger, but his plans are swift to change as his name is called to him. His mother.

For a brief second, he remembers a time when he could hide among the underbrush, camouflaging into the territory's brown and green hues. He remembers Leaping Toad at his side in those moments, not as easily hidden - born with giveaways in sky-bright eyes, a snow-tipped tail. Had Ribbitleap grown out of being able to hide, or had his brother only convinced him of the powers they had in the browns of their pelt?

The warrior turns to face his mother, his torn ear twitching as a narrowed gaze points at the lead warrior. "Talk?" he repeats, tone hardened in his irritation, "Why bother? It's not like you were planning on telling me in the first place."
geckoscreech flinches, body subtly jerking backwards a smidge as he whips around to finally meet her gaze but his words express clear exasperation and it briefly causes her to wonder if perhaps she should've waited until ribbitleap could settle down first but who knows how long that would've taken let alone if he'd even allow her talk to him down the road. she just couldn't risk that. "i was going to tell you but there was never good time to do it and i know i hurt you by taking so long but it was never my intention to keep you in the dark." words began to spill out, rushed but still kept a certain steadniness as to avoid stumbling over herself trying to explain. "ribbit, look, you have every right to be upset with me and i don't expect you to forgive me immediately but atleast let me explain everything to you properly this time." if he agreed, it was going to be alot to unload and the molly isn't sure she'd be able to go through it all without crying. "just let me know what you wanna hear first." she mummers this part a little quieter.

Hurt festers within him as Geckoscreech flinches, as she speaks in rushed words. Excuses linger in the air, reasons why his mother couldn't tell him something so important. It doesn't make him feel better - Ribbitleap doesn't know if he ever will feel better.

"Never a good time?" he repeats. Taking so long - how long had she and Chilledstar been together, been mates? How long had his family been shifted into something new without him realizing it? "There was plenty of time for you to tell me - you could've... you could've found time and you didn't." A lead warrior, she could've found a reason to pull him to the side, to talk to him, couldn't she?

She wants to explain. Wants to do this properly, now that the brown tabby is upset, is ready to flee. Ribbitleap deserves an explanation, of course, so he stays stood in front of her stance stiff and rigid as she asks him where to start.

And he doesn't know. He doesn't know what question to ask first, out of all of them that he has. A storm of whirling thoughts, he can't seem to settle on one. Finally, he squeaks out a question. "Why?" Why Chilledstar? Why now? Why change their family? Why do this to him? Why, why, why.