you're perfect - tansy


oh look, a squirrel!
Jul 15, 2023

tigerpaw was sad about her real mom. but for now and forever she would have tansy shine. she worried about the brown and white cat just the same. she loved her just as much. but she was there when she got apprenticed, and she was there right now, able to always be there to give tigerpaw comfort. she was so very sweet, and the tortoiseshell Loved her for it.

"mom!" she would practically scream as she seen her. it was muffled, a fattened mouse in her jaws from a successful hunt with batwing. "I got this just for you," she said with a purr before setting it down beside tansyshine and nuzzling into the molly.

since she has recovered from being sick, her bones were no longer jutting out, and she indeed looked healthier. but that wasn't to say that her body had become her normal weight, still tight against her ribs and legs. but she was relearning and training just as well if not better than before. "You look very pretty today momma! did you know that? I hope you did," she purred, pushing the mouse in front of her.