Nov 14, 2023

Of course he had noticed how Swallowpaw always hanged around Lividpaw this days, how close the two seemed to be already. Basilpaw had from a distance watched with owl-looking eyes, but whenever he even had made an attempt to get close to Lividpaw to try to make up with them Swallowpaw was always there preventing him to do so, getting in the way like she had a right to do so. It had quickly developed into something bitter. Who did Swallowpaw think she was?, did he seriously think he could take his place as Lividpaw's new brother. No, no. That was not how it worked.

Until this very moment Basilpaw had not caused any fuss over it, giving Lividpaw both time and space in hope that would fix their broken bond with one another. He had submitted himself and walked away whenever Swallowpaw got in the way while patiently waiting for Lividpaw himself to tell of that annoying tortie. After that fight had broken out between Swallowpaw and that molly, he had been certain that his brother would cut them off!, after all his brother despised attention that would effect them negatively. But much to his own suprise Lividpaw had done no such thing. Swallowpaw was still there, following them around just like he once had done.

Today, he once more had tried to approach his brother but of course Swallowpaw was there blocking the way. " Huh?, oh, it's you again Swallowpaw!. I'm here to see my brother so why don't ya move out of the way, hmh?. " He said with a grin but his words although masked with his typical cheerfulness like always were no doubt chilling. There was a clear message behind that shouldn't be ignored.

// i'm gonna open it once this gets heated up a bit >:)


swallowpaw 09 moons polygender any pronouns shadowclan apprentice

For what was likely meant as a half-hearted, off hand comment, Swallowpaw has taken to her 'task with shocking vigor. Lividpaw is... well, the closest thing Swallowpaw has to a friend. Of course, if one was to ask the apprentice, they'd probably claim they were the best of friends - but in truth that's not exactly how it goes. Its more like puppy dog trotting along after its owner, or a like an especially zealous fan - Swallowpaw is just there, and if sometimes Lividpaw happens to talk to them? All the better.

So, if the price of Swallowpaws only friendship is keeping away annoyances, then they can definitely do that! And sure, Lividpaw might've only asked them to keep away Basilpaw specifically, but she'd also shown that other apprentice what for hadn't she? And it'd been well worth the scolding and the change in mentorship.

Today is no different, Swallowpaw content to drift off on the sidelines until Basilpaw makes his appearance, the two-toned molly on her paws in a heartbeat as she shoves herself bodily into his path. " No-pe , " he says cheerily, the sound of the 'p' sharp and popping. " Lividpaw doesn't wanna talk to you right now - or ever really. You're not brothers no more, " she reminds him helpfully, smile on her face as she speaks - maybe Basilpaw is stupid or something? Not that there's anything wrong with that of course, because Swallowpaw certainly isn't the brightest of the bunch either, but its a bit tiring to always be doing this. Doesn't Basilpaw get it? Oh - or maybe he's just forgetful. Swallowpaw forgets things sometimes too.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

T E L L - M E - N O T H I N G - L A S T S ( - L I K E - I - D O N ' T - K N O W ?- )


Aha....she told him no again... like all the previous times before. How suprising!. Basilpaw was annoyed, of course he was. Whatever sort of game this annoying clanmates of his was trying to play it was not funny. Nobody, absolutely nobody could keep him away from his brother!. It hurt to hear that Lividpaw did not wish to speak to him still but at this point he started to believe Swallowpaw had something to do with it!. If he wasn't in the way all of the time Lividpaw surely would have spoken to him by now!. " You're wrong,!!, it's you who keeps Lividpaw away from me. Just because your own siblings cannot stand you or the whole clan for that matter dosent mean you can go and try to steal my brother!. You don't even know him!. " he was feed up with him, wishing for them to just go away and as far away from his brother as possible.

" He might let you stay by his side right now but doesn't mean he cares about you. As soon he gets tired of you he is just gonna cast you aside!. He is probably already thinking about it after that lil show of yours. Lividpaw after all hates cats who causes scenes!.But you didn't even know that did ya?. " he would inform them proudly to know Lividpaw more then this brother stealer did!.

Lividpaw and his bond was special. Nobody, absolutely nobody could get inbetween that, that included Swallowpaw as well. He took a step closer, his grin showing his sharp white teeths. " You could die tomorrow and Lividpaw wouldn't even lose sleep over it!." he tried to cut them down. Leave, leave,leave. He just wanted them to leave. Swallowpaw couldn't replace him. There was no way. Lividpaw cared about him. Basilpaw was loved. He really was!!!!.


swallowpaw 10 moons polygender any pronouns shadowclan apprentice

Basilpaw seems annoyed - and Swallowpaws grin only widens mismatched eyes watching the toms face with rapt fascination. And yet... the more he speaks, the more something churns in their stomach, leaving them restless and irritated. " Nuh-uh! That's not- thats not true! "

He's nto even wrong - she's already seen it, the flash of irritation when Swallowpaw had made a scene. But it'd been fine, hadn't it? She'd just been dealing with another annoyance - sure, maybe her methods were... were clumsy, or something like that, but it wasn't like he hated her now. Lividpaw was like, Swallowpaws best-est friend - and she was still keeping her promise!

" He won't get rid of me, " she says again, paw thudding against the ground as she stomps. 'He won't' she thinks - as though repeating it might make it more convincing.

It doesn't.

Attention flits back to the older apprentice, and tis time it's confusion tat colors her two-toned face, head dipping to the side. " ... so? " IS that supposed to matter? It's a good thing that Lividpaw wouldn't lose sleep, isn't it? It's not like Swallowpaw would be particularily upset either, would she? She struggles for a moment to picture it - to see herself weeping beside a cooling body, like her clanmates had for Chilledstar, and yet even now the emotions aren't there. SHe'd be a bit disappointed honestly, a bit lonely... she doesn't want to be friendless again. But would she cry?

" Whatever - I bet he'd still care more then if you died, " she snaps at last, tail flicking. By now, her friend has probably had time to make his escape - and she doesn't want to be part of this conversation any longer. She brushes by Basilpaw, shoving her shoulder against him in the hopes of making him stumble - quickly darting into the apprentices den.

She has better things to do then waste her time with annoyances.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

T E L L - M E - N O T H I N G - L A S T S ( - L I K E - I - D O N ' T - K N O W ?- )

// & out