you're so golden | howling

Flycatcher had been meaning to speak with Howlingstar for a while. Ever since she had asked him to step up as deputy, Flycatcher had been meaning to speak with her in private and get her thoughts on the matter, as well as seeing how she was holding up. Unfortunately, their duties consistently got in the way, meaning Flycatcher had put it off time and time again., promising himself each time that tomorrow would be the right day to do so and then not following through. Today though was different. For once, the two of them both had some spare time that wasn't filled with a patrol or hunting, so Flycatcher was keen to see if Howlingstar was available to speak now.

"Howlingstar!" He called out, hurrying to catch up with the stout leader as she padded away from the clearing. Flycatcher quickly fell in with her pawsteps. "Are you free at all? I was wondering if we could talk."

The deputy's voice catches her mid-step, and with a flicked ear she turns to peer over her shoulder at him. She'd just been off to visit her grandkids in the nursery, but that of course can wait a moment or two. "I am," She confirms, tone friendly as she turns to face the blue-furred tom. Pricking her ears with interest, she gives a nod and trills, "Of course. Follow me to my den?" Her den. It still felt so strange. To get rid of Emberstar's nest felt like a blasphemous act, but it had to be done. She became Howlingstar; she needed to assume the role in its entirety.

As they step into the cave within the Highrock, Howlingstar is already looking towards Flycatcher with a curious gleam in green eyes. "What did you need to talk about?"

Flycatcher nods simply when Howlingstar suggests going to her den to speak. It still feels odd to think of it as her den. Flycatcher is so used to referring to it as Emberstar's den.

When they step into the cave behind the Highrock, Flycatcher has to pause to admire the den. He's never been here before - not that he ever had reason to before now - so he's taking the moment to drink it all in. "It's bigger than I expected in here," He commented. "But it feels cosy too." Slowly, he turns around to face Howlingstar, meeting her expectant gaze. He shuffles on the spot for a moment before pressing on. "I wanted to speak to you about being named deputy," Flycatcher finally blurts out. "I am grateful for the opportunity of course I just wanted to know why. What made you choose me? I'm not your best fighter, I'm not particularly ambitious, I've had moments where I've spoken or acted out of turn."
She couldn't say she didn't see something like this coming. Of course he'd want to know why, out of all of his clanmates, he had been chosen to be her sole successor and her right-hand. It's a major responsibility and commitment to her and to the clan, of course he'd want to know more. She meets his gaze evenly, an ear flicking with thought. "I don't need an ambitious deputy, nor do I need my best fighter, or my best hunter, or my best strategist; I don't even need someone who is always agreeing with me. What I need is a cat who is steadfast and kind, a cat with undying loyalty to his clan and all who live here." Her head slightly tilts as she smiles at him, hoping he can see the truth behind her words. "I had to think about who I wanted to leave ThunderClan in the paws of when I'm not longer here. You care for everyone in ThunderClan as if they were all your kin, Flycatcher. That's who I need as my deputy."

He listens quietly to what Howlingstar has to say, finding himself oddly emotional upon hearing her words. "Your words are too kind, Howlingstar," Flycatcher mews softly, ducking his head away in a bashful manner. "But I appreciate them regardless."

At her words about considering everyone in ThunderClan kin, he nods his head. He had spoken to Howlingstar once of his fallen family and his thoughts of where they had gone after the Great Battle. "How could I not think of ThunderClan as my kin? I lost so much after the Great Battle. My parents, my sisters, and friends I had known for moons. I didn't know where to go or what to do with myself after that loss but then along came Emberstar and ThunderClan. This clan gave me purpose and hope, but most importantly it gave my family and friends again, among whom I am proud to call you one of them." There was a brief pause before he looked at Howlingstar again, curious about her opinion on a similar matter. "How did you feel when Emberstar named you deputy? Was it a challenge for you at first? Did you ever have doubts?"