private you're my baby | shardkit


moonlight on the river
Jun 1, 2023
In the two days after Coalkits disappearance, Tansy has not left her nest. She should have, she thinks, i'm neglecting my babies. Try as she might, she cannot raise herself from the nest, even as Tigerkit and Shardkit leave to play each morning, even as they return to sleep. She watches their flanks rise and fall each night, reminds herself that they're safe. They won't be the next ones to wonder off, she thinks each night. And yet she stays up to watch them, not getting a single blink of sleep as she studies them. Brown and orange, orange and dark ginger, they sleep happily at her stomach.

Today is a new day. She stares in to space, exhaustion threatening to knock her out. Hunger growls at her stomach.

She wants to get something to eat now, even if she throws it up later. It takes effort, it takes every muscle in her body but sure enough she claws her way out of her nest, leaving shredded moss behind. Finally does she rise on shaky legs, far-away eyes finally sharpening to take in whats in front of her. She blinks- once, twice. Little Shardkit sits at her paws, looking up at her with the biggest eyes. She guesses she had not seen him before but he breaks a spell, somehow, as a broken purr rumbles in her throat. She moves her head, jerking motion, to press her cheek against his. "Shardkit." she greets, warmth struggling to stay in her tone. She loves her son, truly, but grief is held heavy in her heart, in her head, in her body. "My love... What have you been up to?" she speaks like nothing happens, she forces herself to not think about it. She forces herself not to even as it drags heavy on her shoulders, threaten to bring her down to the ground.

  • 69486748_y5cR04vw5JVHy1O-removebg-preview.png
    -> tansy ,, tansyshine
    -> cis female ,, she/her ,, 34 months
    -> permaqueen of thunderclan ,, former marsh grouper
    -> fluffy cinnamon solid with low white and ice blue eyes
    -> “speech, a789cf” ,, thoughts
    -> bisexual ,, padding after lily pad ,, mother to many
    -> smells like wildflowers
    -> image by @wrendoings [ disc ]
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"Mama!" Shardkit startled as she - after what felt like moons - spoke to him. She was finally back, he thought, and he was so excited. Ever since Coalkit disappeared, his mama had not been the same. It was understandable of course, to anyone other than Shardkit though. Shardkit just wanted to be held all the closer. Now he was beginning to think he would be!

"--and then, Brackenleap showed me around camp. I even got to eat some freshkill at the pile!" Shardkit enthusiastically told his mother about his day, his amber eyes shining with delight from all the attention she was lavishing on him at last.

"I wish you were able to show me camp though, mama, cause I bet you do the tour even better! do you? Don't answer, I'll be jealous." Shardkit mewed, laughing merrily as he nuzzled his mother's shoulder. "When I'm apprenticed, I want you to take me on the tour around the borders! Can you mama?" He looked up at her with big amber eyes, full of hope, full of love. "You can show me the WORLD!"